The Matrix (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
I will say that the "Matrix Revolutions" was better than "Reloaded", and it was sufficient to merit positive reactions. At the same time, it was greatly disappointing, seeing as it is the conclusion to a trilogy. Too many questions have been asked that were never answered. The purpose of "Reloaded" seemed to me to broaden the subject and ask questions that were not previously anticipated, perhaps to open our eyes and seek answers we did not think we wanted. As such, I anticipated "Revolutions" to provide those answers, perhaps not in full, but sufficiently to satisfy our wonderings.

In fact what was done, was quite in line with what we saw in the first two episodes. The Matrix world was furthermore opened to us, we were afforded a peek at the machines world and their devices. Zion was also presented further, its defensive measures and strategies. But here the praise ends. We did not learn of Neo's fate, he was as I recall (and do please correct me if I'm wrong) battling with the machines somewhere in the real world, he had accomplished the task of stopping them on his own with his super powers. At the same time, he was exhausted and doing quite badly. Here I feel the link from "Reloaded" was cut abruptly.

Suddenly, we learn he finds himself in no man's land, trapped between the Matrix and the real world. Nevermind how, please do tell how this place exists and why it is the "trainman" who dominates. Who exactly is the French guy? Is he a program? How can a program exist outside the Matrix? How can a program exert any kind of power outside the Matrix?

But it does not end there, the list goes on forever. Ok, the Matrix is restored, everything's back to normal. The architect, whatever that is (??) promised whoever wants out can get out. So status quo, then? The machines restore and run the Matrix, which apparently was unsatisfying to the humans, which is why they got out in the first place, so what has come of this? The war is over but for how long? What happens to Zion? Did all the people in the course of the battle die for nothing? Will Zion be wiped out eventually anyway? Will there be a new One? And what indeed happens to Trinity and Neo? What happened to Smith, how was his power broken?

There are those who find satisfaction in the mystery itself, who need no explanation but to me the Matrix as a whole has been a splendid plethora of threads and one would like and indeed expect it all to come together at some point. Granted it has been a lot to keep track of, but once it has not concluded in a meaningful conclusion, it seems all the more questionable to have undertaken this journey.


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Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by -CSD- ] ++
did you understand the Reloaded movie fully?
Yeah, except for the last part where he stopped all the machines outside of the Matrix! :eek:.... (well, you could say that this is part of the Rev. movie since they dont even explain it in the reloaded movie)


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
I will say that the "Matrix Revolutions" was better than "Reloaded", and it was sufficient to merit positive reactions. At the same time, it was greatly disappointing, seeing as it is the conclusion to a trilogy. Too many questions have been asked that were never answered. The purpose of "Reloaded" seemed to me to broaden the subject and ask questions that were not previously anticipated, perhaps to open our eyes and seek answers we did not think we wanted. As such, I anticipated "Revolutions" to provide those answers, perhaps not in full, but sufficiently to satisfy our wonderings.

In fact what was done, was quite in line with what we saw in the first two episodes. The Matrix world was furthermore opened to us, we were afforded a peek at the machines world and their devices. Zion was also presented further, its defensive measures and strategies. But here the praise ends. We did not learn of Neo's fate, he was as I recall (and do please correct me if I'm wrong) battling with the machines somewhere in the real world, he had accomplished the task of stopping them on his own with his super powers. At the same time, he was exhausted and doing quite badly. Here I feel the link from "Reloaded" was cut abruptly.

Suddenly, we learn he finds himself in no man's land, trapped between the Matrix and the real world. Nevermind how, please do tell how this place exists and why it is the "trainman" who dominates. Who exactly is the French guy? Is he a program? How can a program exist outside the Matrix? How can a program exert any kind of power outside the Matrix?

But it does not end there, the list goes on forever. Ok, the Matrix is restored, everything's back to normal. The architect, whatever that is (??) promised whoever wants out can get out. So status quo, then? The machines restore and run the Matrix, which apparently was unsatisfying to the humans, which is why they got out in the first place, so what has come of this? The war is over but for how long? What happens to Zion? Did all the people in the course of the battle die for nothing? Will Zion be wiped out eventually anyway? Will there be a new One? And what indeed happens to Trinity and Neo? What happened to Smith, how was his power broken?

There are those who find satisfaction in the mystery itself, who need no explanation but to me the Matrix as a whole has been a splendid plethora of threads and one would like and indeed expect it all to come together at some point. Granted it has been a lot to keep track of, but once it has not concluded in a meaningful conclusion, it seems all the more questionable to have undertaken this journey.


Very good Post Here dude. Like u,, im onw of those who wanted all this answers... ecause ll of them were left in space.

Above all my main question, is the architect one... He said that he was going to liberate all the humans who were connected to the matrix.... but that means THE END OF THE MACHINES because they cant live without humans energy. Starting from that, ididnt understood a lot of thimgs.

I think that the only one i can answer in the Smith question.
What i think.
Smith was transforming everybody in himslef, as he was a virus. He turned Seraph, and the little arabian girl too. But things changed when he killed and transformed "The Oracle" into himself. The Oracle was a very important, and powerfull program inside the mtarix,,, almost aspowefull as neo could be. When smith did that, he evolved ino a very powerfull being.
Neo, meanwhile he was fighting against Smith, he realized that he wouldnt be able to beat him, because Smith was too powefull for him, he was so powerfull that he could even dominate the matrix entirely. I dont know who said something like, Neo and Smith were coonected for some reason. Well... i think that Neo let Smith kill him in the last scene.... when you see that Smith morphed neo into another smith (which mean the end of everything because now smith was like a god). But Smith killed neo, and at the same time he killed himself because he was in some way related to neo...and Neo knew this.

This is my theory.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
I will say that the "Matrix Revolutions" was better than "Reloaded", and it was sufficient to merit positive reactions. At the same time, it was greatly disappointing, seeing as it is the conclusion to a trilogy. Too many questions have been asked that were never answered. The purpose of "Reloaded" seemed to me to broaden the subject and ask questions that were not previously anticipated, perhaps to open our eyes and seek answers we did not think we wanted. As such, I anticipated "Revolutions" to provide those answers, perhaps not in full, but sufficiently to satisfy our wonderings.
Have you even watched Matix Revolutions?!!?
if you did, you must have been half asleep! (no offense).

Most of those questions were answered.
In fact what was done, was quite in line with what we saw in the first two episodes. The Matrix world was furthermore opened to us, we were afforded a peek at the machines world and their devices. Zion was also presented further, its defensive measures and strategies.
very true...
But here the praise ends. We did not learn of Neo's fate, he was as I recall (and do please correct me if I'm wrong) battling with the machines somewhere in the real world, he had accomplished the task of stopping them on his own with his super powers. At the same time, he was exhausted and doing quite badly. Here I feel the link from "Reloaded" was cut abruptly.

Suddenly, we learn he finds himself in no man's land, trapped between the Matrix and the real world. Nevermind how, please do tell how this place exists and why it is the "trainman" who dominates
Ok?! the whole storyline may have lost its rythm once Neo fell to the ground after doing the impossible... this is the part that i'll have to see again because i dont understand the connection between the real world and the matrix and the station in between.
The most annoying part of the movie is the possibility that Neo does have Super Powers in the real world and this goes against every logical thing the movie stands for :groan:

The other Bad part is the fact that at the end of the Reloaded movie, the Arch tells Neo that the whole prophacy was a hoax so Neo would return to the source. (therefore, impplying that the oricle is a hoax too) but in the Rev movie, the Oricle is still good?!!! (maybe its because she wants peace?)

Who exactly is the French guy? Is he a program? How can a program exist outside the Matrix? How can a program exert any kind of power outside the Matrix?
The french guy is from the reloaded movie and he IS an exile program. He doesn't follow the Matrix rules. he doesn't exist outside the Matrix but he does control the homeless/dirty train dude.
The explanation of the trainstation is still cloudy for me...

But it does not end there, the list goes on forever. Ok, the Matrix is restored, everything's back to normal. The architect, whatever that is (??) promised whoever wants out can get out. So status quo, then? The machines restore and run the Matrix, which apparently was unsatisfying to the humans, which is why they got out in the first place, so what has come of this? The war is over but for how long? What happens to Zion?
The arch is the representation of the King of Machines in the Matrix program.
The Humans can get out, but i'm assuming not all of them. Reason: Morpheous and his crue only rescure the people in the Matrix who can mentaly handle being told the truth. So all other people would stay in the Matrix. In other words, there won't be any more Agents roaming around the matrix trying to prevent morphious and his gang from rescuing people.

The war is over. The Machines won't attack anymore. They will try to live in peace. Zion will be rebuilt. The Humans may even be able to go to the surface and help rebuild earth together with the machines (but all this is impplied :groan: thy should have mentioned it at the end of the movie)

Did all the people in the course of the battle die for nothing? Will Zion be wiped out eventually anyway? Will there be a new One?
no, they died to slow down the progress of the machines who are trying to attack them. When the war ended, the can all live in peace and rebuilt Zion.
Martin, we do you think that Zion would be wiped out??! the war has ended.

And what indeed happens to Trinity and Neo? What happened to Smith, how was his power broken?
Trinity Died...

We DO know what happened to Neo and trinity.. Neo knew that Zion would be doomed, but he also knew that renegade Smith was taking over the Matrix and reproducing himself. Smith was also able to go outside in the real world using bodies of the people he has overriden. Therefore, agent smith was a threat to the machines. Neo also knew that Smith wants revenge, so it wasn't difficult for Neo to find Smith or vice versa.
So, the only thing Neo could do was make a deal with the machines so they could capture Agent Smith. Neo fought with Smith till Smith copied Neo's code and now Smith is in control of Neos Body (which is connected to the architect). when Neo's code in the Matrix is gone, he is therefore dead. anyhow, now the architect/machine leader would be able to capture Ex-Agent Smith because now Smith is plugged into the father Machine. The Machine now knows Smith's exact code and he got deleted from the matrix and the problem is resolved. So, the machines kept their promise and now Zion won't be attacked.

There are those who find satisfaction in the mystery itself, who need no explanation but to me the Matrix as a whole has been a splendid plethora of threads and one would like and indeed expect it all to come together at some point. Granted it has been a lot to keep track of, but once it has not concluded in a meaningful conclusion, it seems all the more questionable to have undertaken this journey.

i dont think there are many questions left. For me, i only need to understand these things:
1. how the trainstation works.... (how can someone be between the Matrix and the real world?! is it wireless? )
2. If the Oricle is made by the machines and it's all a hoax, why did she help them in this movie.
3. this might relate to #1 (at least i hope it does): HOW Did neo stop the machines at the end of matrix Reloaded?!?!?! PLEASE DONT TELL ME ITS SUPER POWERS!!! :down:

There were some dumb parts: (Example, when that General who was wearing that bug transformer robot was shooting the hell out of the machines to defend Zion, when the machines finally got to him, why didn't they destory his machine (which the kid used later to open the gate) instead, they just scratched him up leaving the robot still operational. :groan:

Other than that, i think the movie was pretty good.
*Peace seemed like the only logical solution and Smith was the key to unite the machines and the humans.
*The action senes were AWESOME! (war in Zion and all the fights) :cool:
*The fight at the end with Smith in the rain was specially incredible :thumb:
*like all great movies (Braveheart...etc.), the hero dies in the end :thumb: :touched:
*They showed that the humans didn't stand a chance against the Machines which is very reasonable.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++

Very good Post Here dude. Like u,, im onw of those who wanted all this answers... ecause ll of them were left in space.

Above all my main question, is the architect one... He said that he was going to liberate all the humans who were connected to the matrix.... but that means THE END OF THE MACHINES because they cant live without humans energy. Starting from that, ididnt understood a lot of thimgs.

I think that the only one i can answer in the Smith question.
What i think.
Smith was transforming everybody in himslef, as he was a virus. He turned Seraph, and the little arabian girl too. But things changed when he killed and transformed "The Oracle" into himself. The Oracle was a very important, and powerfull program inside the mtarix,,, almost aspowefull as neo could be. When smith did that, he evolved ino a very powerfull being.
Neo, meanwhile he was fighting against Smith, he realized that he wouldnt be able to beat him, because Smith was too powefull for him, he was so powerfull that he could even dominate the matrix entirely. I dont know who said something like, Neo and Smith were coonected for some reason. Well... i think that Neo let Smith kill him in the last scene.... when you see that Smith morphed neo into another smith (which mean the end of everything because now smith was like a god). But Smith killed neo, and at the same time he killed himself because he was in some way related to neo...and Neo knew this.

This is my theory.
interesting Smith could only die if Neo died... :thumb:
sounds good...

check out my theory above.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

Have you even watched Matix Revolutions?!!?
if you did, you must have been half asleep! (no offense).

Most of those questions were answered.

very true...

Ok?! the whole storyline may have lost its rythm once Neo fell to the ground after doing the impossible... this is the part that i'll have to see again because i dont understand the connection between the real world and the matrix and the station in between.
The most annoying part of the movie is the possibility that Neo does have Super Powers in the real world and this goes against every logical thing the movie stands for :groan:

The other Bad part is the fact that at the end of the Reloaded movie, the Arch tells Neo that the whole prophacy was a hoax so Neo would return to the source. (therefore, impplying that the oricle is a hoax too) but in the Rev movie, the Oricle is still good?!!! (maybe its because she wants peace?)

The french guy is from the reloaded movie and he IS an exile program. He doesn't follow the Matrix rules. he doesn't exist outside the Matrix but he does control the homeless/dirty train dude.
The explanation of the trainstation is still cloudy for me...

The arch is the representation of the King of Machines in the Matrix program.
The Humans can get out, but i'm assuming not all of them. Reason: Morpheous and his crue only rescure the people in the Matrix who can mentaly handle being told the truth. So all other people would stay in the Matrix. In other words, there won't be any more Agents roaming around the matrix trying to prevent morphious and his gang from rescuing people.

The war is over. The Machines won't attack anymore. They will try to live in peace. Zion will be rebuilt. The Humans may even be able to go to the surface and help rebuild earth together with the machines (but all this is impplied :groan: thy should have mentioned it at the end of the movie)

no, they died to slow down the progress of the machines who are trying to attack them. When the war ended, the can all live in peace and rebuilt Zion.
Martin, we do you think that Zion would be wiped out??! the war has ended.

Trinity Died...

We DO know what happened to Neo and trinity.. Neo knew that Zion would be doomed, but he also knew that renegade Smith was taking over the Matrix and reproducing himself. Smith was also able to go outside in the real world using bodies of the people he has overriden. Therefore, agent smith was a threat to the machines. Neo also knew that Smith wants revenge, so it wasn't difficult for Neo to find Smith or vice versa.
So, the only thing Neo could do was make a deal with the machines so they could capture Agent Smith. Neo fought with Smith till Smith copied Neo's code and now Smith is in control of Neos Body (which is connected to the architect). when Neo's code in the Matrix is gone, he is therefore dead. anyhow, now the architect/machine leader would be able to capture Ex-Agent Smith because now Smith is plugged into the father Machine. The Machine now knows Smith's exact code and he got deleted from the matrix and the problem is resolved. So, the machines kept their promise and now Zion won't be attacked.

i dont think there are many questions left. For me, i only need to understand these things:
1. how the trainstation works.... (how can someone be between the Matrix and the real world?! is it wireless? )
2. If the Oricle is made by the machines and it's all a hoax, why did she help them in this movie.
3. this might relate to #1 (at least i hope it does): HOW Did neo stop the machines at the end of matrix Reloaded?!?!?! PLEASE DONT TELL ME ITS SUPER POWERS!!! :down:

There were some dumb parts: (Example, when that General who was wearing that bug transformer robot was shooting the hell out of the machines to defend Zion, when the machines finally got to him, why didn't they destory his machine (which the kid used later to open the gate) instead, they just scratched him up leaving the robot still operational. :groan:

Other than that, i think the movie was pretty good.
*Peace seemed like the only logical solution and Smith was the key to unite the machines and the humans.
*The action senes were AWESOME! (war in Zion and all the fights) :cool:
*The fight at the end with Smith in the rain was specially incredible :thumb:
*like all great movies (Braveheart...etc.), the hero dies in the end :thumb: :touched:
*They showed that the humans didn't stand a chance against the Machines which is very reasonable.


Mmm so they would not disconnect ALL the people in the matrix,, at least not right away. Mmm

Hey and why Neo was connected to the architect¿? Becauzse he is a program in the matrix roo? (neo)


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++

Hey and why Neo was connected to the architect¿? Becauzse he is a program in the matrix roo? (neo)
He needed to connect to the arch to go fully inside the matrix.

Humans Connect to the Matrix 3 ways:
1. In the power plant where millions of humans are connected
2. By hacking into the matrix (Each Human ship like the nebacanezer has seats where the people can plug into the matrix)
3. by connecting directly to the main machine as neo did.

Smith has populated in the Matrix program, so neo had to connect somehow to fight him in there. now, Neo's mind is in the Matrix, but his body is in the real world connected to the machine.
When Neo's code got copied, he died. but i guess at the same time, the arch now has a way to know where smith is and what his code is. So the Arch just deleted all the code that maches the One that Neo's dead body is connected to.


I liked how Smith saw the future before he died. This is because the Smith that fought Neo was the Sith that overwrote the Oricle who has special abilities (again, i dont know how the oricle knows this...she was made by the Arch to predict human's nature and to bring "the one" back the the arch)


i honestly expeted that There would be a double Matrix.
a matrix inside a matrix that would explain how neo has pwoers outside the first the movie seems more like an X-men or superman movie :groan:


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Ok, this is waaaay to much to undertake all in one go, it we want to deal with it we have to segment.

First of all, Hydde, excellent work, thank you! Neo exists because the "equation" of the Matrix is unbalanced (perhaps thanks to the Oracle?), Smith exists as the counter pole, his being balances the equation. Once Neo dies, Smith dies as well, perfectly logical. Bravo, Hydde!

1. Who is the French guy? Is he a program? How can a program exist outside the Matrix, doesn't make sense to me. If the Matrix is a computer system, then it's conceivable that there are trojans involved, otherwise how do programs come to front?

2. What is the Oracle? If she's a program, how was she conceived, who's "maintaining" her (code replaced etc) and why/how?

3. What is the architect?

4. Why did people want to leave the Matrix? Because they sensed there was something wrong, that there was more to the world than meets the eye, correct? Whether agents exist or don't, a few people will want to get out. The architect is now fine with this. Meanwhile the machines want to control the humans for power, why should they not try to prevent them from leaving? Smith was just one agent, there were others and there is no reason there shouldn't be others to prevent humans from leaving. Otherwise you're undermining the existence of the machines. Why shouldn't there be any more agents?

5. Why is the war over all of a sudden, do the machines not want to conquer the world anymore? Do they not see humans as a threat (those liberated)? Ok, they made a deal with Neo to get rid of Smith but why shouldn't they conquer Zion? They have means and motive IMO.

6. Is the human race happy living in Zion? Are they satisfied with most humans being enslaved in the Matrix and the machines running the world? Why shouldn't they plot to recapture the world?

7. Neo saved Trinity once, why can't he do it again? Use his super powers and heal her? Granted it doesn't make sense being trapped in a hostile world, cause she'd be killed again in an instant, but why the hell not?

8. Is Smith effectively a virus? In the Matrix? How can a virus act outside the Matrix? Or is he something else? In that case, what is he?

9. Will the Oracle (or whatever) try to unbalance the equation again? To bring out more Ones, and more Smith's? Why shouldn't she? It's happened before, why shouldn't it happen again?

10. WTF happened to the "other ships" the commander spoke so warmly about? Where were those in the battle of Zion???


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

He needed to connect to the arch to go fully inside the matrix.

Humans Connect to the Matrix 3 ways:
1. In the power plant where millions of humans are connected
2. By hacking into the matrix (Each Human ship like the nebacanezer has seats where the people can plug into the matrix)
3. by connecting directly to the main machine as neo did.

Smith has populated in the Matrix program, so neo had to connect somehow to fight him in there. now, Neo's mind is in the Matrix, but his body is in the real world connected to the machine.
When Neo's code got copied, he died. but i guess at the same time, the arch now has a way to know where smith is and what his code is. So the Arch just deleted all the code that maches the One that Neo's dead body is connected to.


I liked how Smith saw the future before he died. This is because the Smith that fought Neo was the Sith that overwrote the Oricle who has special abilities (again, i dont know how the oricle knows this...she was made by the Arch to predict human's nature and to bring "the one" back the the arch)


i honestly expeted that There would be a double Matrix.
a matrix inside a matrix that would explain how neo has pwoers outside the first the movie seems more like an X-men or superman movie :groan:


Yeah i forgot that he was not connected normally,, but connected with the main machine.

And about the superman think... he yeah it was kind of weird. I would prefered instead of that scene of neo and trinity flying across the machines.... a group of human ships trying to get neo into the machines city... of course a lt of people dying but well...


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
Ok, this is waaaay to much to undertake all in one go, it we want to deal with it we have to segment.

First of all, Hydde, excellent work, thank you! Neo exists because the "equation" of the Matrix is unbalanced (perhaps thanks to the Oracle?), Smith exists as the counter pole, his being balances the equation. Once Neo dies, Smith dies as well, perfectly logical. Bravo, Hydde!

1. Who is the French guy? Is he a program? How can a program exist outside the Matrix, doesn't make sense to me. If the Matrix is a computer system, then it's conceivable that there are trojans involved, otherwise how do programs come to front?
you really need to watch all 3 movies again Martin because some of your questions are answred in teh movie.

1. I explained what he is in my post above. he is a program. why are you asking if he exists outside the matrix??! He doesn't!
he's never been outside the Matrix!!

2. What is the Oracle? If she's a program, how was she conceived, who's "maintaining" her (code replaced etc) and why/how?
The Oracle is a program created by the Archit to predict human choices and know what people are going to do. (She is refered to as "the mother" of the matrix in the Reloaded movie. When Neo visits the Arch in the white room, everything is explained there)

Her purpose in the First and second movie was to be part of Prophecy. She was supposed to link all the out-of-matix humans together by telling them strange things. She helped find the "one" so the "one" can be brouht back the the source.
The reason: So the remainder facter of the perfect equation can be settled at the source by neo chosing which door to enter. (the Matrix program can't be perfect so the arch had to come up with a way to narrow down human choice to 1 choice which would be Neo choice of the left door or the right).
This should be the end of the Oracle. instead, she just kept on helping the humans in REVOOLUTION.
what i think: It's because Neo chose the left door (unlinke the other 5 simulations which chose the right door). Therefore, her job now extends to finding peace.
Apparently, she thinks on her own despite the fact that she was made by the arch! :confused:

The scene where Neo goes to the source is very important. you should watch it until you understand it completely.

3. What is the architect?
i also answered this above.
He is the Representation of the Kind Machine in the Matrixx program. The guy with the white beard that talk a lot of crap is the arch. in the Matrix.
His true real-world form is the big machine that met Neo at the end of the Trilogy.

4. Why did people want to leave the Matrix? Because they sensed there was something wrong, that there was more to the world than meets the eye, correct? Whether agents exist or don't, a few people will want to get out. The architect is now fine with this. Meanwhile the machines want to control the humans for power, why should they not try to prevent them from leaving? Smith was just one agent, there were others and there is no reason there shouldn't be others to prevent humans from leaving. Otherwise you're undermining the existence of the machines. Why shouldn't there be any more agents?
yeah, the arch is fine with it because he made a promise to Neo. the point is: Not many human would leave the Matrix because they couldn't handle it mentaly. the ones that are able to handle it can leave.
i guess the arch is a trustworthy person. (after all, he's a machine).
Also, there's no more threat from the Humans, so the machines dont have to seek revenge.
Agents are the Matrix's police that prevent humans from leaving. they wont exist mecause the arch now allowes them to leave. (pretty decent arch. )

Maybe the machines can unite with the humans to bring back the sun so there would be a source of energy for the machines.

BTW, Smith is not an agent anymore. He hasn't been since the first movie.
He's just a renegade program that realised that he had more power than he ever knew.

5. Why is the war over all of a sudden, do the machines not want to conquer the world anymore? Do they not see humans as a threat (those liberated)? Ok, they made a deal with Neo to get rid of Smith but why shouldn't they conquer Zion? They have means and motive IMO.
They dont have motive anymore....they made a promise. The machines actaully dont want to conquer the world. all they wanted all this time was revenge. (you should see Ani-matrix to see how the war started)
The reason why they wanted to attack Zion is not because the humans in the real world might take over the machines. the humans already lost. Zion was the place where more and more humans were gathering. these humans posed a threat to the machines indirectly because they wanted to free other humans (the source if energy) from the matrix program.

6. Is the human race happy living in Zion? Are they satisfied with most humans being enslaved in the Matrix and the machines running the world? Why shouldn't they plot to recapture the world?
they dont need to plot because there's already peace. Humans can go up and build cities if they wanted. they dont have to settle of zion.

7. Neo saved Trinity once, why can't he do it again? Use his super powers and heal her? Granted it doesn't make sense being trapped in a hostile world, cause she'd be killed again in an instant, but why the hell not?
he can't heal her outside the matrix. when he healed her the first time, it was only her mind that died. he pumped her fake-in-matrix body not the real one.
this time, she died for real outside the matrix. Neo's powers are limited outsite the matrix.
*understanding how Neo has these little powers outside is key to understanding a lot of things. my guess is that he only has control of Machines that are connected to the matrix. When Trin died, she wasn't connected in some way.

8. Is Smith effectively a virus? In the Matrix? How can a virus act outside the Matrix? Or is he something else? In that case, what is he?
he is like a virus and he is in the matrix. though he could also be out of the matrix and harm the machines directly:
this is how:
1. a human in the real world hacks into the matrix (he plugs his head)
2. his mind is now in the program and his mody is simulated in the matrix.
3. Smith sticks his hand in the simulated body and copies his code instead of the code of the humans brain.
4. now there is another smith who is instead of the human's mind.
5. a ship operator for the humans calls his plugged in friend from a real world computer to a matrix phone (a hack).
6. Smith is beamed into the real world through the phone line.
7. A smith mind now occupies the body of the human the plugged into the matrix.
8. therefore, smith now is in the real world using the body of a former matrix hacker.

9. Will the Oracle (or whatever) try to unbalance the equation again? To bring out more Ones, and more Smith's? Why shouldn't she? It's happened before, why shouldn't it happen again?
good question.... but i dont think it can happen because i think the Matrix doesnt work properly anymore. there wont be a sixth iteration of the matrix where the 'one' is found since neo didn't chose the right door.
you could say that the oracle is jobless now because the (right door)loop is over.

10. WTF happened to the "other ships" the commander spoke so warmly about? Where were those in the battle of Zion???
what happened to the ships was mentioned at the end of the reloaded movie and at the begining of the rev. movie.
The Ships were found and they were all killed by the machines.
Smith in the body of the human sabatoged them by firing an EMP too early.
The machines then found all the ships and they all died. The ships were suppsed to surprize attack the machines before they get to Zion. but the EMP firing blew their cover.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

you really need to watch all 3 movies again Martin because some of your questions are answred in teh movie.

1. I explained what he is in my post above. he is a program. why are you asking if he exists outside the matrix??! He doesn't!
he's never been outside the Matrix!!

The Oracle is a program created by the Archit to predict human choices and know what people are going to do. (She is refered to as "the mother" of the matrix in the Reloaded movie. When Neo visits the Arch in the white room, everything is explained there)

Her purpose in the First and second movie was to be part of Prophecy. She was supposed to link all the out-of-matix humans together by telling them strange things. She helped find the "one" so the "one" can be brouht back the the source.
The reason: So the remainder facter of the perfect equation can be settled at the source by neo chosing which door to enter. (the Matrix program can't be perfect so the arch had to come up with a way to narrow down human choice to 1 choice which would be Neo choice of the left door or the right).
This should be the end of the Oracle. instead, she just kept on helping the humans in REVOOLUTION.
what i think: It's because Neo chose the left door (unlinke the other 5 simulations which chose the right door). Therefore, her job now extends to finding peace.
Apparently, she thinks on her own despite the fact that she was made by the arch! :confused:

The scene where Neo goes to the source is very important. you should watch it until you understand it completely.

i also answered this above.
He is the Representation of the Kind Machine in the Matrixx program. The guy with the white beard that talk a lot of crap is the arch. in the Matrix.
His true real-world form is the big machine that met Neo at the end of the Trilogy.

yeah, the arch is fine with it because he made a promise to Neo. the point is: Not many human would leave the Matrix because they couldn't handle it mentaly. the ones that are able to handle it can leave.
i guess the arch is a trustworthy person. (after all, he's a machine).
Also, there's no more threat from the Humans, so the machines dont have to seek revenge.
Agents are the Matrix's police that prevent humans from leaving. they wont exist mecause the arch now allowes them to leave. (pretty decent arch. )

Maybe the machines can unite with the humans to bring back the sun so there would be a source of energy for the machines.

BTW, Smith is not an agent anymore. He hasn't been since the first movie.
He's just a renegade program that realised that he had more power than he ever knew.

They dont have motive anymore....they made a promise. The machines actaully dont want to conquer the world. all they wanted all this time was revenge. (you should see Ani-matrix to see how the war started)
The reason why they wanted to attack Zion is not because the humans in the real world might take over the machines. the humans already lost. Zion was the place where more and more humans were gathering. these humans posed a threat to the machines indirectly because they wanted to free other humans (the source if energy) from the matrix program.

they dont need to plot because there's already peace. Humans can go up and build cities if they wanted. they dont have to settle of zion.

he can't heal her outside the matrix. when he healed her the first time, it was only her mind that died. he pumped her fake-in-matrix body not the real one.
this time, she died for real outside the matrix. Neo's powers are limited outsite the matrix.
*understanding how Neo has these little powers outside is key to understanding a lot of things. my guess is that he only has control of Machines that are connected to the matrix. When Trin died, she wasn't connected in some way.

he is like a virus and he is in the matrix. though he could also be out of the matrix and harm the machines directly:
this is how:
1. a human in the real world hacks into the matrix (he plugs his head)
2. his mind is now in the program and his mody is simulated in the matrix.
3. Smith sticks his hand in the simulated body and copies his code instead of the code of the humans brain.
4. now there is another smith who is instead of the human's mind.
5. a ship operator for the humans calls his plugged in friend from a real world computer to a matrix phone (a hack).
6. Smith is beamed into the real world through the phone line.
7. A smith mind now occupies the body of the human the plugged into the matrix.
8. therefore, smith now is in the real world using the body of a former matrix hacker.

good question.... but i dont think it can happen because i think the Matrix doesnt work properly anymore. there wont be a sixth iteration of the matrix where the 'one' is found since neo didn't chose the right door.
you could say that the oracle is jobless now because the (right door)loop is over.

what happened to the ships was mentioned at the end of the reloaded movie and at the begining of the rev. movie.
The Ships were found and they were all killed by the machines.
Smith in the body of the human sabatoged them by firing an EMP too early.
The machines then found all the ships and they all died. The ships were suppsed to surprize attack the machines before they get to Zion. but the EMP firing blew their cover.

Well,,i finally understood the whole movie.... and i have to admit that the animatrix helped me a lot!!.

Majed.... you answered yourself about the "Neo superpowers".

He was connected to the machines in the real world...and because of that he was able tostop her in some kind of ways. He was not a god... but he had even a part of the matrix in the real world... and because of that, he was able to affect the machines in the real world. That have logic!.

Welñl Alex... there are all the answers!!! Everything is clear for me now!!.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
You know I'm not a Matrix freak and I don't insist on being right, if there ARE answers then good.

3. So the arch is the personification of the machine "leader" then?

Btw, that scene where Neo talks to the machines was REALLY lame, the big face moving, cartoon like.

5. Well it wasn't said that the war was over forever, I got the impression that it was a temporary thing.

Why did the war start then?

You said the people wanting to leave posed a threat to the machines because the machines need humans to survive. How then is that threat eliminated now?

7. Ok, good point.

8. Fair enough.

10. Must have missed that.

Let's see then.. oh yes, the French guy. He doesn't exist outside the Matrix, he's a program, how does he exert his influence outside the Matrix, then? How does he control the "train route" into the Matrix?


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
*cough* *cough* geek flick *cough*

Seriously tho, I liked the first part but the second one was a let down. I like a dose of realism even in sci-fi movies and the whole touching-her-tits-and-feeling-them-up-but-making-it-look-like-I'm-pulling-out-a-bullet thing was just too much. I was like, "oh, what the fvck"...

Anyways, I havent seen the third part, and I may not see it at all, but I have heard it's shite.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Hey man, when will I get to be mod??? :(

Tom's a mod

Erik's a mod

Stuart's a freaking mod!!! :eek:

What the hell is up with that??? :wth:


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++

Well,,i finally understood the whole movie.... and i have to admit that the animatrix helped me a lot!!.

Majed.... you answered yourself about the "Neo superpowers".

He was connected to the machines in the real world...and because of that he was able tostop her in some kind of ways. He was not a god... but he had even a part of the matrix in the real world... and because of that, he was able to affect the machines in the real world. That have logic!.

Welñl Alex... there are all the answers!!! Everything is clear for me now!!.
no you dont understand yet! :p

i wish i did answer myself, but i dont think i did Arturo.
I know Neo is connected to the machines, but my real question is how?!?!! is it wireless?!! it doesn't make sense. even if part of him is still in the program and he can indirectly see the machines from the other way around, HOW is he CONNECTED?!?? :stress:

the how is still driving me crazy.
Also, The oracle's purpose (her duty) and stance(with machines or humans) is unclear.


and Martin,the train part is a portal in the matrix. i can't understand how it works, but because the dirty guy is in it and the indian people are there, i can assume that it is closer to the matrix than the real world. wasn't the indian lady a programmer and he was the program (or vice versa).

That part also drove me mad the whole movie as they never explained it well.
this is linked in some way to the fact than Neo has powers outside of the matrix. but i can't grasp it.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
and Martin,the train part is a portal in the matrix. i can't understand how it works, but because the dirty guy is in it and the indian people are there, i can assume that it is closer to the matrix than the real world. wasn't the indian lady a programmer and he was the program (or vice versa).

That part also drove me mad the whole movie as they never explained it well.
this is linked in some way to the fact than Neo has powers outside of the matrix. but i can't grasp it.
Ok :)

Thanks by the way ;)

++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
Who say I dont contribute? ;)

Anyways, Martin is avoidint to answer, I saw him looking at the thread :irritate:
Waiting for you to figure it out for yourself ;)


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

no you dont understand yet! :p

i wish i did answer myself, but i dont think i did Arturo.
I know Neo is connected to the machines, but my real question is how?!?!! is it wireless?!! it doesn't make sense. even if part of him is still in the program and he can indirectly see the machines from the other way around, HOW is he CONNECTED?!?? :stress:

the how is still driving me crazy.
Also, The oracle's purpose (her duty) and stance(with machines or humans) is unclear.


and Martin,the train part is a portal in the matrix. i can't understand how it works, but because the dirty guy is in it and the indian people are there, i can assume that it is closer to the matrix than the real world. wasn't the indian lady a programmer and he was the program (or vice versa).

That part also drove me mad the whole movie as they never explained it well.
this is linked in some way to the fact than Neo has powers outside of the matrix. but i can't grasp it.
Majed, dont try to find a super realistic answer to the fact that neo could stop the machines in the real world. That happened beause he was "The one" and he was almost a ruler in the matrix. Maybe his own presence in the real world was in some way connected to the machines.. because his mind was very powerfull in the matrix and in the same way in the real life.
I know that is impossible, and is out of context... but that its the idea of the guys who did the movie.

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