The Matrix (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
I guess this deserves a thread all on its own. I loved the first film when I saw it in the cinema. It looked so cool and the effects were really good. Throw in a good story, some decent suspense, and Carrie-Ann Moss and I was quite happy.

Repeated viewings have exposed its flaws, and it doesn't have the same impact on the small screen, but it's still an enjoyable film.

I thought the second film took some unwarranted criticism. To defend the critics, it was badly edited, with some scenes which were superfluous or just too long, but I have to admit that I spent the film gripping my seat. The fight scenes are top class, especially the one between Neo and the hundreds of Agent Smiths, though again this was slightly too long.

The third film has opened to a cold reception from the critics, but I've long since given up on them as more than a vague hint at the quality of a film. Most of them are bored with film or arthouse critics who give five stars to a French documentary about migrating birds, while simultaneously slating Kill Bill.


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
Well, for all you guys who wonder if the critics were right. They were wrong.

It was worse, a lot worse. One of the worst movies I've ever seen in my entire life. It could even be worse than "Druids". I looked at my watch every five minutes hoping it would be over. I usually stop watching a movie if it's boring but I had to watch this one to the end.

The fightingscenes are so boring I can't believe it. I've never been a fan of actionmovies. But this was action of the worst kind. They have spent hundreds of millions on animating all these worms. But all that happens is that they fly around and never kill anything. Of course there is a ninja fight aswell. I promise you that was by far the most boring scene I have ever seen in my entire life. They just kept bouncing around and slapping each other and sadly some idiot pressed the pause button. It was like an half an hour long, I almost feel asleep, which is not the easiest thing to do with 130 decibels in your ears.

And the story, I don't know if there was any.

The only way you could enjoy this movie would be if you were a computernerd and thought the graphics were impressive. But you have to be one hell of a geek to enjoy that for three hours.

Now you're wondering, is there anything good with this movie.
Actually there is, it is when the general holds his "encouraging" speech. The whole cinema laughed to death. :LOL:


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
Zambrotta we usually agree on music...hope we don't on movies as I love the matrix and I hope I won't be disappointed ;)


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++
Well, for all you guys who wonder if the critics were right. They were wrong.

It was worse, a lot worse. One of the worst movies I've ever seen in my entire life. It could even be worse than "Druids". I looked at my watch every five minutes hoping it would be over. I usually stop watching a movie if it's boring but I had to watch this one to the end.

The fightingscenes are so boring I can't believe it. I've never been a fan of actionmovies. But this was action of the worst kind. They have spent hundreds of millions on animating all these worms. But all that happens is that they fly around and never kill anything. Of course there is a ninja fight aswell. I promise you that was by far the most boring scene I have ever seen in my entire life. They just kept bouncing around and slapping each other and sadly some idiot pressed the pause button. It was like an half an hour long, I almost feel asleep, which is not the easiest thing to do with 130 decibels in your ears.

And the story, I don't know if there was any.

The only way you could enjoy this movie would be if you were a computernerd and thought the graphics were impressive. But you have to be one hell of a geek to enjoy that for three hours.

Now you're wondering, is there anything good with this movie.
Actually there is, it is when the general holds his "encouraging" speech. The whole cinema laughed to death. :LOL:
I think that you are exxagerating a lot in you review... sincerely.. It couldnt be that crap!!.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Greg ] ++
he is exagerating, he just didn't understand everything in it, neither did i that much
Thats a very unfair atatement... to say someone didnt understand it cause you dont like there opinion.

His opinion was fair enough to me.... The film was rubbish.

As for not understanding... How could anyone not understand it, this one was so plain and simple


Senior Member
Oct 1, 2001
Maybe i shoudn't have said that, but when i say understand, i mean on the double meanings e.t.c. or maybe those things come easy to you


Doctor Asma
Oct 21, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by vitoria_Ally ] ++
    Erm... another thread about Matrix?? :confused:
    Aug 1, 2003
    i know what happened in matrix revolutions :tra la la: i am so tempted to be the spoiler :tra la la:

    anyhow, i think its really amusing how girls generally find matrix a bore and guys loved it.



    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    I saw the Matriz Rev last night....

    I'll wait till you all see it....
    i'm pretty undecided :confused: about it myself.
    i dont know whether to love it or not. i'll probibly have to see it again before i make a final verdict. the movie ended yet i still had a couple of questions....

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