The Future of Roma (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2004
I must say that, it wasnt me who did this, I found it in a topic on, so I am not taking credit for it, I posted it on the Romanist site I came from and got a good response, so I'd thought I'd post it here, show why the future is bright for Roma:

DE ROSSI: Born 1983. Mifielder. By now you've all seen him. he's got the interest of real madrid and manchester united...but he wants to stay at Roma. and Roma want him. CLOSEST PLAYER COMPARISON: Can't think of anyone. One of a kind.

AQUILANI: Born 1984. Midfielder. PLayed and scored on his debut for the under-21 against norway. He's been dubbed "the italian Van der Vaart"...not bad...

DE MARTINO: Born 1986. Midfielder. A very tough-cookie sort of player, the closest player I can compare him to is Gattuso. De Martino showed some good individual performances in the United States.

CERCI: Born 1987. Attacker...who is going to be an AWESOME player...the signs are there; Man. U, Arsenal, and Chelsea tried to strip him off us when only 15, when he made his debut for Roma. An awesome scent for goal and powerful strike, watch out for this young player.
CLOESET PLAYER COMPARISON: Can't judge as of now. Right now Van Nistelrooy is the closest player I can think of. He has the same eye for goal and movements on the field.

CORVIA: Born 1984. Attacker. Even he is another attacker to watch, who has impressed me with his dribbling skills. is quite big and stocky but can move quickly.

SCURTO: Born 1984. Defender. One to watch...he is still very young, still 19, but is already mature enough to be considered for selection against Fiorentina. I expect him to break in the under-21 team soon.

ZOTTI: Born 1982. Goalkeeper. Anyone who has seen this young man would know that, without even an exaggeration, has the potential of being even better than Buffon. He has performed some miracle saves on his 2nd nd 3rd games in his career last season, including some powerful jankulovski and jorgensen shots in Roma-Udinese 1-1, and on Roma-Sampdoria 3-1 saved an excellently taken penalty by a certain Francesco Flachi.

CURCI: Born 1985. Goalkeeper. He is stepping out already from the primavera into the first team, where he will play third fiddle only to Pelizzoli and Zotti, which is no small feat. Another one to watch.
CLOESET PLAYER COMPARISON: Have not seen enough of this young man, but looked very promising.

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
true, right now roma are rolling in youth talent, and maybe they will be able to translae the potential.....

but lets jus think about all the potential players juve have had and lost them on loan ....... jus as impressive but also embarising to a juve fan.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2004
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    Thats why when Prandelli's wife has recovered, Cesare is going to be our Manager, even knows that Voeller is just a temporary situation. When Cesare comes in, thats when the potential will start to be realised. And as we'll have Cesare, if we find the money, he may even be already to get Gilardino and Bonera for us! (The Juve fan Gilardino)


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    From what I've seen of Carlo Zotti there's no way he has what it takes to be the next Buffon.

    De Rossi is going to be world-class though, while Aquilani is very promising.

    I only saw De Martino and Scurto in the States this summer and that isn't enough to judge them, and I'm yet to view Cerci and Corvia in action.

    You're right though, Roma have young talent in abundance and if they can groom these players correctly they'll have a very strong team in the future, granted that they don't have to sell to stay up.

    The Arif

    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
    The only one I've seen from the mentioned players above is De Rossi. And IMO he has all the potential to be the world class player.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2004
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    Out of all of them, Cerci is really going to be great, its proof that Man United, Arsenal and Chelsea all tried to get him from us when he was 15 (2 years ago).


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    Well thats a pretty good youth sector for Roma. It will be interesting to see how much playing time some of those youngsters will get, namely Aquilani. Have not seen him yet but his discription sounds rather nice. But it will be in Roma's best interest to discard Voeller and bring in someone better. Hopefully Prandelli will be able to return for you guys.


    Senior Member
    Mar 31, 2004
    oh come on, your over-rating Zotti quite a bit... And about the others I've seen only De Rossi, who is going to shine soon... :(

    And I've heard very good things about Aquilani and Corvia, got to check them out soon...


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2004
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    2 little stories here about Aquliani and De Rossi

    1. Aquilani and De Rossi played together in the AsRoma juvanile team (Aquilani is just 1yr younger). Aquilani was considered a big promise, the true star of the team, much stronger than De Rossi. Then Aquilani had a serious injury which keeped him out of the pith for almost 1 yr. So when he recovered, De Rossi started to appear in 1st team, and Aquilani was loaned to Triestina (Serie B)

    2. Marione (a very famous asroma ultrà, who now is the host of a very popular radio show on AsRoma) is a friend of Totti, and he used to say in his show what Totti thinks of Aquilani. "'sto ragazzo è 'n mostro" (this guy is a monster, i.e. he's amazing).


    Senior Member
    Mar 31, 2004
    Buffon defends naughty Cassano
    Wednesday 22 September, 2004

    Gigi Buffon has backed Antonio Cassano to have a successful year despite his troubled start to the campaign.

    The Roma youngster was sent-off in Week 1 and was then suspended by his club for three days after a misunderstanding with boss Rudi Voller.

    That has led to mass criticism of the Italian starlet but Buffon has defended his international colleague.

    "It is true that Cassano has made some stupid mistakes but he’s a champion and he’ll prove that on the pitch," said the Juventus ‘keeper.

    "These things can happen to all players but he just needs time to recover. I’m convinced that he will have a positive season."

    The Azzurri starlet will have an opportunity this evening to make amends as the Giallorossi take on Lecce.

    Cassano is expected to start the game after convincing Coach Voller that he is in the right frame of mind to play.

    The former Bari ace is set to partner Vincenzo Montella. Francesco Totti will begin on the bench after recovering from injury.

    And I just love this pic, I needed to add it... :D


    Senior Member
    Jul 27, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Ramin ] ++

    apparently their are rumers that suggests buffon is gay :D
    one of a kind rumour I guess!?!
    When a friend of mine was in Italy for 3 years ago or something, he brought a magazine with him from Italy that claimed Del Piero and Totti are having a relationship!!!


    vBookie Champion
    Nov 18, 2003

    to be more specific the buffon-gay rumour thing came from River while she was taking the piss out of Lilliana. :D


    Senior Member
    Feb 21, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Ramin ] ++

    to be more specific the buffon-gay rumour thing came from River while she was taking the piss out of Lilliana. :D
    These two ladies have done a great job then... couple of days ago I also heard it, but among my friends :D


    Senior Member
    Aug 30, 2004
    Roma's near future is downgrade to Serie B. Many of the young talents you mention, Nicole, will be sold out, in oder to pay off Roma's debts, and to give the poor busters a fair chance to succeed in life.

    In particular I see De Rossi taking off to Juventus in July 2005.

    xziz :devil:


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2004
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    xziz, you know sometimes it isnt always a good thing to get 'de-tacted' form reality!

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