The Financial Situation (43 Viewers)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2011
De Ceglie will definitely be back to continue to be a fringe player till his contract runs up. Till 2016/2017. LOL. No way a team would be willing to pay half what he makes at Juve, and no way he would accept any decrease in his salary, as he shouldn't.

Expensive guys like Vuci, Osvaldo, Quags will leave. But Pogba's raise will more than make up for it. Pirlo and Buffon will continue to have some of the heaviest salaries in the team. I don't think we'll sign heavy salary players. The wage bill should see a light increase, but not a big difference this summer. It's already on the limit considering Juve's income.

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The system won't be altered.

What we desperately need is a good replacement for Asamoah, who will play African Cup. And another guy to rotate in the mid. 4 players for 3 positions is not enough.

Padoin should be let go, since Conte doesn't trust him not even to start against Livornos and Chievos. Useless. Give away.


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2007
Juve often pay severance payments to players to force them out. very possible that Juve pay the difference between DeCeglie's Juve contract and what he's going to earn at the new club to make him go away and not pay the full salary for nothing.


In Allegri We Trust
May 23, 2011
De Ceglie will definitely be back to continue to be a fringe player till his contract runs up. Till 2016/2017. LOL. No way a team would be willing to pay half what he makes at Juve, and no way he would accept any decrease in his salary, as he shouldn't.

Expensive guys like Vuci, Osvaldo, Quags will leave. But Pogba's raise will more than make up for it. Pirlo and Buffon will continue to have some of the heaviest salaries in the team. I don't think we'll sign heavy salary players. The wage bill should see a light increase, but not a big difference this summer. It's already on the limit considering Juve's income.

- - - Updated - - -

The system won't be altered.

What we desperately need is a good replacement for Asamoah, who will play African Cup. And another guy to rotate in the mid. 4 players for 3 positions is not enough.

Padoin should be let go, since Conte doesn't trust him not even to start against Livornos and Chievos. Useless. Give away.
I really hope we do make some changes to our system, plan B at least. If we end up playing for the 3rd year in a row in the exact same way, without any alternatives that we can use to surprise our adversaries, we're in for a rough time.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2012
I really hope we do make some changes to our system, plan B at least. If we end up playing for the 3rd year in a row in the exact same way, without any alternatives that we can use to surprise our adversaries, we're in for a rough time.
Exactly. Marchisio as RWF versus Madrid-like teams is unacceptable. If Conte sees 433 or some other formation as a better one than 352 versus top dogs we need players for that system and more 'practice' with it. I still think we'll do a switch since we're not that far away considering potential changes in starting 11 to make the switch.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
I really hope we do make some changes to our system, plan B at least. If we end up playing for the 3rd year in a row in the exact same way, without any alternatives that we can use to surprise our adversaries, we're in for a rough time.
Will be the complete forcus of the comming summer mercato, dont worry ;)

he earns 15m a year with his DJ disco parties.
Get your goddamn ass out of this thread


Jun 7, 2004
If we wanted to, we could top that list in ONE year (selling pogba, vidal and a couple more)
but we aren't a selling club and look what that got us... three scudetti back to back.. eat that milan
Even if wanted to, we simply cant, MArotta CANT!
You wont make a decent profit, not even from Pogba, unless the buyer clubs is completely unware with whom they are dealing with...
Most of the clubs know that they can take advantage of MArotta's extremely poor negotiating skills and always make profit out of it, either be sale, loan, acquisition...


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2007
Even if wanted to, we simply cant, MArotta CANT!
You wont make a decent profit, not even from Pogba, unless the buyer clubs is completely unware with whom they are dealing with...
Most of the clubs know that they can take advantage of MArotta's extremely poor negotiating skills and always make profit out of it, either be sale, loan, acquisition...
Juve's finances are one of the if not the most transparent and readily available among top European football clubs because of Juve being a plc, most clubs can see the Juve financials and easily predict the lowest Juve be willing to accept if you know where to look. Marotta's job is much much harder than GMs or CEOs of other football clubs because of lack of secrecy about player valuations and financial capability.


Jun 7, 2004
We always had the most transparent and well managed financial, even since the triade, the Berlu owned media and Moratti owned FIGC were trying to find an excuse to halt our superiority on the field by such manners.
This was prooved during the calciopoli era, where justice was 1000% manipulated and yet they were unable to find anything.
However, we used to be efficient back then. Now, we lack common sense. I am not expecting us to find bargains like the Canna with Carini swap, but at least not being the club that is totally owned by each and every club and player manager.
We are paying the higher prices when we buy, making the lowest profits when we sell and instead of making money from the players we loan out, we lose money out from it...

We should not pay the ammounts we did for the Diegos, Melos, Amauris and Matris, but failing to et back even 50% of the investment we made was an epic failure.
When we had talents like Giovinco, sorensen and Immobile to loan out, we could secure great starters or the contracts of future prospects, now we are gifting away half of their contracts for peanuts and giving full price to get them back...

If Moggi had 200% efficiency, we now have less than 50%, thats why clubs like Napoli are closing the huuuuge gap that was among us.
They create money out of thin air with great profits from their Lavezzis and Cavanis and sign the Higuains we have been failing to sign for nearly a decade now...
At this rate not only we will fail to become a top club ever again, but we will be surclassed by clubs like Napoli and Galata...

We need to step up and if Marotta cant, then we need to hire someone better!
Its not like we face the same miserable situation we did, when we got him, we can find better alternatives now!


Nov 26, 2006
Here's a fine example of how not to run a football club:

These are the accounts of New Rangers (not Old Rangers who were terribly mismanaged and went bust).

Clearly lessons have been learnt by New Rangers.

They are spending a mere 99.55% of their turnover on wages.

And that's just been to get themselves out of the bottom two divisions. :lol2:


Capo di tutti capi
Jan 5, 2006
Elkann, brava Juve: «Crescono i ricavi e siamo i più forti»

Il numero 1 di Exor, che festeggia utili record, applaude il club bianconero: «Correlazione tra risultati e fatturato». Pronto a garantire nuovi capitali, anche alla Juventus, se servisse

TORINO, 10 aprile 2014 - Exor gode di ottima salute e, se necessario, è pronta ad assicurare nuovi capitali agli investimenti che lo richiedessero. Ciò non significa che la controllata Juventus ricorrerà all’aiuto del socio di riferimento, ma è sempre meglio sapere, specie in tempi di crisi, che la casa madre ha le spalle larghe e vive una fase espansiva. Il cda di Exor ha approvato ieri un bilancio da record: nel 2013 gli utili di gruppo sono stati di 2 miliardi e 84 milioni, grazie alla plusvalenza della vendita della Sgs e, in misura secondaria, ai risultati delle partecipate, in particolare Fiat e CNH Industrial.

In rosso La Juventus è l’unica società della galassia Exor col segno negativo: perdita di 22,4 milioni nell’anno solare 2013 (composto dal secondo semestre della stagione sportiva 2012-13 e dal primo del 2013-14), che impatta per 14,3 milioni sulla quota di competenza Exor. Ma nella lettera agli azionisti della holding di famiglia in vista dell’assemblea del 22 maggio, il presidente John Elkann ha esaltato gli aspetti positivi della scorsa stagione: «La buona notizia per gli azionisti della Juventus è la correlazione tra risultati sportivi e ricavi, che sono cresciuti del 33% a 284 milioni (275 al netto delle plusvalenze, ndr). Ancora più incoraggiante il fatto che i ricavi siano cresciuti in misura maggiore dei costi operativi, che sono aumentati del 10%». Elkann, ovviamente, si riferisce al bilancio chiuso al 30 giugno 2013, stagione culminata con lo scudetto grazie al quale «la Juve ha rafforzato ulteriormente il primato di squadra con più scudetti conquistati nella storia del campionato italiano».

Prospettive Adesso la mission di squadra e società è di fare tris in Italia e tornare a vincere un trofeo in Europa. Comunque vada, i conti di questa stagione sono stimati in peggioramento: dopo la curva discendente degli ultimi anni (da -95 a -49 a -16 milioni), le perdite aumenteranno di nuovo. Di quanto non si sa. Dipenderà dall’avanzamento in Europa League, oltre che – come hanno spiegato gli amministratori – da «azioni di ottimizzazione». L’uscita prematura dalla Champions, ma soprattutto la diversa ripartizione del market pool (fra tre italiane e non due), hanno comportato una notevole riduzione dei premi Uefa: mancano all’appello 22 milioni. Finora l’Europa League ha assicurato almeno 5 milioni, se si dovesse vincerla ne arriverebbero una decina. Rispetto al 2012-13, in questo esercizio sono aumentate le plusvalenze (circa 12 milioni in più). Ma c’è da mettere nel conto gli ingaggi di Tevez e Llorente: nel primo semestre il costo del personale tesserato è salito del 18%. Insomma, il pareggio di bilancio si allontana. Solo nel 2015, con i nuovi contratti di sponsor e tv, potrebbe materializzarsi la svolta.

Fonte: GdS (articolo a firma di Marco Iaria)


Google translate:

Elkann , good Juve : " They grow revenues and we are the strongest "

The number 1 of Exor , which is celebrating record profits , applauds his club : " Correlation between performance and turnover ." Ready to secure new capital , even at Juventus, if it would

TURIN , April 10, 2014 - Exor is in excellent health and , if necessary, is poised to secure new capital investments that require it . This does not mean that the subsidiary Juventus will resort to the help of social reference , but it is always better to know , especially in times of crisis, that the parent has broad shoulders and is experiencing a period of expansion . The board of directors of Exor yesterday approved a budget record : in 2013 the profits of the group were 2 billion and 84 million, thanks to the gain from the sale of SGS and , in a smaller degree , the results of subsidiaries , notably Fiat and CNH Industrial.

In red Juventus is the only company with a negative sign of the galaxy Exor : loss of € 22.4 million in calendar year 2013 (made in the second half of the 2012-13 season and first since 2013-14 ) , which impacts on 14.3 million on the share of the Exor . But in the letter to shareholders of the family holding company for the shareholders of May 22 , President John Elkann has enhanced the positive aspects of last season : " The good news for shareholders of Juventus is the correlation between sporting results and revenues, which grew by 33% to 284 million euros ( 275 net of gains , ed.) Even more encouraging is the fact that revenues have increased to a greater extent in operating expenses, which increased by 10% . " Elkann, of course, refers to the year ended 30 June 2013, the season culminated with the championship thanks to which " Juve has further strengthened the leadership team with the most championships won in the history of the Italian championship ."

Prospects now the mission of the team and the company is to make mills in Italy and come back to win a trophy in Europe. Whatever happens , the accounts of this season are estimated to decline : After descending curve in recent years ( from -95 to -49 to -16 million) , losses will increase again. By how much is not known. Depend dall'avanzamento in the Europa League , as well as - as they explained administrators - from " optimization actions ." The premature exit from the Champions League , but especially the different distribution of the market pool ( between three and not two Italian ) , led to a significant reduction in the Uefa awards : missing 22 million. So far the Europa League has secured at least 5 million , if you were to win it would arrive about ten . Compared to 2012-13 , in this exercise, increased capital gains ( about 12 million more ) . But it must be put in the account signings of Tevez and Llorente : in the first half the cost of the club members has risen by 18%. In short, the budget balance moves away . Only in 2015 , with the new TV contracts and sponsors , may materialize the turning point.

Source: GdS ( article by Mark Iaria )


Senior Member
Dec 20, 2009
We always had the most transparent and well managed financial, even since the triade, the Berlu owned media and Moratti owned FIGC were trying to find an excuse to halt our superiority on the field by such manners.
This was prooved during the calciopoli era, where justice was 1000% manipulated and yet they were unable to find anything.
However, we used to be efficient back then. Now, we lack common sense. I am not expecting us to find bargains like the Canna with Carini swap, but at least not being the club that is totally owned by each and every club and player manager.
We are paying the higher prices when we buy, making the lowest profits when we sell and instead of making money from the players we loan out, we lose money out from it...

We should not pay the ammounts we did for the Diegos, Melos, Amauris and Matris, but failing to et back even 50% of the investment we made was an epic failure.
When we had talents like Giovinco, sorensen and Immobile to loan out, we could secure great starters or the contracts of future prospects, now we are gifting away half of their contracts for peanuts and giving full price to get them back...

If Moggi had 200% efficiency, we now have less than 50%, thats why clubs like Napoli are closing the huuuuge gap that was among us.
They create money out of thin air with great profits from their Lavezzis and Cavanis and sign the Higuains we have been failing to sign for nearly a decade now...
At this rate not only we will fail to become a top club ever again, but we will be surclassed by clubs like Napoli and Galata...

We need to step up and if Marotta cant, then we need to hire someone better!
Its not like we face the same miserable situation we did, when we got him, we can find better alternatives now!


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
We should not pay the ammounts we did for the Diegos, Melos, Amauris and Matris, but failing to et back even 50% of the investment we made was an epic failure.
When we had talents like Giovinco, sorensen and Immobile to loan out, we could secure great starters or the contracts of future prospects, now we are gifting away half of their contracts for peanuts and giving full price to get them back...

If Moggi had 200% efficiency, we now have less than 50%, thats why clubs like Napoli are closing the huuuuge gap that was among us.
They create money out of thin air with great profits from their Lavezzis and Cavanis and sign the Higuains we have been failing to sign for nearly a decade now...
At this rate not only we will fail to become a top club ever again, but we will be surclassed by clubs like Napoli and Galata...

We need to step up and if Marotta cant, then we need to hire someone better!
Its not like we face the same miserable situation we did, when we got him, we can find better alternatives now!
This part in particular:



maitre'd at Canal Bar
Nov 7, 2005
We always had the most transparent and well managed financial, even since the triade, the Berlu owned media and Moratti owned FIGC were trying to find an excuse to halt our superiority on the field by such manners.
This was prooved during the calciopoli era, where justice was 1000% manipulated and yet they were unable to find anything.
However, we used to be efficient back then. Now, we lack common sense. I am not expecting us to find bargains like the Canna with Carini swap, but at least not being the club that is totally owned by each and every club and player manager.
We are paying the higher prices when we buy, making the lowest profits when we sell and instead of making money from the players we loan out, we lose money out from it...

We should not pay the ammounts we did for the Diegos, Melos, Amauris and Matris, but failing to et back even 50% of the investment we made was an epic failure.
When we had talents like Giovinco, sorensen and Immobile to loan out, we could secure great starters or the contracts of future prospects, now we are gifting away half of their contracts for peanuts and giving full price to get them back...

If Moggi had 200% efficiency, we now have less than 50%, thats why clubs like Napoli are closing the huuuuge gap that was among us.
They create money out of thin air with great profits from their Lavezzis and Cavanis and sign the Higuains we have been failing to sign for nearly a decade now...
At this rate not only we will fail to become a top club ever again, but we will be surclassed by clubs like Napoli and Galata...

We need to step up and if Marotta cant, then we need to hire someone better!
Its not like we face the same miserable situation we did, when we got him, we can find better alternatives now!


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2007
highlights of some unexpected financials from Juventus' 2013/14 Half-Yearly report:

€15.4m receivables (pertaining to Vinovo) due on 31Dec2013 won't be recoverd in full until 31July2016.
Tevez's agents' fees €5m
Llorente's agents' fees €4.5m
(both approximate)
player wages and technical staff costs are up by €11.6m so full year total might up more than €20m up compared to last year's.

I was surprised by some of these especially the increase in wages, so thought I share it in case anybody else is also curious. will probably know more details of what's going on in the final annual report.

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