"the best league in the world" (1 Viewer)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
I found this at Xtratime forum, and I think it is a rather interesting subject matter for you EPL lovers out there. This is the ranking that the International Federation of Football History & Statistics (IFFHS) has made for deciding which leagues are the best in the world, from 1991 to 2004.

1991 (Top 3): 1. Italia (points 1.382,5) 2. España (1.069,0) 3. England (1.059,0)

1992 (Top 3): 1. Italia (1.342,5) 2. España (1.145,5) 3. Nederland (941,5)

1993 (Top 3): 1. Italia (1.577,5) 2. España (1.171,0) 3. Deutschland (1.046,5)

1994 (Top 3): 1.Italia (1.345,0) 2. France (1.067,5) 3. España (1.030,0)

1995 (Top 3): 1. Italia (1.352,5) 2. España (1.069,0) 3. France (1.045,0)

1996 (Top 3): 1. Italia (1.119,0) 2. España (1.037,0) 3. France (1.008,0)

1997 (Top 3): 1. Deutschland (1.209,0) 2. Italia (1.181,0) 3. España (1.120,0)

1998 (Top 3): 1. Italia (1.276,0) 2. Brasil (1.198,0) 3. España (1.096,0)

1999 (Top 3): 1. Italia (1.163,0) 2. España (1.145,0) 3. England (1.134,0)

2000 (Top 3): 1. España (1.215,0) 2. England (1.116,0) 3. Italia (1.051,0)

2001 (Top 3): 1. España (1.267,0) 2. England (1.176,0) 3. Italia (1.013,0)

2002 (Top 3): 1. España (1.209,0) 2. England (1.183,0) 3. Italia (1.119,0)

2003 (Top 5): 1. Italia (1180,0) 2. España (1107,0) 3. England (1052,0) 4. Brasil (1026,0) 5. Argentina (882,0)

2004 (Top 5): 1. España (1.189,0) 2. England (1.184,0) 3. Italia (1.010,0) Brasil (1.010,0) 5. France (999,0)

This is the the explaination of the ranking system by the IFFHS:

++ [ The IFFHS ] ++

The classification of the best leagues of the world is made objectively without any out side influence of any sort. We follow the criteria that the level of performance of a league is reflected by the best classified teams of that league who in turn usually represent their country in international club competitions. If one looks at the football power-houses of the world, one notices that regularly 4 or 5 clubs of their leagues are always competing in con tinental competitions. By adding the points won in all competitions by the five best placed clubs of each league, we have the points for the country which in turn helps to establish a fair classification. It is important to note that only the yearly classification is representative, since all competitions move along the whole season and over twelve months, we have an objective view of the best. This system has been used since 1991, and it is recognized today as the most precise in rating the leagues of the world.
Sounds like a feasable way to answer the question of which league is the best in the world. I would like to thank a poster named "Marvels X" who brought this ranking system to my attention.

Feel free to comment, I'll just sit here and laugh. :D

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Chickenegro no funny
Jan 14, 2005
Who ever said it was the best in the world?

Though it has beaten italy this last while and rightfully so. Italy had lost it for a while in Europe. Do you see anyone banging on about that? No. I dont get the fascination about who is the highest rated league? Who the hell cares? People have their favourites, leave it at that.
Jan 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Blandest ] ++
Who ever said it was the best in the world?

Though it has beaten italy this last while and rightfully so. Italy had lost it for a while in Europe. Do you see anyone banging on about that? No. I dont get the fascination about who is the highest rated league? Who the hell cares? People have their favourites, leave it at that.

exactly. live and let live


Chickenegro no funny
Jan 14, 2005
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++

A lot of people actually.
Who? Give me some names? Some ****ing idiot english guys living in America? Of course they are going to say that. What do you expect?

Andy fact is you can say NOTHING about English opinion until you live in or have spent time in England.

Seriously why does everyone have this big opinion on the english when they dont know jack shit about us? Annoying to say the least.

Answer this Andy:

What gives you the right to judge english opinion? Im only trying to understand? What are you using to make your judgements?

You have mentioned rooney before, saying England overrate him when you have no idea how much Rooney has been critised in the press.

Imagine im making these wild claims about something american without knowing shit all about it. How would you take that?


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #7
    ++ [ originally posted by Blandest ] ++

    Who? Give me some names? Some ****ing idiot english guys living in America? Of course they are going to say that. What do you expect?

    Andy fact is you can say NOTHING about English opinion until you live in or have spent time in England.

    Seriously why does everyone have this big opinion on the english when they dont know jack shit about us? Annoying to say the least.

    Answer this Andy:

    What gives you the right to judge english opinion? Im only trying to understand? What are you using to make your judgements?

    You have mentioned rooney before, saying England overrate him when you have no idea how much Rooney has been critised in the press.

    Imagine im making these wild claims about something american without knowing shit all about it. How would you take that?

    Fact of the matter is everybody makes opinion about everything. Everybody has bias and holds to their own interests. I can rightfully say that something is overated when I watch it and hear about it every single day. I have a right to say something is overrated when I see or read an article about how Maradona states that Rooney is the best young player in the world. I have a right to say something is overrated when I read posts and posts of English opinion from posters who are English. You know why Blandest? Because that is what this forum is about, giving your own opinions. After all, freedom speech is a cherished part of lives, except if you are under a communist regime. So yes, I have a right to comment on this subject matter.

    My opinions are not necessarly correct and not necessarly incorrect, however people are certainly allowed to give criticism to my claims and others. People comment on the US all the time, giving their opinions that maybe correct or maybe incorrect. Who can stop people from giving their opinions? Nobody. Like it or not, that is the way it is and rightfully so.

    However if anybody is offended by those opinions, then it has gone too far in most cases. If that is the case, then I apologize.


    Chickenegro no funny
    Jan 14, 2005
    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++

    Fact of the matter is everybody makes opinion about everything. Everybody has bias and holds to their own interests. I can rightfully say that something is overated when I watch it and hear about it every single day. I have a right to say something is overrated when I see or read an article about how Maradona states that Rooney is the best young player in the world. I have a right to say something is overrated when I read posts and posts of English opinion from posters who are English. You know why Blandest? Because that is what this forum is about, giving your own opinions. After all, freedom speech is a cherished part of lives, except if you are under a communist regime. So yes, I have a right to comment on this subject matter.

    My opinions are not necessarly correct and not necessarly incorrect, however people are certainly allowed to give criticism to my claims and others. People comment on the US all the time, giving their opinions that maybe correct or maybe incorrect. Who can stop people from giving their opinions? Nobody. Like it or not, that is the way it is and rightfully so.

    However if anybody is offended by those opinions, then it has gone too far in most cases. If that is the case, then I apologize.
    No noone is offended. Just see it as it is. Fact is you are judging ENGLANDs opinion. A full friggin nation. On a few english people you play football with, some americans who support england and some losers like me who post on an italian football forum. You shouldnt. Its not fair at all and like I said, you know nothing about ENGLISH opinion.

    So call it your opinion, call it american opinion, call it whatever you want. But stop saying crap about how the english feel on topics when you know nothing about it. It just dosent make sense.
    Apr 12, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++

    Fact of the matter is everybody makes opinion about everything. Everybody has bias and holds to their own interests. I can rightfully say that something is overated when I watch it and hear about it every single day. I have a right to say something is overrated when I see or read an article about how Maradona states that Rooney is the best young player in the world. I have a right to say something is overrated when I read posts and posts of English opinion from posters who are English. You know why Blandest? Because that is what this forum is about, giving your own opinions. After all, freedom speech is a cherished part of lives, except if you are under a communist regime. So yes, I have a right to comment on this subject matter.

    My opinions are not necessarly correct and not necessarly incorrect, however people are certainly allowed to give criticism to my claims and others. People comment on the US all the time, giving their opinions that maybe correct or maybe incorrect. Who can stop people from giving their opinions? Nobody. Like it or not, that is the way it is and rightfully so.

    However if anybody is offended by those opinions, then it has gone too far in most cases. If that is the case, then I apologize.1991 (Top 3): 1. Italia (points 1.382,5) 2. España (1.069,0) 3. England (1.059,0)

    1992 (Top 3): 1. Italia (1.342,5) 2. España (1.145,5) 3. Nederland (941,5)

    1993 (Top 3): 1. Italia (1.577,5) 2. España (1.171,0) 3. Deutschland (1.046,5)

    1994 (Top 3): 1.Italia (1.345,0) 2. France (1.067,5) 3. España (1.030,0)

    1995 (Top 3): 1. Italia (1.352,5) 2. España (1.069,0) 3. France (1.045,0)

    1996 (Top 3): 1. Italia (1.119,0) 2. España (1.037,0) 3. France (1.008,0)

    1997 (Top 3): 1. Deutschland (1.209,0) 2. Italia (1.181,0) 3. España (1.120,0)

    1998 (Top 3): 1. Italia (1.276,0) 2. Brasil (1.198,0) 3. España (1.096,0)

    1999 (Top 3): 1. Italia (1.163,0) 2. España (1.145,0) 3. England (1.134,0)

    2000 (Top 3): 1. España (1.215,0) 2. England (1.116,0) 3. Italia (1.051,0)

    2001 (Top 3): 1. España (1.267,0) 2. England (1.176,0) 3. Italia (1.013,0)

    2002 (Top 3): 1. España (1.209,0) 2. England (1.183,0) 3. Italia (1.119,0)

    2003 (Top 5): 1. Italia (1180,0) 2. España (1107,0) 3. England (1052,0) 4. Brasil (1026,0) 5. Argentina (882,0)

    2004 (Top 5): 1. España (1.189,0) 2. England (1.184,0) 3. Italia (1.010,0) Brasil (1.010,0) 5. France (999,0)

    Preach, I love it.


    Put that in your pipe, and have a nice long toke.


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #11
    ++ [ originally posted by Blandest ] ++

    No noone is offended. Just see it as it is. Fact is you are judging ENGLANDs opinion. A full friggin nation. On a few english people you play football with, some americans who support england and some losers like me who post on an italian football forum. You shouldnt. Its not fair at all and like I said, you know nothing about ENGLISH opinion.

    So call it your opinion, call it american opinion, call it whatever you want. But stop saying crap about how the english feel on topics when you know nothing about it. It just dosent make sense.
    Humor me, give me an example of when I generalize about the opinions of the English. I would like to see, Blandest.


    Senior Member
    Oct 2, 2003
    you know IFFHS in the club ranking put Man utd over the rest of the italian teams,and put Arsenal above Barcelona.well anyway heres their club ranking for 2004.

    1. (2.) Valencia CF España/4 288,0
    2. (1.) Manchester United FC England/4 281,0
    3. (7.) FC Juventus Torino Italia/4 273,0
    4. (5.) Real Madrid CF España/4 260,0
    5. (4.) Milan AC Italia/4 253,0
    6. (10.) CA Boca Juniors Buenos Aires Argentina/4 252,0
    7. (3.) Arsenal FC London England/4 251,0
    8. (7.) São Paulo FC Brasil/4 240,0
    (9.) Santos FC Brasil/4 240,0
    10. (11.) Chelsea FC London England/4 238,0
    11. (12.) Newcastle United FC England/4 237,0
    12. (6.) AS de Monaco France/4 236,0
    13. (15.) Club Brugge KV Belgique/3 234,5
    14. (25.) SV Werder Bremen Deutschland/4 233,0
    15. (13.) FC do Porto Portugal/3 227,5
    16. (14.) FC Internazionale Milano Italia/4 225,0
    17. (17.) PSV Eindhoven Nederland/3 221,0
    18. (16.) FC Barcelona España/4 218,0
    (20.) Olympique Lyonnais France/4 218,0
    20. (19.) CA River Plate Buenos Aires Argentina/4 210,0


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002

    Is that a comeback, Andy

    Thats really lame... though nice to see you are willing to throw every little ounce of credibility you had out of the window in search of your little victory.

    Shame really as all you've really done is lessen yourself.

    You couldnt answer a simple question before and tried to hoodwink people into believing you answered it when you didnt.

    You now in this space prove that you lied in your previous post and couldnt support your own statements,
    So you bring in the big trump card....... the iffhs... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA

    Especially funny as i remember you saying these lists are rubbish before in one of the top club lists... lol


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by fred weasley ] ++
    you know IFFHS in the club ranking put Man utd over the rest of the italian teams,and put Arsenal above Barcelona.well anyway heres their club ranking for 2004.

    1. (2.) Valencia CF España/4 288,0
    2. (1.) Manchester United FC England/4 281,0
    3. (7.) FC Juventus Torino Italia/4 273,0
    4. (5.) Real Madrid CF España/4 260,0
    5. (4.) Milan AC Italia/4 253,0
    6. (10.) CA Boca Juniors Buenos Aires Argentina/4 252,0
    7. (3.) Arsenal FC London England/4 251,0
    8. (7.) São Paulo FC Brasil/4 240,0
    (9.) Santos FC Brasil/4 240,0
    10. (11.) Chelsea FC London England/4 238,0
    11. (12.) Newcastle United FC England/4 237,0
    12. (6.) AS de Monaco France/4 236,0
    13. (15.) Club Brugge KV Belgique/3 234,5
    14. (25.) SV Werder Bremen Deutschland/4 233,0
    15. (13.) FC do Porto Portugal/3 227,5
    16. (14.) FC Internazionale Milano Italia/4 225,0
    17. (17.) PSV Eindhoven Nederland/3 221,0
    18. (16.) FC Barcelona España/4 218,0
    (20.) Olympique Lyonnais France/4 218,0
    20. (19.) CA River Plate Buenos Aires Argentina/4 210,0
    Valencia first? Chelsea and Barca down in 10th and 18th respectively? Real Madrid ahead of AC Milan? These club rankings are rubbish. Aren't these based on what the clubs have done over the last few years or last few seasons or something like that?


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Stuart ] ++
    Valencia first? Chelsea and Barca down in 10th and 18th respectively? Real Madrid ahead of AC Milan? These club rankings are rubbish. Aren't these based on what the clubs have done over the last few years or last few seasons or something like that?
    Looks like - certainly would make sense. Man U are pretty consistant in Europe, always making the knockouts, and Valencia were pretty close to that until recently.


    Dec 16, 2003
    I hate La Liga soo much....i got some bunch of punks in my coll, they always try to convince me that la liga is much stronger then the Serie A, Completley Rubbish....and BS...

    Serie a is the best league, ( and it will always bel ).....Serie A was the and still the home of Worldclass players... ( Batistuta, Zidane, Ronaldo, Platini, Maradona, Best goalkeepers were always in serie A, best defenders{maldini, nesta, canna}...Italian stars ( Totti,Dp,R.baggio,Vialli,Ravanelli...) most of the brazilian great players where in Serie a...and still...Lets not forget Recoba Sheva Adriano Nedved.....


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by azzurri7 ] ++
    ...Serie A was the and still the home of Worldclass players... ( Batistuta, Zidane, Ronaldo, Platini, Maradona
    :D Ronaldo and Zidane play in La Liga. Maradona played for Barca.


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Don Bes ] ++
    that doesnt prove much
    Neither does azzuri7's list. I'm not exactly shocked to see that the best Italian players have been and are generally based in Italy. I'm sure Spansih fans could real off a similar list.

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