I really have to think on this one if I am to be objective...
But if I am to base it simply off head...
Jeeks your streams are always lovely.
Errka he introduced Cool Streaming to us.
Andy incisive match analysis always.
Shadowfax though we always argue, you can't fault his knowledge of history, just that sometimes he looks at things thru tinted glasses.
Bürke a fun man. This place would be less without him.
Gray unfortunately he hasn't much time anymore, but on digging up old posts, I see he's worth his salt.
Dan if you are really 15 kid, then you have a lot of greatness ahead of you.
Nicole always out to provoke in the true spirit of a rival, that kind of provocation can bring out the best in us.
Madlawyer1 hasn't made too many posts, and is an Arsenal fan, but from the few posts, I see a lot of quality.
I have gone beyond 5 ja. Others I forgot to mention, notably Swag, Jaecole, Emma, Zhixin... if they leave, this place will be less, and I can guarantee that something will go out of all the above mentioned people's lives should this place die.
Let's save this site.