The "Back to School" thread (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Well, after almost 3 months of partying (well, mostly watching TV, and some partying :D) until dawn, and sleeping until noon, after 3 wonderful months of being a lazy ass, after 3 months of tennis, sun and the sea, after 3 months of a lot of beautiful girls with little clothes, after 3 months of both fun and boredom, the Judgement day is again upon us. Yes, thats right people, feel afraid, very afraid, feel your bones shivering, feel the hair on your head trying to run away in apsolute fear, because teenagers' orst nightmare is here again... The first day of schooooool Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :evil:

I dont know about the rest of you, but for me the terror starts tommorrow, and altho I've given school a bad name, I must admit I have missed it a bit. Not the studying, tests all the time, always in fear of a bad mark part, but I've missed the hanging out, fooling around, talking (and more :D) to girls part.

So post your school stories, experiences, dreams and nightmares here. Also feel free to ask for/about something if you need some help.

P.S. Dont expect help from me tho, I'm not exactly renowned for my studying, altho I have a 4.1 average (4.1/5 which is not easy with no studying at all). What can I say... talk can get you a far way in life :D

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Senior Member
May 14, 2003
Great thread.

Mine begins 8th september.... I am not a school-hater, but I am not a school-lover too!!
My average is 4.8 :D.
But, I HATE studying....

Your school begins tomorrow? I tought that is the same like here!

Btw - if here would begin tomorrow, that I would be IN SCHOOL ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!! :eek: (5th september)


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #3
    ++ [ originally posted by DJ-Anna ] ++
    Great thread.

    Mine begins 8th september.... I am not a school-hater, but I am not a school-lover too!!
    My average is 4.8 :D.
    But, I HATE studying....
    Nice average. Mine is good too, considering I study maybe two hours a month max :D

    P.S. School in Bosnia always starts on the first Monday of September :)


    Senior Member
    May 14, 2003
    I don`t study almost at all.... Maybe a hour/day....

    I didn`t now that, nice to now! Here is always different.

    Damn, its so scary when I think that I could pass my birthday in school!! :eek: :yuck:


    Senior Member
    May 14, 2003
    Lot?? Please think that I almost all of time think about something else! But I learn something anyway! I wonder how!


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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    I wonder how I learn anything in school. There isnt one teacher that hasnt given me a few warnings for talkning too much or always being late for the first class :lazy:


    Senior Member
    May 14, 2003
    Uff, teachers always warning me because of talking!!! But what I can do, what is forbidden is the sweatest!! :D

    I just LOVE to talk on class!


    Senior Member
    May 14, 2003
    Yup, me too.
    In my school there is one teacher (mahts) that "throws" you out of class if he see that you give a pen to a friend or a rubber!!! :eek:
    I hate him... That is sooo depressing - I have to stay quiet 45 minutes!!!! :eek:


    Senior Member
    May 14, 2003
    The only good thing is that, if you negin to talk when class begins, you can be out 45 minutes! :D Without any punishment! :devil:

    YOu work in a school??????? POOR YOU!!!!


    Senior Member
    May 14, 2003
    Me too :down:

    She is in worst possition! We are in heaven when I look her possition!!

    & you tarmpropp SHUT UP!!! :D :p


    Senior Member
    Sep 1, 2002
    I started 2 weeks ago, August 18.
    The first week was hell, the second was a bit better.
    The summer time was just awesome, I traveled (not far), woke up really late and went to sleep really late.:D Too bad it has all ended.


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #20
    Ah, school here will be a breeze for a month. The first week you do apo****ely nothing, youu get to know your new classmates, the teachers tell you what you're going to do in that grade. The second week you start reviewing old material, still joking around nothing special. The third week you slowly start to learn new things, still no tests or oral exams at all, the teacher begin to give you homework. Now, in the fourth week the shit is on, you start learning a lot of new stuff, the teachers are so leniant anymore, and at the beginning of the second month you have exams, tests, and all kinds of shit.

    @tampropp: this isnt a whining thread about school (well, maybe just a bit), its about... well, I'm not sure what its about, but I'm sure it will be fun once it goes off topic :D

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