Thank you Ranieri ... (2 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Jul 20, 2008
The purpose of a forum is to engage in discussion. Are you suggesting we stop discussing players, transfers, and tactics because we may not know as much? I think that is totally absurd, because as fans we are entitled to an opinion. Those "professionals" that you laud don't always get it right.

I am not saying we know better as fans, but we are @ least entitled to express our views, because we love and support the club, and more importantly we are not getting paid to do so (in fact we pay out of our pockets to show support), so our criticism is borne out of love and genuine concern for the club.
You have missed the point. I'm talking about the personal insults and namecalling etc. The way people label someone a loser. Tell me: if Ranieri is a loser, then what are YOU? The manner in which people talk like they know better than people who have spent years in the world of football. Everybody makes mistakes, Ranieri, Secco, Blanc, Moggi, everybody, then why is it so hard to accept that. I have nothing against discussion. I have nothing against people wanting Ranieri out (IMO he should have been sacked after the coppa home game against Lazio), not liking him, not liking his tactics, formations, substitutions etc. Discuss all you want, but is it really that difficult to do it in respectful and intelligent manner.

Buy on


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2008
Claudio Ranieri “does not want a War of the Roses with Juventus,” assured his lawyer, but he is willing to take the matter to court.

The Coach became the first Coach since 1969 that Juve have fired mid-season and still has a contract until June 30 2010.

“Last night we sent an official notice to Juventus in which Ranieri and his assistant manager declared they would be represented by me,” said lawyer Mattia Grassani.

Aside from the obvious human and professional disappointment and bitterness at the situation, he wants to keep this civil.

We are already taking the matter through the legal process, but it is still at an early stage. My mandate has as its first objective trying to resolve every aspect of this matter amicably.

Ranieri does not want a War of the Roses with Juventus to break out in the media.”

The reference is to a famous 1980s film in which a married couple’s divorce became so bitter that they would try to destroy each others’ lives.

Grassani insists the tone is amicable, but that does not mean Ranieri will let himself be pushed around.

“After that, if we do not reach any agreements in the negotiations, then the two parties will make their own decisions and that could include continuing the argument in court.”

The Coach wishes to have his wages paid up to the end of the contract and another alleged sticking point is the bonus for Champions League qualification.

For now there are only the figures in the contract, both fixed and variable, as well as the penalty for the rescission. This is where we are starting from.”


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
blah blah blah. Ranieri, just realize the millions you cost us with tiago/poulsen, etc and the money you lost us from losing Cl early on and the money lost by giving up second place to Milan.


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
This article doesnt say it with his own words, go to and see the quotes of his own words. It seems like he is beeing cheated out of something that they are contractually obligated to pay, seems like Blanc in particular is behind this. The deal is apparently if he was fired, he is entitled to 1.5m, money he is not getting, instead just his salary (also, apparently stopping him from signing without another team without their consent in th 1 year that is left under the contract).

Not something Ranieri would lie about, that they agreed to and there is a clause in his contract that he gets 1.5m if he is fired. In that case, pay him.


Junior Member
Feb 6, 2008
Okay, some might argue he did a decent job and a gentle man, he really gave us some important wins. But IMO, Ranieri made some mistakes that he deserves to be sacked.

1. Repeatively chose wrong tactics and formation. This can be arguable but one can't deny the fact that he kept Gio too much on the bench, overuse Nedved, and more importantly, he could not hold the team solid and lift players' spirit after series of winless. Every coach picks wrong tactics some day, but to be a coach, it's a must to grab your squad and lead it with strong character. Ranieri couldn't

2. Football is more than a business, but an emotional and inspiring job. I mean Ranieri could not get the support from the most of Juve fans. We can see clearly how most of us raged after each every game for the past two months. Some might say sacking him is a blow to club's image. But to me, keeping him, may risk losing third place, is a bigger blow to club's image.

3. Then after what ever happens just happened, he decided to call for lawyer and even sue us. Obviously he is going to miss the goals of this season, that means he failed to accomplish the tasks in term of business. Then I believe it's ridiculous to sue us.

Just my two cent.


Founder of Hism
Jan 18, 2009
another coach who doesn`t know the meaning of defence
Scolari may not be great in defense but he knows offensive play more than anyone.
But Juve is not the team for him.. perhaps a fully brazilian Milan side but never an italian juventus. Its just not our style


Ageing Veteran
Jan 26, 2009
You have missed the point. I'm talking about the personal insults and namecalling etc. The way people label someone a loser. Tell me: if Ranieri is a loser, then what are YOU? The manner in which people talk like they know better than people who have spent years in the world of football. Everybody makes mistakes, Ranieri, Secco, Blanc, Moggi, everybody, then why is it so hard to accept that. I have nothing against discussion. I have nothing against people wanting Ranieri out (IMO he should have been sacked after the coppa home game against Lazio), not liking him, not liking his tactics, formations, substitutions etc. Discuss all you want, but is it really that difficult to do it in respectful and intelligent manner.
I am in agreement with you as regards this particular point, but you should have highlighted it more clearly in your post, as it was too general :p

However, you have to understand emotions and sentiments. Sometimes, people tend to get wrapped up in their club emotionally, and this clouds their judgment and their ability to assess and evaluate particular incidents or situations objectively. I do agree, that it tends to become tedious and destructive after some time, and that it would be a lot more conducive to discuss everything in a rational manner without too much emotional sentiment.


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2008
I am in agreement with you as regards this particular point, but you should have highlighted it more clearly in your post, as it was too general :p

However, you have to understand emotions and sentiments. Sometimes, people tend to get wrapped up in their club emotionally, and this clouds their judgment and their ability to assess and evaluate particular incidents or situations objectively. I do agree, that it tends to become tedious and destructive after some time, and that it would be a lot more conducive to discuss everything in a rational manner without too much emotional sentiment.
:tup: Agreed
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