Techno, Trance & House - Reborn (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Oct 1, 2001
hmmm, so are we talkin 1-2 mins per tune?
It wont really be mixing if i do make it coz i cant mix DnB type beats - I can only do trance and house style beats, dont know what the real term is.

I'll give it a go anyway


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
prodigy are focking awesome!

Don, their greatest hits album comes out over here mid september if thats of any interest to you


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Greg ] ++
Going good, how about yourself? 17000 posts and erik with something like 22000 - whats going on over here lol
not bad at my end buddy, jus working and going out on the piss mostly. Will be getting creamfields tickets asap if they're still available, gotta see PvD again!


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
btw I can't get any of your mixes unfortunately since i'm on a proxy server.. it told me to disable it, which I did successfully, but now I get this message:

"This IP is not allowed to use the free-service anymore today. We detected very extreme downloads. Don't worry! This has not to be your fault.
Maybe you use a proxy-server. Premium-users are not affected by this ban. Maybe you might want to get a PREMIUM-Account, too.
It is just a one-time fee and you will have access instantly."



The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
Well, I'm fully rested now so I'm going to give a brief review of Global Gathering, which I attended last Friday and Saturday night. Obviously I was pretty much arseholed all the way through this, so much of the detail will be lost am afraid but here goes anyway.

For those of you who don't know its a two day event, Friday and Saturday night, the latter being the big night so to speak, with optional camping if you're staying for the weekend. Its pretty much overtaken Creamfields and Homelands as the biggest UK dance festival imo, backed up by the fact that Radio 1 had live coverage this year, and the lineups were phenomenal in each tent, for all tastes.

Two of my mates are into hard house.. for those of you who know the hard house scene will appreciate that BK, Lisa Lashes, the Tidy Boys, Andy Farley etc is pretty much as big as it gets. Similarily for Trance buffs, PvD, AvB, Tiesto, Judge Jules, Oakenfold all on the same bill is pretty hard to top.

So anyway, Friday night... after a long hard day at college, and a stressful night's preparations behind me, we finally set off at about 5-30 from Derby. Despite me printing off the directions from the website and getting step by step instructions from, my mate still insisted he knew best, drew his own route on a map and we had to use that. Suffice to say it went wrong, and I had to improvise half way through when it seemed we were heading for Exeter on the south coast. We got there at about half 7 anyway, only to be met with a 3 hour... yes 3 hour queue to get into the campsite and swap tickets for wristbands. Unfortunately we'd failed to forsee this and ended up watching as everyone else in teh queue slowly got more and more drunk on the vodka they'd all seemingly brought with them. (It said no alcohol on the tickets so we didn't bother, being festival virgins we didn't want to push our luck)

We got to the tent about half ten, which had already been set up by two of us who'd managed to get the day off and go down early, so we were straight onto the cans, they cost £30 a crate once we got in there, but it was 1664, so it was good stuff.. we weren't too bothered. Bearing in mind Friday's lineup wasn't that spectacular, Sasha probably being the biggest name on the bill, we weren't going to hit it too hard. So why one of the lads decided to snort a line of coke the minute we got there is still beyond me. He laster threw up in my sleeping bag. Which was nice. Anyway basically all the others got a tad carried away, drank a bit too much etc and we got separated anyhow since we'd all unforgivably forgot to charge our phones. The reception was naff anyway though. In the end three of us went to see Sasha and a bit of Oakey, me and my other mate only got as far as the really crappy stage where some bald guy was playing basically every trance classic from the past 10 years. We stuck around till 2 then buggered off to get some sleep after a £5 cheeseburger!

Got back to the tent and started chatting to some lads who were in the tent to the left, and some girls in the tent to the right. I ended up sleeping in the girls' tent - they kindly offered me a spare sleeping bag after mine was thrown out for obvious reasons.

Nest day, Saturday morning. I woke up feeling fine and basically very very excited about the night ahead. All the others were ill... suckas! Day passed fairly uneventfully, we spent all of it canoodling with the girls in their tent, and customising our clothes for the night so we looked completely mad. My cowboy hat, comedy sunglasses and glowstick combo were onto a winner I can tell you. The queue for the cashpoint was literally an hour so we drove into Stratfors to get some much needed money and provisions. I wasn't about to pay £3 for a portion, or about 12 chips, in the campsite.

We started drinking about 4 and were actually fairly sozzled by about 8 o'clock, so decided we needed a to chill a bit. What better way than to head to the radio 1 beach to watch a bit of the Judge with his saturday warmup show. Went to the aftershock tent, won some free shots, and due to the horrendous queues to get a drink, bought about 4 smirnoff ices each to save return trips. They were £4 each btw.. what a bargain! It was either those or more Kronenborg.. and I'd had enough of that by this point!
Anyway despite the ever increasing number of toilet breaks we were all still together at about 8 in anticipation of Tiesto's show. Jules was shite by the way.. but then I always thought his reputation was a bit too high to begin with. The girls showed up, and then went off somewhere taking one of the lads with them, so we were down to four. Not sure what he was thinking but he regretted it in the morning.. didn't get any action whatsoever.. haha. After about half hour of Tiest, two of them went to find him, we later found they all got separated, went back to the tent to meet up, and ended up in the hard house tent all night, 'avin it to the tidy boys and lisa lashes.

Two of us remaining stayed through the entire Tiesto set. Not going to write a great review on it but a couple of points

- I noticed there were actually quite a few shite songs in the set, with no real tune or substance to them
- He seemed to get away with it though.. even with me, cos when he was losing everybody he simply dropped one of his massive tracks and everybody was right back loving him again
- His remix of Oakenfold's Southern Sun (which I knew he'd play - I'd done my research) was absolutely phenomenal
- Also played Traffic, Lethal Industry and Adagio as the last song.. all were of course awesome
- Overall pretty good but not entirely blown away.. I'd give him 7/10 probably

He finished off at about 10 to 11, the plan had been to then go and see AvB, but since we'd lost everyone I was willing to forget about that to try and find them. Since all phones were dead we wandered round polysexual tent (hard house) for about an hour with no luck. Was still knackered from my manic dancing to Tiesto so we got something to eat then chilled out on.. the fairground rides.. and I mean the crazy ones, that you only see at festivals, where you think you're actually going to spew your guts up and die. Thankfully I didn't, and we got back to catch the last 10 minutes of Armin, who sounded on good form and got a massive reaction from the crowd at the end.. muct have beena good one.

The main action was still to come however.. the man I'd been waiting for, and judging by the fact the Godskitchen tent was now absolutely heaving to breaking point (there were now probably a couple of thousand people OUTSIDE the tent trying to watch, plus loads others listening from the campsite that couldn't get closer) so was everyone else. The legend that is Paul Van Dyk.

This set just absolutely flew past. I was literally on my last legs after Tiesto but didn't let that ruin this mammoth set by PvD. Two hours of bangin tunes, mixed to almost perfection by the master, cementing his place in my heart as the number 1 DJ, I don't care what the awards and press say.. nobody tops this man. Every single track, even though I'd not heard many of them before, was absolute quality, this was all killer no filler as the tunes just kept on playing.


- Can't actually remember song titles as was fairly wasted at this point but about halfway through he dropped Josh Wink "Higher State Of Consciousness" and the whole place went absolutely ballistic. Thats the best sounding I've ever heard that track.. slowed it right down to about 50 rpms.. then sped it up and .. well it was just incredible to be a part of that mass throng of bodies jumping up and down in unison and disbelief!
- PvD's control of bass, and selection of tunes, made him stand out from Tiesto imo
- So many times, he'd take off the bass, and then as everyone had calmed down, flip the switch and everyone went wild yet again as the bass thundered through the tent
- Also there were many tunes where you thought the bass was on, then got a deafening roar as it came on to full effect. Basically I've wanted to see PvD play since about 1998, so it was a dream come true and he didn't disappoint - 9.5/10 --> can't wait to see him again at Creamfields.. touch wood I make it

Mix finished at three and was done cheering at 5 past. Stumbled out of the tent, got another burger and headed back to the capsite.. completely knackered and incapable of dancing anymore. Got back and the other guys were all tucked up in bed the sissy girls! Chatted to the girls for a couple of hours as I couldn't really sleep - was still on a high. They'd been to see Carl Cox :lazy: wow.

Anyway woke up in the morning after 2 hours sleep on a huge adrenaline rush, found out one of the lads hadn't been drinking much the night before (still ill from the coke on Friday!) so got home pretty early avoiding the traffic. Home at half 11 and, after a few hours pretty much straight to bed, slept through till about 7, and a good nights sleep after that too I was that knackered!

Quality quality quality.. and we're all definitely going again :cool:
Jan 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Greg ] ++
hmmm, so are we talkin 1-2 mins per tune?
It wont really be mixing if i do make it coz i cant mix DnB type beats - I can only do trance and house style beats, dont know what the real term is.

I'll give it a go anyway

not necceseraly mixing, just parts of the song played after the other but that it doesnt sound like total randomness.

great news tom.


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Nicole ] ++
Tom have you ever been to Ibiza? I wanna go some time, just wondering what you though of it, if you have been?
Never been unfortunately, but I was a bit young when it was massive back in around 98-99 time (I'd have been 13-14). Its come back with a bang though this year, we were going to try to get a late deal but there's not been enough time to save any spending money up. We're hopefully going to go either next year or 2007, but we're also contemplating Cancun so I don't know which way round it'd be.

Certainly if you're a fan of dance music ibiza has got to be worth a visit, at least once in your life. Its got to be done really


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2004
Huge fan of dance music, so I guess I will end up going to Ibiza, also heard of Cancun, but nothing specific just heard it was a great experience especially for the night-life.

:eek: I must admit, I though you were alot older then that Tom.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Tom ] ++

Never been unfortunately, but I was a bit young when it was massive back in around 98-99 time (I'd have been 13-14). Its come back with a bang though this year, we were going to try to get a late deal but there's not been enough time to save any spending money up. We're hopefully going to go either next year or 2007, but we're also contemplating Cancun so I don't know which way round it'd be.

Certainly if you're a fan of dance music ibiza has got to be worth a visit, at least once in your life. Its got to be done really

Cancun is awesome


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
++ [ originally posted by djleli ] ++
you really should visit malta :D in the summer we have massve parties every week or so.
Cool, though must admit i've never heard anything of the Maltese nightlife, perhaps you'd enlighten me :)

Is there a big clubbing scene over there, or is it more like raves?


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Nicole ] ++
Huge fan of dance music, so I guess I will end up going to Ibiza, also heard of Cancun, but nothing specific just heard it was a great experience especially for the night-life.

:eek: I must admit, I though you were alot older then that Tom.
Really? I had no idea you were a fan of dance music? You should post in here more often! What sorta stuff are you into?

I've heard the same about Cancun by the way, so I'm not sure exactly what its like - other than it has apparently the biggest clubbing scene in the world - which can't be bad :D Perhaps Fabi or someone could enlighten us.

And how old did you think I was? Do I sound that old? :undecide:


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2004
Must admit I havent heard a great deal of new dance music, only stuff in clubs, but I never remember it.

My favorite song is definitely Insomnia - Faithless, I so wanna see them play that live one day.

Fabi said it was amazing when I asked her

Do you really want me to answer that question about how old I though you were :D


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
Yeah, go on answer it, would be interesting to see :D

and Insomnia is also in my top 5 of all time, so I can say based on that alone you have good taste. You should come to Creamfields this year, its on the Saturday before August bank holiday. Faithless (who always play insonnia by the way based on past experience) are headlining with Basement jaxx, plus two out of the top three trance dj's in the world, Armin Van Buuren and Paul Van Dyk are playing. Tickets are about £55. :)


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2004
Well, I am bad at remember songs, but I love Basement Jaxx, Armin Van Buuren and Paul Van Dyk so I should come :D

My favorite style of dance music is Trance probably. I am listening to that Trance channel that Elnur posted.

EDIT: Oh, and I though you were about early 30s :D


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
you should definitely come. I'll be on the lookout for an ugly chick in a Roma shirt :p ;)

oh.. and early 30's :wth: :dielaugh: jeez am speechless!

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