Surprised This Hasn't Been Mentioned Yet (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
i want buffon to be replaced.i know some of you will be thinking that i've gne off my rocker but just hear me out,please.

he is just so overrated its irritating sometimes.i get non-juve fans telling me he is the best GK in the world and i'm too embarrassed to say otherwise.but i know he isn't.far from it.maybe some of you would remember a thread titled "Don't Shoot Me" some time back.his great save from zidane's FK in last season's semi finals shut my mouth for a while,but i knew it was a matter of time before his faults came to light again.

his inability to catch simple shots and that flat-footedness still exist.anyone saw how he conceded that first goal against parma?how did he manage to spill that shot is beyond me,and his attempt at a second save was horrible.seriously,he looked like he was one of those fans at a concert,waving his arms in the air in a sing-along.quite unorthodox if you ask me.

firstly,he is not as good as many think he is.

secondly,he is one of our most marketable assets.15-20m shouldn't be impossible.

thirdly,we can get a better replacement.frey would be my top choice,even stekelenburg,sereni,cudicini wouldn't be bad at all.

believe it or not,we do need an upgrade between the sticks.when have we seen him make a great save this season?dozens of keepers have had better games against us while buffon has let us down.jsut because leggro,thuram and montero have been letting players ghost past them we assume its all their fault.

i really have no idea why nobody else notices that buffon is a major factor in our downfall.

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #3
    ++ [ originally posted by delpiero10 ] ++
    even the best players in the world!!!
    exactly what i'm talking about!

    he is NOT the best keeper in the world!


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
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    kahn,canizares,frey are all better than buffon.i'd put my life on it.

    too many have let the hype get to them.what has he done,besides the couple of good saves in the last quarter of last season, to prove that he is that good?

    nothing.luca bucci has made so many better saves than buffon on a consistent basis this season even.


    Senior Member
    Feb 13, 2004
    But you gotta admit, he isn't impressive this season! And makes stupid errors, doesn't come up with awesome saves and many easy crappy goals go past him! :down:


    Senior Member
    Dec 25, 2003
    ofcourse not!!

    the defence suks,tht's y buffon is blamed for the goals,he didd make some gr8 saves,check roma and Bresia match espicially!!!

    Buffon is 26 years old,replace him?!?



    Senior Member
    Feb 13, 2004
    Mate, Desmond has a point here.....
    Buffon is no where near good this season, I think he's made his point and I'm with him there... :D


    Senior Member
    Feb 13, 2004
    Frey is awesome IMO! This season, I reckon Buffon sucked big time (leave the defense out of it :().... Even Frey had a better season IMO :down:


    Senior Member
    Feb 13, 2004
    C'mon Egyptian Juventino...
    I watched Juve games and we normally control the game, but when the other team gets the ball and attacks, I'm always scared! If they get through the defense, Buffon has no chance always.... Now is this what a good keeper does, standing facing the attacker and always letting those easy scrappy goals in? (some of the goals are actually from Buffon errors) ;)


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
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    many of them could actually have been dealt with.

    and they would have,by another keeper.i'm dead serious when i say sereni would have done a better job.


    Senior Member
    Nov 10, 2003
    It is not fair to blame it solely on Buffon, the defenders are also responsible for conceded goals.......I must say, Buffon haven't been outstanding like last season but he's playing well.....for instance, look at Hildebrand, he broke Kahn record with the help of his defender....without them he's nothing but another shot-stopper, I don't see whats the point to get rid of Buffon just because he had one bad season


    Senior Member
    Feb 13, 2004
    I'm not saying I don't like him.... I do like him... but its just that he doesn't play well recently and has underperformed this season!


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #18
    but even last season and the one before that,apart from a short spell of good form i've seen nothing to convince me to believe that he will be a great here.

    even for the azzuri,pagliuca was twice the keeper buffon ever was.


    Senior Member
    Oct 6, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Desmond ] ++
    but even last season and the one before that,apart from a short spell of good form i've seen nothing to convince me to believe that he will be a great here.

    even for the azzuri,pagliuca was twice the keeper buffon ever was.

    you keep coming with them!!

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