I really don't know why people say Lichst was more convicing, he was an absolute liability every time he played and was very lucky that Dani got injured that we were forced to play him. Its easy to forget after a good run of 5 games (where has been great!) but prior to that, he was absolutely terrible! One of our worst players! While Dani wasn't spectacular, he still wasn't at fault for direct goals and actually contributed directly in important goals in like 3 matches in a row in both the CL and Serie A.
Also hope Beppe actually takes this whining on the sidelines thing serious and bans the next player for like 3 games if they pout, dont shake hands, kick waterbottles and thrash around when substituted. Don't care if it's Lichst or fukkin Buffon, it makes everyone look bad if it becomes a habit. Grow the fukk up you ball kicking millionaires.