I have obvious pro-Stephan bias but I thought he did a good job specifically defending today.
He did surprisingly well in attack, but his defending was not that good imo:
- first Gagliardini shot was after Licht lost the header to d'Ambrosio (and we paid off Rizzoli, so inda didn't get penalty for Stephan holding d'ambrosia)
- Icardi's shot in the first half was after Licht didn't cover perisic (he was offside though), Bon bon went to cover Licht and was not quick enough, but Licht should have covered obvious passing line, not just trailing behind
- lost the header to Perisic (after that Mandzukic almost killed Icardi in a penalty box, but had Rizzoli in our pocket here also)
Don't get me wrong, it was a good game for Licht, one of his best this season. But I honestly think it's not good enough. In Licht defense, inda mainly attacked through his side and Perisic is very tough cookie. And we have no-one better atm to play there.
Here is highlights, I've just rewatched it.