Stars in gang rape probe (1 Viewer)

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Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
EIGHT Premiership soccer stars are at the centre of a probe into the alleged gang rape of a 17-year-old girl.

She told police she consented to sex with one of the players in a five-star London hotel room over the weekend.

But she claims seven others then joined in and forced themselves on her.

The seven all play for the same club and include at least one international and several other household names.

The other star — with whom the girl was a willing partner — is with a different team.

Yesterday the teenager underwent medical examinations at a rape counselling suite as a major investigation was launched.

She reported the astonishing allegations to a central London police station.

Her initial account is being studied and a full interview will be carried out later this week.

Detectives from a specialist unit, which targets sex offenders, are investigating.

A woman officer will coax details from the girl.

Meanwhile, cops carried out forensic tests yesterday at the hotel where she says she was raped.

A decision will be taken later on whether to arrest the soccer suspects.

The case will cause shockwaves throughout the football world.

The Sun cannot name the stars involved for legal reasons.

But a source said: “They are instantly recognisable to every football fan.

“What the girl says happened to her is brutal and humiliating.”

The accusations include allegations that an unnatural sex act was performed on the teenager.

The source added: “If it was proved against anyone, they would go to prison for a long time.

“The girl turned up at a police station with a male friend to report it.

“She is terribly upset by what happened.

“She said she was too ashamed to tell her mother.”

The girl has been offered counselling and will undergo an HIV test.

I got this from The Sun but it has been confirmed in England by the police,,2-2003450466,,00.html

now, look at this:
London hotel room The seven all play for the same club and include at least one international and several other household names.
The seven all play for the same club and include at least one international and several other household names.
source said: “They are instantly recognisable to every football fan.
The other star — with whom the girl was a willing partner — is with a different team.

London Based Clubs
Matches in London
charlton (home) vs liverpool**

chelsea** (home) vs aston villa

arsenal** (home) vs newcastle**

** denotes possibility of having 'stars'

Not in london during weekend
tottenham (away) at Manchester City

Not in Premiership
West ham

Buy on


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
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    lol i knew i read those names somewhere but didnt know let me delete this thread


    Senior Member
    Jul 30, 2003
    only one out of seven is an international.... that couldnt possibly be chelsea... dont think its arsenal either... it soudns like a group session in a hotel room on a weekend... that propably means that its an away team.....

    my pick : newcastle united... poor old Sir Bobby :down:


    Senior Member
    Jul 16, 2003
    okayyyyy......hmmmm....strange news.......

    erm, my 1st thoughts.....

    -men can do anything when durnk or in the spur of the moement so i am not buying the opinion that they are famous footballers and don't need to resort to this.

    Conclusion: Yeah they don't need to....but they can. So this isn't a good enough reason

    -They should be smart enough...... they have big lives and big careers.....absolutely no reason to risk trashing it like this. If they thought they could get away with it....... again...they should have been smarter

    Conclusion: i don't buy this story as it is put now. ie: 8 high profile footballers gang rapped a 17 yr old just like that

    but then... .....

    - i actually agree with this point

    ++ [ originally posted by Fliakis ] ++
    so she was really rapeed by 8 footballers. but actually that 17 year old agreed to have sex with one of them and i presume they weren't hiding from 7 others. what is she? free minded girl? a victim? if you want to .... make love do that alone, in private, not it front of 7 drunks footballers watching.

    Conclusion: she's guilty to some extent. Maybe she's really seeking the publicity....i don't know.... like i said i just don't buy the story as it is.

    17yr old girl gets gang rapped by 8 guys.... in a more or less public place.....these guys are famous, rich people..... pretty young girls are practically throwing themselves at their feet everywhere they go..... no need to share for crying out loud! If they wanted to "have fun together"you think these guys couldn't just "call" in 8 more equally hot or even hotter girls than this 17yr old???? They could have called 80 if they wanted to......

    My point and conclusion: Does this story sounnd more like what 8 high profile mature men would do or something a 17yr old girl made up??

    My suspission (of cos purely my mind going wild) : she agreed to this 1 guy.... perhelps then some fight/ argument broke out between these footballers leading to some small injuries between them. Basically...."something" but not what's reported happened. And this girl just being orpourtunistic, took this and made up the story...... i mean there..... they find the evidence of sex from guy no. 1 and bruises/injuries/cuts whatever on the gir and the remaining 7 guys......

    ta da!!!!!........ World wide headlines.......


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    I was thinking the same,,im talking about that the girl is behind all of this.

    OK "maybe" it was a plot done by the girl, and someone behind her. She could be a little prostitute of a famous house. Someone , that could have contact with the players and manipulates protitutes could have planned the plot and set the scenario. She accepted to do the dirty work,,, and they tempted the guys to do an orgy or something like that, to have just a crazy night. They played the game,, and in that way she can have proves of this with adn exams in her and in the room and so on.
    A judge is done...and if she wins the case,,,and earns money from that, it will be divided.

    Or ,maybe she is lying! ;)

    But she is suspicious in any way.


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    I'll repeat what I heard on the news here (I dont knowhow they got the info tho). They said the suspects are Veron, Crespo, Mutu, Stanic and Makelele from Chelsea and Hagi and one more player from Aston Villa.

    [/rumours and speculation are bad, mkey]


    Senior Member
    Jun 8, 2003
    I rememberyou were "THE Goat " or something before....

    Shit...we are getting off-topic ...

    unless a goat has been involved in the rape case...........:D
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