something bothering about the legal system (1 Viewer)

Jan 7, 2004
i was just listening to the news and i just heard that a guy convicted 6 times for sexual assault (last time for one on a 6 year old boy) after serving his time in prison was released to the community. in a community where one of the most "famous" sexual assaults that ended up with murder on a pree-teen girl has happened. not what the **** is up will that ? this guy has been conviced 6 times. why do they give him one more chance ?

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Sep 23, 2003
It's probably not about giving the guy another chance as much as it is a policy of freeing prisoners, regardless of offense, once they've done their time.

Sex offenders have such a high recidivism, I think they should be handled a little differently. Maybe that doesn't mean they should be locked up doing hard time forever or even castrated, but society should be protected from them ... whether that's monitoring, neighborhood awareness, and/or some form of minimum security prison.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Don Bes ] ++
i was just listening to the news and i just heard that a guy convicted 6 times for sexual assault (last time for one on a 6 year old boy) after serving his time in prison was released to the community. in a community where one of the most "famous" sexual assaults that ended up with murder on a pree-teen girl has happened. not what the **** is up will that ? this guy has been conviced 6 times. why do they give him one more chance ?

Becuase we live in civilised society, and cause of that, we tend to give them a chance: one after one, then another and another and another.
And after every of those chances they still are back to prison, cause during that chance they did the same. But we're soooo cool and civilised, that we still let them out and give another chance.

We also discuss so much about right to live, health, immunity, good treatement - and all those discussions have place, when we talk about criminals and how to punish them. Those discussion never comes up, when we say about victims. Victims and potential victims should be protected the most, not criminals.


Sep 23, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Lilianna ] ++
death penalty is also a solution
It's the best solution out there. We should use it for white collar crimes (think Enron), graft, DUI, cheating on taxes, jaywalking, etc.


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++

It's the best solution out there. We should use it for white collar crimes (think Enron), graft, DUI, cheating on taxes, jaywalking, etc.
though i am against death penalty,in some cases,i am soooo for it!!


Sep 23, 2003
Well, there's a difference between revenge over the things in the past you can no longer change and what you can do to best prevent something like that happening again in the future. I'm not so sure the two always go hand-in-hand.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++
It's probably not about giving the guy another chance as much as it is a policy of freeing prisoners, regardless of offense, once they've done their time.

Sex offenders have such a high recidivism, I think they should be handled a little differently. Maybe that doesn't mean they should be locked up doing hard time forever or even castrated, but society should be protected from them ... whether that's monitoring, neighborhood awareness, and/or some form of minimum security prison.
That's the dreamland.
Do you know how the life looks like?
Noone tells you, that your neighbour is pedophil or rapist, cause they have right to privacy like all other people. Also in most countires you cannot force them to any medical treatement, cause forcing people to anything is not allowed.

So victims and criminals have the same rights.
Lawnchair Bes
Jan 7, 2004
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    ++ [ originally posted by vitoria_Ally ] ++

    Becuase we live in civilised society, and cause of that, we tend to give them a chance: one after one, then another and another and another.
    And after every of those chances they still are back to prison, cause during that chance they did the same. But we're soooo cool and civilised, that we still let them out and give another chance.

    We also discuss so much about right to live, health, immunity, good treatement - and all those discussions have place, when we talk about criminals and how to punish them. Those discussion never comes up, when we say about victims. Victims and potential victims should be protected the most, not criminals.

    you know what, 5 chances are a lot more than anyone deserves.

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