so long , farewell but never say never (1 Viewer)


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
Well its been a good ride and lots of very good times and I am very happy to have had the pleasure to exchange my views with all of you but like all good things it has to come to an end and here it is

I would love to give my sincere thanks to every one and i will mention some but sadly not all not because they are less important but more to do with time constraint

Martin , thanks and keep up the excellent work

nekton though the videos were not useful to me personally, you have done a fantastic job in helping others less fortunate than myself in seeing goals

Fahad keep up your great passion for Juve and you are a credit to everything

Eric nice knowing you and you'd be a pleasure to know in real life i am sure

Nina we dont agree on much football wise but you seem to be a level headed intelligent woman and very likeable

Mate well we don't agree on anything and must have provided a few funny moments on the net and i greatly admire you undying love for baggio. Sorry i cannot resist this but he is not the 4th best in the world:D

Tom well you would have to now carry the mantle of the most pessimist Juve supporter in my absence and carry on with your witty posts but try to let up a bit on Trez but especially Davids

Ally my bestest pal on the forum and all round nice girl, gonna miss u the most

Hoshi possibly the wittiest person on the forum and great credit to the place, we dont interact much but i do make it a point of duty to read your posts

Lacrease I have the feeling you are 2 ppl as you can go from the really sublime to the ridiculous without any effort but you are gr8

Stuart /fantastita if ure are really 13 then you are the best poster in here bar none , to have that knowledge and intelligence at that age football wise is gr8

Paranoia excellent poster and one of those I admire who is not afraid to speak his mind no matter how unpopular

Dj Juve you are a trickster as you know more football than most ppl on here but u act like you don't, I see thru your facade and i know you have a fantastic football knowledge, not to mention the way your mind works

Ian, absolutely brilliant at arguing and an absolute credit to the forum as you are the only person I know who can in one line say Dp is the most influential play ever then in another line say he is dispensable easy, or say Buffon is the best in the world, put up his avatar then within 3 secs say Lehmann and Westerveld are superior, you are a gem

Mona another friend of mine and another decent human being and a gr8 credit to the forum

Cool girl zenoni's only fan and thats gonna count for something

Vinman extremely funny and for a cop you are very quick on the trigger, hope Salas, Delvecchio and Trap never commit a felony near your beat, but you are absolutely superb and gr8 fun
Juv_10 thx for the compliment you paid me reall appreciated and i think you are wonderful
Jun one of my fave posters and i never fail to read your posts

Greg well you know how good you are and most on here think so too and so do i

Christian_vieri another quality poster

Paul one of the very best , my beef with you is I think you don't post that often thereby depriving the forum of pure quality

Kweku same as Paul

Slack another absolutely brill poster with the added bonus of grammar
dajuve another excellent poster and another one i look fwd to read his posts

Sarah I think you have changed your name but you are pure quality as well
Robybaggio18, delphi, spartacus, jules hardly see you guys anymore and i wish you all the very best

Paolo, oded, huzi, gray, aca, every one in buffon forum, everyone in Dp forum, adrian(quality all the way), Hyddie,Huzi, M-ferrari,sutnop, igor, Loppan, Phonix, Holden,gionbonjovi, and my goodness so many more

I just want to say with all humility, thx for letting me share my small football knowledge to you and for tolerating my excesses but not i take my leave and wish each and everyone of you the absolute very best in life

I am sure I have missed out someone I shouldn't but if I rememeber, I will come back to personally say goodbye

See ya and so long for Now....................

Buy on


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++

Mate well we don't agree on anything and must have provided a few funny moments on the net and i greatly admire you undying love for baggio. Sorry i cannot resist this but he is not the 4th best in the world:D
I know what you think, but about the 4° player of ever you don't have to speak to me, just complain with FIFA I was not involved in their choices :D
I didn't fully understand why you decided to say "by" anycase I enjoyed also discussing, and I have to reconice that the "Baggio trade" lost something till you don't post anymore there, cause if ther's any "anti" ther's less to speak about :)


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by lacrease ] ++
and just what the hell is this supposed to mean??


the whole dedication not your opinion on me that is. :undecided:
Didn't you do someting similar lately? ;)


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #6
    ++ [ originally posted by lacrease ] ++
    and just what the hell is this supposed to mean??


    the whole dedication not your opinion on me that is. :undecided:
    I mean as for now and in the very near future, there will be little or no posts from me and yes I will miss you greatly too:D


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    Well, something is true, since the first time i arrived this forum, you and me never hanged out well, and our few interactions were agressive posts.

    But at the end, i learned how assimilate your posts, and you changed your style of posting too. You was a good poster after all.

    Now what you will do? it must be a very important reason, to leave the forum. (the juventus loss against milan have something to do too?)

    Well , Good luck!


    The DJ
    Oct 30, 2001
    Thankyou Denis, I will try to live up to the pessimists billing :D but didn't fully understand the reasons for you leaving..?

    Whatever you do, good luck in life, all the best


    Senior Member
    Feb 18, 2001
    :eek: This is a surprize, and not a very pleasing one if I may add.

    I wish you all the best as well. Dont take too long to come back. Although we'll do anything possible to step up on the entertainment ladder over the summer, I'm sure there'll be something left to critize when the season begins ;) :D

    Untill then, farewell. :)


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by lacrease ] ++

    true but i came back ;)
    Yep :thumb: and you have been missed a lot :touched:

    Maybe denco will leave 4 a while and come back too...
    At this point of the season we are all a bit bored to talk about soccer... to be onest me too... but the "mercato" and of course next season will make us "passioned" again!!!


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    yeah, im only hanging on the mercato, but i hardly can leave the team... if i do that,,then ill be really bored.

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    well as long as denco comes back im happy. he's been one of the more educated posters on this forum where football is concerned and this forum seems like its overflowing with crud rather than real talk.

    and i admit to being part of it. anyways i think its a little late to try and bring back the old.


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    A real shame to loose you, Dennis. Your posts and views were much appreciated from my side and always made for a very interesting read!

    All the best of luck in your life and hopefully, our paths will cross again someday.



    Senior Member
    Oct 1, 2001
    See ya later Dennis!

    I didn't realise many noticed my posts, since I only post in the music and films threads, I do that pretty seldom too, ah well Cheers!
    Jul 12, 2002
    Even if I kill every other braincell containing the name Denco, I'll always remember you calling me a gem, that's prime stuff man, thanks... and I hope that you'll stop by every so often, just so we don't all become Baggio lovers...;)

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