[Serie A] Juventus vs. Inter (41 Viewers)


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Jeeks ] ++

Well after I saw his performance tonight, my fears on his performance are decreasing. I think he was so brave tonight.
Yes, very good term: brave. Because he was able to throw himself infront of inter player in dangerous situations. Once against Martins, when Abiatti got injured. And also other times. So he was very brave!


May 11, 2004
++ [ originally posted by TonyMontana ] ++

Yea i watched the game and Del Piero was poor, What does that mean anyway, He played for Juve, all players play for Juve.

He lost balls, his passes were bad and he shoot a freekick at goal when he should of crossed it. He was poor, Period.

Gotta go now, peace and congrats on 3 points.

AW man, do you have to start the same thing after every game?


Sep 23, 2003
You want to know one of the big differences between when we hosted Inter last year and drew 2-2 and this year when we won 2-0? It was what we did and how we played with the 2-0 lead.

Winning loose balls, maintaining possession, slowing down Inter's momentum, and eating up the clock are far from glamour roles for any of our squad to play. But in the end, it made the difference to ensure we sealed the win after a 2-0 lead this time.

Holding Inter to a cleansheet deserves it's own form of credit...and not just the TV-ready replays of goals and assists. Winning football is far more than what you do in the highlight reel.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by JuveBoy ] ++

Yes, very good term: brave. Because he was able to throw himself infront of inter player in dangerous situations. Once against Martins, when Abiatti got injured. And also other times. So he was very brave!
Ah man your new avatar is nice but the old one was such a classic :touched:


Sep 23, 2003
++ [ originally posted by JuveBoy ] ++

Yes, very good term: brave. Because he was able to throw himself infront of inter player in dangerous situations. Once against Martins, when Abiatti got injured. And also other times. So he was very brave!
For anyone who would have even thought of questioning his allegiances in this match, given his AC Milan pedigree: this should shut you up.

What I saw out there was a Juventus player, through and through. He threw life and limb out there for the cause. And while I still criticize his ball-handling abilities, he showed good reactions and solid positioning instincts. I wasn't sure I'd ever say this, but Forza Abbiatti! :D


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
Abbiati - 6.5 Had a relatively quite game but was alert when he had to. One bit of criticism is that I think he is a tad bit slow rushing out.

Blasi - 6 He wasnt much troubled for the majority of games but I thought his positional play wasnt too good. Martins got goalside of him couple of times in the first half and allowed Recoba free run in the second half.

Cannavaro - 8 A great game from the world class stopper. L'Imperatore had his daddy for a day.

Thuram - 6.5 Was pretty solid for the majority of match. But he almost cost us dearly with silly passes near penalty box in the first half.

Zambrotta - 6.5. Wasnt troubled too much for the game & put in a very solid performace and has shown high workrate. Perhaps he was a bit too conservative but it is understandable given the occasion.

Camo - 6 His pass to Del Piero was beautiful and it is shame that Alex was in upside position. However, he didnt enough of such play throughout the match. Nonetheless, he got end of ball a lot of time & made up the number in the midfield.

Viera - 7.5 A decent performance by the French Captain. He certainly showed his class today IMO. Not only did he kept out Adriano from almost a certain goal, he followed up with a good attacking move moments later. He was a bit more quite in the second half. He is arguably the most complete midfield player in the world IMO.

Emerson - 7.5 Outstanding in the second half with superb defensive displays that I would gladly show the growing up footballers. A true professional who has outstanding football brain. He is a true ball winner.

Nedved - 7 A terrific goal by our legendary midfielder. A free kick that would have made Juninho proud. It was more industrial performance than vintage Nedved by you sure know that he is going to 110% every match.

Zlatan - 7 Zlatan not only hit a free kick that led to goal but I thought he was brilliant dropping off Trezeguet and picking up the ball. Materazzi had all the trouble in the world dealing with our mercurial forward and had to rely on his last resort that is *gasp* cheating.

Trezeguet - 7 His goal was that a true predator - always alert and opportunistic. He was also lively in the first half, being involved in many build ups. However, he was a lot more quiet and was eventually stretched off due to injuries.


Del Piero - 5.5 I thought it was a very poor performance by our captain. His runs werent too impressive and pretty much held in check by Inter defenders. And he should have passed to Nedved, who was wide open, towards the end of match. In defence of him, Juve wasnt really interested in getting that crucial third goal and was isolated for the majority of match

Kovac - 6.5 I thought Kovac did very well since coming on & I, for one, am loving the fact we got him for free!:D. He was commanding in the air and was alert to many of Inter's crosses towards the end. No frills or class, but he isnt paid to do that. But he sure took my heart out with that spectacular clearance.

Zala - 5.5 Likewise Alex, Zala was starved of service & pretty much disappointing since coming on. To be fair to him, I thought his industry was far superior to our captain and at least made a nuisance to Inter's defence.

Ultimately, as many of us expected the game was decided in the midfield IMO. Juve's quartert was far more solid when it comes to providing protection to defence. Viera & Emerson partnership would make us the most difficult team to break down in Europe IMO - They are absolute rock in the middle. The crucial part of the match was the first goal. The game was relatively even until then and Cesar came up with absolute howler that allowed Trezeguet to header in the opening goal. Abbiati certainly showed how to punch on the end on couple of occasions. Also Capello made a good tactical choice by dropping off Ibra just behind Trezeguet and that our forward gave Inter's defence a lot of problems. Inter, IMO, has trouble in marking players who play just in between forward and midfield and while Capello certainly didnt need any invitation to take advantage of that.
Also, I think Capello's decision to play Emerson & Viera deep and hit Inter on the counter attack was excellent choice. Not conceading any goal was important and the way to do it against Inter is to cut off the supplys to their deadly forwards. However, I did not appreciate his choice to close out the so early in the second half. That made last 30mins a bit too boring for my liking. Anyway, 3point is what it matter at the end of day & we just need keep up such solidarity for next month or two to just give us some breathing space.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Almost perfect match from our boys and we totally shut down the powerful Inter attack tonight at the Delle Alpi. It may not have been a very exciting match from a neutral perspective however we got the job done and Inter were certainly outclassed tonight.

The win started by owning the midfield throughout the entire match, and as I stated before the battle for the midfield is where games of this magnitude are lost and won. Vieira and Emerson were all over Cambiasso and Pizarro, and without the latter getting involved Inter did not have many ideas with the ball tonight. Our midfield and defense did not give Inter an inch of room to work with and I don't remember any holes opening up anywhere on our side of the pitch. Our defense was all over Adriano for most of the match and we made the guy look quite average at times...superb performance.

First half was where the damage was done and Ibrahimovic won us a lot of freekicks and we took our chances very well...especially Trezeguet who beat Cordoba to the ball with his head. Scoring the first goal in this match was crucial because we could then concentrate on shutting down Inter's progression more. We did not create a lot of chances throughout the match, however when playing a side like Inter the chances only come so often...putting the ball in the net is all that matters in this kind of match. After the goals we continued to be patient and went forward with caution.

Second half we did not create many opportunities and while Inter was causing us a few problems Abbiati saved our asses a few times. Inter only recieved a few rare chances and when they did they threatened to score, only for Abbiati to make three great saves, especially the Recoba free kick. Even though Inter was getting a few chances we still looked solid in midfield and for the most part in defense, with exception to Kovac who made a few mistakes. I would have liked to see us trouble Inter more in the second half, however with Zalayeta and Del Piero up top and Inter threatening Abbiati we had to sit back more and that is understandable.

Overall the way we shut them down tonight and how we took our chances was superb. A win against Inter in the Derby d'Italia is a win against Inter in the Derby d'Italia...never comes easy and tonight we deservedly won the match and put Inter in their place. Therefore I cannot be anything but pleased by our performance.

Abbiati was solid and his saves tonight certainly took some worrying out of me.

Blasi still worries me though at right-back. Figo should have switched wings more often because he was starting to trouble Manuele.

Thuram was solid apart from fooling around with the ball too much at the back in the first half.

Cannavaro was solid as usual and no Inter player could get past this man tonight.

Zambrotta was decent and did a great job shutting down Figo for most of the match.

Camoranesi was fairly quiet tonight and I don't know why we couldn't have troubled Favalli a bit more on the right flank.

Emerson was solid as usual and did not give Pizarro anything to work with. His defensive work was superb and without this guy we would be in trouble.

Vieira was solid again and was fantastic winning balls and shutting down Pizarro in midfield. Great performance by both midfielders.

Nedved was not particulary great tonight however his moments of brilliance helped win us the match. Also did a good job coming back to win balls and defend.

Ibrahimovic was having a decent game before that worthless player Materazzi injured him. He really troubled Inter's defense and with his runs he won us a lot of free kicks...crucial element of this match indeed.

Trezeguet was quiet apart from doing what he does best...beating defenders to the ball and scoring goals from half chances.

Kovac came in and made a few mistakes, including almost scoring on our goal with a terrible back pass.

Zalayeta was average and did recieve the ball too much...Capello should have played Mutu instead but as always he never sees it my way.

Del Piero won a couple free kicks as well but apart from that he could not manage to do much.


Sep 23, 2003
Nice post. :)

++ [ originally posted by Jun-hide ] ++
The crucial part of the match was the first goal.
Agreed. It allowed us to use our superiority in midfield to press from a position of superiority and force Inter into moves of desperation.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
Wow, what an impressing first half we played. Dominated Inter in every area of the pitch. They could never build up any attack, because they either lost the ball or were stoped by on of our great defensive players. We, on the other hand, played a great build up play with just a few touches, and we were in scoring position. The free kicks were also very impressive and I am more than happy to see that we can also score from standards. Second half, what I predicted, was just a defensive training for us. Inter tried to outplay us with their way too long build up play and their long balls, that never really arrived. We won EVERY aireal battle. This was a performance of champions. Great offensive play in the first half and ended this game in a great defensive way.

Abbiati 6,5
Was not always that safe, but didn't make any real mistake and superbly saved an Adriano free-kick. Good to see that he gets better from game to game.

Blasi 6,0
Great work defensivly, but still lacks skills in offense. Nearly made a costly error in the first half, but overall, I loved the way he fought for every ball. His sliding tackles and agressive plays are very usefull for us, and he is at the moment our starting right back.

Cannavaro and Thuram 7,0
as usual. Great! No even better. Briliant! Adriano didn't make any move and Martins also had his problems. This partnership will make history. Kovac on the other hand was very nervous and scared me with his "almost own goal".

Zambrotta 6
Great defensivly but I missed his runs. Didn't really get involved in the offensive game, but instead, closed down Figo. He made Figo look like a washed up player. What he really is. Very bad buy by Inter IMO

Camoranesi 6,5
Just like in the Rapid game, he didn't really get involved in the play, but still had an ordinary game. I have to give him an extra 0,5 because of his great defensive work. Showed what a teamplayer he is.

Vieira and Emerson 7,0
GREAT! This partnership is sooooo good. Closed down Inter`s build up in many occasions and dominated the aireal battles. I can't imagine seeing such a dominating pair in the middle of the pitch. By far, the best defensive midfield in the world!

Nedved 6,0
Scored a nice free-kick, but didn't do that much. IMO Mutu is the right one for his position, as Pavel lacks dribbling skills and Mutu's skills are by far better, but still, Nevded won a lot of balls and fought for the team.

Zlatan 6,0
Agree with swag on Zlatan. He showed improvement and he is really needed for our play, because he wins a lot of aireal battles and had some very nice touches in our build up play. He really should continue like this. Del Piero didn't show anything at all IMO. However, he won us some free-kicks that took time from the clock.

Trez 6,0
Ordinary but his goal was great. Saw his opportunity and took it just too well.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++
Wow. Championship caliber play today. While the second half was lackluster on our behalf, we made sure Inter couldn't do much to change the weight of the game that was so heavily in our favor from the start.

Abbiatti - seems to have played one of his best matches yet in the bianconeri. I always love it when key subs come in and play big in big games. 6.5

Blasi - I worry about his speed. He's getting beat a lot with people able to turn corners around him. What saved him in this match was help from the rest of the backline and aggressive tackling. One bad exchange in the back where he got beat almost cost us a goal by Martins, however. 5.5

Thuram - Pretty solid game without many mistakes. Other than one incident of foolish backline passing. 6
+Kovac (50') - Some foolish mistakes in backpasses, etc. But fortunately we didn't have to pay for them. 5.5

Cannavaro - Solid, though not outstanding, game. Out best spiritual leader when we score goals too. He always seems to be the first to pile on for the goal celebrations, and I like that. :D 6.5

Zambrotta - Didn't seem as involved as he can be, but another strong point for the backline. 6

Camoranesi - He needed better cleats. He was sliding a little too much -- falling over out there on occasion. But otherwise, an OK day for him. 6

Emerson - Brutal. This guy personally gutted the Inter offensive attack like a fisherman on a Genoa pier. 7.5

Vieira - He's the player I most trust near the ball this season. It seems that everytime he gets his touches, good things happen. And I never have to worry in defensive situations. Pure class. 7

Nedved - Spent his usual time on the ground, but Inter was hacking out there to a shameful extent. Brilliant free kick to ice the first half. 6.5

Ibrahimovic - A little of the ball hog was leftover from last week, but all in all I think he showed real improvement. When he was on the pitch, he created chaos that kept Inter's defense on edge. And his line-drive free kick netted by Trez created something special to start this match. He had to come off, however, and I hope his injury isn't too serious. Materazzi is a dick. Enough said. 6
+ Del Piero (44') - Not called on to do a lot. He was most effective at taking the Inter whacks and winning free kicks. While not glamorous, it's what our strategy needed in the second half. Still, I wished he could have pushed the counterattack threats a little more, though. 6

Trezeguet - Aside of his heads-up play to net the first goal on Cesar's parry of Zlatan's free kick, he didn't seem involved that much -- which is his usual. An average day at the office, IMO. 6
+Zalayeta (60') - Wasn't too effective. 5.5

Capello - He had the team prepared today, and he showed that he learned a lot from the mistakes in previous Inter match-ups. The team was ready to perform, and they did. For that alone, I have to give him a 6.5

MOM? Emerson.

I agree with you to some extent Greg, but I disagree on a few points. Personlay, I dont think Del Piero deserved a 6, the same rating as Zlatan and Thuram, who kept batteling with Adriano during the first half. IMO, this match proved why we need Zlatan and why we've become dependant on him. The minute he left the field our attack stopped existing. We basically had to defend for 50 minutes because we were unable to create one single decent attack, and altho a deal of the blame surely goeas to the tactics and decision to defend, I cant but not think things would have been different with Zlatan. Even when he isnt scoring or assisting, he's making something happen, releiving pressure of the midfield and defense. Without him tonight there simply wasnt anyone there to receive the long balls, there wasnt anyone to hold on to the ball and wait for support, and Del Piero and Zalayeta lost most of the balls seconds after receiving them. IMO Zlatan should have been replaced with Mutu, not Del Piero. Alex doesnt have the strenght for these kinds of physical teams, nor the speed to out run them. IMO we would have been much more effective with Mutu on the pitch.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++

Zalayeta was average and did recieve the ball too much...Capello should have played Mutu instead but as always he never sees it my way.
Agree on that one. With Mutu as a counter attack weapon, we would have scored a third IMO. And........Materazzi is a piece of worthless shite. I hate him even more after this game. I can't even stand the stupid look on his face! :yuck:

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