[Serie A] JUVENTUS 3-2 roma (October 5th 2014) (16 Viewers)


  • Buffon

  • Chiellini

  • Bonucci

  • Caceres

  • Asamoah

  • Pirlo

  • Marchisio

  • Pogba

  • Licht

  • Llorente

  • Tevez

  • Ogbonna

  • Morata

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Senior Member
Sep 18, 2009
now, looking at the match again.

The referee really $#@!ed it up. Although he did well in the beginning when it looked like a penaly on Marchisio, but when you look at the replay it wasn't a penalty. It was a hard call and the referee was right.

But one has to think that if he was biased he would definitely give that penalty on Marchisio which was more dubious than the penalty on Maicon's handball.

It all started with the 1st penalty on a handball. Now that I had more time to see it, it was really absurd. What the $#@!!!! It doesn't matter if Maicon was out or within the area. His arm was in front of his body, the guy was just protecting himself. His arms weren't extended. The penalty was indeed absurd, that is NOT a penalty.

Then the referee went on to compensate Roma right after. There was no foul from Chiello on Nainggolan. Actually Nainggolan was the first to slide tackle, Chiellini just did the same. It was NOT a foul. Nainggolan went out crying and the referee wanted to compensate.

Then you can see that Totti and Litch were both pulling each other. And it started BEFORE the foul was kicked.

This penalty was very dubious and it was origined on a non existent foul given to Roma. So the referee did this $#@! to compensate it again. 1 x 1.

Pogba's penalty was a stupid decision by Pjanic. But the fact it's stupid still makes it a penalty. It was really hard to see, at first I thought it was also absurd. But at the replay Pogba was stepping the line and was tripped. It was a penalty. The referee did very well there, he was very well placed.

In Bonucci's goal, it was completely clear. Vidal didn't intervene on the play. The keeper could see the ball. Good call by the referee.

In the end, Morata shouldn't be sent off, but it had little impact in the game.

So I'd say in the end, the referee gave one absurd penalty for Juve and a bad penalty which originated from an inexistent foul for Roma. 1x1. All other crucial plays were very hard to judge and he was spot on. Marchisio's non penalty, Bonucci's goal, Pogba's penalty. They were all right.

Also let's remember the referee is from Firenze lol.

We should not be obliged to put up with all the $#@! that the losers are letting out. Agnelli has to stand up.
The keeper clearly saw the Bonbon shot as he dove very well for it with good timing but it was too well placed, too far away.

The Morata red was a joke.

The Maicon penalty was correct. That monkey crossed the line he sprayed and the ball struck his extended arm - extended infront of his body. The ball may well have avoided his body if his arms were extended forward. He was certainly inside the box so penalty it is. The problem is the ref didn't immediately call for the penalty, rather, he called for a free kick on the line then changed his mind. If he had made the correct decision initially, which was penalty, then his subsequent decisions, such as the Totti penalty, and a whole array of other bs, the game wouldn't have spiralled downhill as it did.

The worst thing about this match is the Italy's reaction as a nation. From players, to coaches to poli-freaking-ticians going crazy over a single football match. This nation really has its priorities in the right place. These are the sort of things that will lead to another farcical calciopoli scandal and the country will self-inflict the final nail into its own footballing coffin.


Senior Member
Jan 4, 2013
About the Pogba clipping. Isnt it according to the rules a penalty if the clipping is on the line? But Pjanic clips pogba outside the box so...


Senior Member
Sep 18, 2009
I'm asking come on. Please enlighten me instead of being rude...I'm on your side ;)

- - - Updated - - -

Isnt the rule about where the contant is made?
I'm no expert in these matters, but yes it is where contact is made. But contact is deemed to be made where the player is, and Pogba is definitely inside the box seeing his whole body weight is on the foot on the line.

Juventus 32

Senior Member
May 18, 2014

"In Europa certi aiutini non ci sono", "Campionato falsato", "L'ultimo record della Juve, tripletta di Rocchi", etc...
Sono solo alcune delle immani e innumerevoli fesserie lette dalle ore 20 del 5 ottobre in poi. Per tacere di interviste fuori luogo (anche di tesserati) e di interrogazioni parlamentari senza senso.

Sarebbe fin troppo facile, parlando degli episodi, rispondere che:
1) c'era inizialmente un rigore su Marchisio, con conseguente espulsione del difensore;
2) il rigore sul mani di Maicon, unico episodio discutibile: dentro o fuori? l'arbitro l'ha visto dentro;
3) il rigore su Totti è inesistente, perché è lui ad iniziare l'azione fallosa e soprattutto perché non esistono né la punizione da cui nasce l'episodio né il cartellino giallo assegnato a Chiellini per fallo commesso invece da Nainggolan;
4) il rigore su Pogba, che subisce fallo all'ingresso in area, sulla linea (che fa parte dell'area), è netto ed indiscutibile;
5) il goal del 3-2 è regolarissimo: in funzione del regolamento, Vidal non è affatto in fuorigioco, e non impalla il portiere, non essendo nemmeno sulla traiettoria del tiro di Bonucci;
6) il cartellino rosso a Morata (con conseguente squalifica) è totalmente insensato ed inventato: non commette fallo, e subisce una reazione violenta fatta di spintoni e testate.

20 tiri in porta, 5 dei quali nello specchio, contro 8 tiri, 2 dei quali nello specchio, i goal. 20 cross contro 9. Il 66,7% dei contrasti aerei vinti dagli juventini. Argomentazioni inutili: contro la malafede e la faziosità non vale neppure la pena di usarle.
Meglio guardare a cosa succederà nei prossimi giorni per i giocatori di casa nostra in campo internazionale.

Argentina: Pereyra.
Cile: Vidal.
Francia: Evra, Pogba.
Francia U21: Coman.
Ghana: Asamoah.
Italia: Buffon, Bonucci, Chiellini, Giovinco, Marchisio, Ogbonna, Pirlo.
Italia U20: Mattiello.
Spagna U21: Morata.
Svizzera: Lichtsteiner.

Sono 16 in tutto, su 26 in rosa. Solo perché Barzagli è indisponibile. E grazie al fatto che Llorente e Tevez non vengono presi in considerazione dalle rispettive nazionali. Che gli avversari continuino pure a piagnucolare e a recriminare. Noi abbiamo altro a cui pensare.



Senior Member
Sep 20, 2011

"In Europa certi aiutini non ci sono", "Campionato falsato", "L'ultimo record della Juve, tripletta di Rocchi", etc...
Sono solo alcune delle immani e innumerevoli fesserie lette dalle ore 20 del 5 ottobre in poi. Per tacere di interviste fuori luogo (anche di tesserati) e di interrogazioni parlamentari senza senso.

Sarebbe fin troppo facile, parlando degli episodi, rispondere che:
1) c'era inizialmente un rigore su Marchisio, con conseguente espulsione del difensore;
2) il rigore sul mani di Maicon, unico episodio discutibile: dentro o fuori? l'arbitro l'ha visto dentro;
3) il rigore su Totti è inesistente, perché è lui ad iniziare l'azione fallosa e soprattutto perché non esistono né la punizione da cui nasce l'episodio né il cartellino giallo assegnato a Chiellini per fallo commesso invece da Nainggolan;
4) il rigore su Pogba, che subisce fallo all'ingresso in area, sulla linea (che fa parte dell'area), è netto ed indiscutibile;
5) il goal del 3-2 è regolarissimo: in funzione del regolamento, Vidal non è affatto in fuorigioco, e non impalla il portiere, non essendo nemmeno sulla traiettoria del tiro di Bonucci;
6) il cartellino rosso a Morata (con conseguente squalifica) è totalmente insensato ed inventato: non commette fallo, e subisce una reazione violenta fatta di spintoni e testate.

20 tiri in porta, 5 dei quali nello specchio, contro 8 tiri, 2 dei quali nello specchio, i goal. 20 cross contro 9. Il 66,7% dei contrasti aerei vinti dagli juventini. Argomentazioni inutili: contro la malafede e la faziosità non vale neppure la pena di usarle.
Meglio guardare a cosa succederà nei prossimi giorni per i giocatori di casa nostra in campo internazionale.

Argentina: Pereyra.
Cile: Vidal.
Francia: Evra, Pogba.
Francia U21: Coman.
Ghana: Asamoah.
Italia: Buffon, Bonucci, Chiellini, Giovinco, Marchisio, Ogbonna, Pirlo.
Italia U20: Mattiello.
Spagna U21: Morata.
Svizzera: Lichtsteiner.

Sono 16 in tutto, su 26 in rosa. Solo perché Barzagli è indisponibile. E grazie al fatto che Llorente e Tevez non vengono presi in considerazione dalle rispettive nazionali. Che gli avversari continuino pure a piagnucolare e a recriminare. Noi abbiamo altro a cui pensare.

Perfect post.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm no expert in these matters, but yes it is where contact is made. But contact is deemed to be made where the player is, and Pogba is definitely inside the box seeing his whole body weight is on the foot on the line.
Pogba was stepping on the line when he was touched. He had one foot on the line and the other on the air. He was on the line and got hit. Penalty.

As I said before, very stupid penalty from Pjanic, but still a penalty. Hard to see because it was very quick, but it wasn't even doubtful.

The rest has been said here. Maicon's handball to me is no penalty whatsoever, because a penalty is when you extend your arms laterally. On the other hand, if you simply block the ball in front of you with your arms extended is a bit too much. To me no penalty, it looks absurd at first but it's a dubious play.

Litch's penalty was dubious, and from a foul that didn't exist. Penalty on Marchisio was dubious and not given. 3rd goal was hard to know, but it is like Pogba's penalty - hard to see, but not dubious when you see the film.

All in all, it was a very difficult game for any referee, and in the end both teams got dubious calls on their favour - 2 for Roma (Marchisio penalty not given and litch's penalty given) and 1 for Juve (Maicon's penalty). And Morata should not be sent off.

A good reference is that I watched the game at Brazil's tv. No one thought the game was rigged or anything. Not one word about it. From an impartial point of view.


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2011
What I don't accept is the whole country spitting shit on Juve when we do not deserve it. Bunch of sore losers. Italy is really a sad country.

Marotta has responded again about this and he was pretty good.


Senior Member
Sep 18, 2009
Perfect post.

- - - Updated - - -

The rest has been said here. Maicon's handball to me is no penalty whatsoever, because a penalty is when you extend your arms laterally. On the other hand, if you simply block the ball in front of you with your arms extended is a bit too much. To me no penalty, it looks absurd at first but it's a dubious play.
No - Maincon's arms WERE extended - they weren't on his face or body, they were out IN FRONT of his body.

Protection means you rest your arms right on your body.

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