[Seria A] Juventus - Milan (7 Viewers)


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
here is my take on the game:

Gigi: hes getting his "super gig" form back step by step, made some very good rush out from his line and helped with some good saves.

canna: solid with some minor mistakes, but his form just shows why he is one of the best in the world and italy.

thuram:france should thank their lucky stars he came back from retirement, solid game for him and hes almost perfect in the air.i saw the newcastle v man u game just before the juve game and Boumsong was just a disgrace of a defender, so france should really thank their lucky stars.

chiellini: weakest link in the defence, i really wanted to see balza when gattuso got the red card, but cap didnt make the change. He did an ok job defensively but he let pippo in a few times and could've cost us a goal.He can;t produce one good link up with neddy or alex or anyone, and can't produce a good cross anyday. He was there purely for his air ability and some good defense displays nothing more.

zebina:very good defensive game, tried his best to go ahead and help the offense but he can't produce more than his abilities, saved us a couple of times in defense.Good game

Puma: great game, solid as always very good form. He tried to do his job and viera's job again.almost dismantled the milan midfield, especially kaka. Great game . MOM.

Viera: he started out very well pushing forward and helping the backline good pressure all over.Later on he was just defending well but he didnt help the attack almost at all.Better game than the bremen one.

Neddy: he got alot of abuse from the milan players, made some good runs but the milan defense was very organised so they shut him down very fast.But overall good game.

Mutu: he tried too hard, and he didnt pass the ball when he was supposed to, and just tried to dribble. I expected better crosses from him, he didnt defend that well.He was put there to exploit the defensive inablities of serginho but he couldnt do anything against him.Very average game.

Ibra: again started well, very energetic and he wasnt frustrated as we often saw him this season which is a good sign.But he isn't controlling the ball well and his positioning, passing is still off the mark by a mile.

Trezi: there wasnt alot of service for him, almost nothing at all, he appliad a lot of pressure on the defence but other than nothing at all.He positioned well but again the service was minimal.Average game.

Alex: the counter attack speed was faster and we had a bit of class upfront, but we couldn't produce that much cuz the milan defense was very organised.Ok game

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lil zlatan

Senior Member
Mar 5, 2006
ratings from gazzetta dello sport

Emerson CEN 7.5
Buffon POR 6.5
Cannavaro DIF 6.5
Chiellini DIF 6.0
Del Piero ATT 6.0
Nedved CEN 6.0
Thuram DIF 6.0
Zebina DIF 6.0
Ibrahimovic ATT 5.5
Mutu ATT 5.5
Trezeguet ATT 5.0
Vieira CEN 5.0


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
IncuboRossonero said:
To clear up a few things because obviously people DIDN't watch the game:

Emerson was facing Nesta in the box and the slow mo just showed that he LIFTED his arm when it came towards him....

Cannavaro had his arms at Inzaghi's waist and Inzaghi managed to only graze the ball with his forehead as a result...Cannavaro was just asked whether it was a PK or not...he stuttered..hesitated, laughed and said "uhh no..."
The studio obviously feeling the nervousness said "So it was a perfectly normal pulling of Inzaghi right..."
no comment....

Explain that foul Andy...I can't wait to hear this
why don´t you say that almost everybody in the studio said it was no penalty??

and the ball was going to the curva and not into the goal..


Peen Meister
Dec 19, 2005
IncuboRossonero said:
P.S. Congrats on your 29th Scudetto...

Good Luck in Europe with this type of play..you will need it..

looks like an Arsenal - Inter semifinal :agree:

yeah it does look like its gonna be a Barca - Lyon semifinal as well!
Lyon are gonna show milan what football is all about.
Dec 8, 2005
No, we must make it worst for Milan, we should let them dominate, smash us and we take our result - a draw or a result. They must see its impossible to conquer the Seria A without Juventus`s permission.


May 11, 2004
Jeeks said:
Chiellini forced Stam take a yellow card and Ancelotti took him out immediately. Stam has been Milan's most dangerous player as of lately.

A new Koeman anyone?
I wonder why I got a neg rep for this. I would have liked a reason.
Sep 28, 2002
it was a great game from juventus side. they knew what they needed and they got the result. players were laid back and calm, and whats most important, they stopped milans midfield. kaka was invisible in the first half. had they conceded the goal they wouldve stepped up a gear i think wouldve managed to pull a result anyway. they played not to give milan any title hope and that is what i expected.

and i think zlatans days in te first 11 are counted. taken off at half time in one of the more important days of the season. i think that tells something. hopefully.


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
Buffon "Contro il Milan una partita intelligente"
13 03 2006
Una partita intelligente: così Gigi Buffon ha giudicato la prestazione della Juventus, che pareggiando per 0-0 ieri al Delle Alpi contro il Milan ha mantenuto dieci punti di vantaggio in classifica sui rossoneri.

“Avevamo a disposizione due risultati su tre e siamo riusciti a mantenere intatto il nostro vantaggio, facendo un gran passo in avanti verso lo Scudetto. Non è stata una bella partita ma da parte nostra è stata una gara intelligente e abbiamo ottenuto un risultato che ci stava bene - ha detto il portiere bianconero - La mia prova? Quando giochi contro una squadra come il Milan sai di trovarti di fronte ad almeno quattro o cinque situazioni delicate: però negli ultimi venti minuti loro hanno patito l’inferiorità numerica e non abbiamo sofferto".


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
IncuboRossonero said:
In one word: VERGOGNA...SHAMEFUL...

Typical Capello strategy where attack is something out of his dictionary..my grandmother could have been in nets for Milan and the scoreline woudl be the same...no threat..no offense..no opportunities...shameful. Non-Serie A fans have to watch this and once again ask: this is the best team in Italy? wow...no wonder they find the game boring..shameful.

Nedved once again much like against Inter showing his lack of class..taking dives all game long and causing players to get thrown out of games for mediocre fouls...shameful.

Vieira unable to stop Kaka except taking him down all day long .. and Gattuso gets thrown out?? shameful..

Ibra dubbed as the best of Serie A is LOCKED by 40 year old Costacurta...

Emerson stops the ball in the Penalty area with his hand and no call...shameful.

We came to play..we came to entertain ... Juve came to bore...shameful.

Men of the Match:

Milan: Nesta.

Juve: De Santis.
Typical, blame-the-ref tactics Nick. Look this is how I see it, I have a biased Milanista watching a match with his red and black goggles like you Mr. Incubo. And I have world renown FIFA referee on TV saying all calls were correct, Gatusso deserved a red, Emerson's handball was unintentional and didnt deserve a Penalty whistle. The only two mistakes in his opinion are two offside calls on Inzaghi in the first half, which weren't that dangerous in the first place.

So which opinon is more credible yours Nick or Mr. Jamal Al-Sharif??
May 4, 2004
Rami said:
Typical, blame-the-ref tactics Nick. Look this is how I see it, I have a biased Milanista watching a match with his red and black goggles like you Mr. Incubo. And I have world renown FIFA referee on TV saying all calls were correct, Gatusso deserved a red, Emerson's handball was unintentional and didnt deserve a Penalty whistle. The only two mistakes in his opinion are two offside calls on Inzaghi in the first half, which weren't that dangerous in the first place.

So which opinon is more credible yours Nick or Mr. Jamal Al-Sharif??
Bro dont explane yourself to ppl like him..
Its not worth it...

Forza Juventus !

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