Sars (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2002
good to hear you're okay, Paranoia :)

yup, 9 death in total so far in SIngapore with more than 100 cases.

3 friends of mine got infected sadly. I wish them all the best.

Ps: Did you hear that Bill Gates got assasinated!? :eek:


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
That was an April fool's prank, stock market fell cause people believed it..
what a ridiculous April fool! sheesh saying someone was assassinated come on :rolleyes:


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2002
Hey Lac, remember yesterday I summarised how it started here? Here's the full story if you're interested. It was in today's yahoo headlines:

Singapore Woman Linked to 100 SARS Cases
By YEOH EN-LAI, Associated Press Writer

SINGAPORE - Esther Mok went to Hong Kong to shop but came home carrying a deadly flu-like virus that has since spread to more than 100 people in Singapore and killed both of her parents and her pastor. Miraculously, she has survived.

Mok, a 26-year-old former flight attendant, was one of three original cases of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS, to emerge in Singapore early last month.

Mok was very sick — and very contagious — when admitted to a Singapore hospital on March 1, but doctors had no idea that she was suffering from the strange form of pneumonia that had already killed dozens in China.

She had regular visits from her family and members of her church — all oblivious to the fact that they were exposing themselves to SARS.

Her father, mother and pastor have since died of SARS. Her uncle is in intensive care battling the illness. Mok's grandmother and brother are also sick but in stable condition.

In fact, all but a handful of the 118 reported cases in Singapore have been traced to Mok, and health officials have dubbed her a SARS "super spreader."

Two other Singaporean women also traveled to Hong Kong in February and developed SARS after exposure to a Chinese doctor, Liu Jianjun, while staying at the Metropole Hotel. They have not infected others, the health ministry said.

"Esther Mok infected the whole lot of us," health minister Lim Hng Kiang said at a recent press conference.

Two other so-called super spreaders, Canadian Kwan Siu-Chiu and American Chinese businessman Johnny Chen, fell ill after a stay at the Metropole hotel and have helped spread the illness around the world. Unlike Mok, both died.

"We don't know why some people are able to spread it so easily and some don't," said Chew Suok Kai, health ministry's director of epidemiology and disease control.

Experts from Atlanta's Centers for Disease Control will be in Singapore later this week to further analyze data from SARS patients here in a bid to find out how the "super spreader" phenomenon works, Chew said.

"There are so many things we want to know about this disease but don't know yet. One of the key things we are working on is how the super-spreader spreads," said Chew.

Mok herself has recovered and could be released from a hospital, but authorities are reluctant to let her go, fearing the media frenzy that is likely to greet her.

Like "Typhoid" Mary Mallon, who famously infected dozens of people in the New York area in the early 1900s and was forced by the government to live alone on an island, Mok is living her own modern-day exile in a hospital room networked with televisions and telephones.

Mok's quarantine prevented her from attending the memorial services of her parents, Joseph and Helen, but she has not been alone. Mok's sister, Rebekah, has taken a leave of absence to be with her, said Pastor Humphrey Choe of the family's church, the Faith Assemblies of God.

"We are all praying for her and for everyone involved," said Choe, adding that the church has rallied around Mok.

Since this island nation of 4 million people first reported its SARS outbreak a month ago, it has quarantined about 1,000 people, ordering them to stay home for 10 days or risk prosecution. Nine people have died and 118 have been reported to have the illness.

"I feel sorry for her but you might wonder whether Singapore would be so badly affected had she not been in the wrong place at the wrong time," said deliveryman Gary Sivalingam.

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS, has killed over 100 and sickened over 2,600 worldwide, mostly in Asia.



Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
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    if it wasnt for the war on iraq we would know something about all this...and more people would be involved in research and development of a cure


    New Member
    Mar 16, 2003
    I noticed most people infected Sars are from Guangdong,China and HK. I heard firstly some person unfortunately infected this strange disease by some animal. The Gov of China says actually the spread has been controled. Actually a friend of mine who is in Guangdong province now told me she felt quite safe there. But I also noticed that there are still some people being infected day by day. Well hopefully this disease can be completely control in a few months.


    New Member
    Mar 16, 2003
    What's more, I feel very strange that why this disease spread so soon in the whole world. To some people, it is no more severe than a fever, while to some people it is fatal.


    Senior Member
    Sep 2, 2002
    we have quite a number of suspected cases over here but i think only a few have been confirmed

    i'm immunosuppressed cuz i'm always sick with the flu (i've had a cold/flu thing for 2 years running now) so i guess i should buy a face mask.

    or stop breathing.

    meh :)


    Jul 15, 2002
    Good to hear Sarah, Paranoia & all the gang are fine but I think the WHO is not doing enough to tackle this situation.
    Take care guys.

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