I just wish the British hadn't changed the name of the city. I mean, have you ever been to York, UK? What a dump. Amsterdam is MUCH Better, with a capital B, to be named after.
I feel terrible, seeing as Australia used to be called New-Holland first, and New-Zealand is named after the Dutch province of, indeed, Zealand.
I was born there btw.
Did you know the Dutch were the first to stumble upon Australia? Indonesia was our colony so it was nearby and discovered by accident. The captain wrote in his log:
"Today we stumbled upon a land that has running birds, flying squirrels and jumping mammals. I feared we had reached the edge of the world and gave order to return to Java where I advised the Gouverneur never to send men southwards"
As far as I know, what they discovered was Darwin, the shit-hole of Australia. Still, if it was 2,000km to the next watering hole, I'd have given up on the continent too.
Commentator in the England vs France match, when Danny Grewcock was injured "He's not the kind of man to roll around on the floor for no reason....he's not a soccer player." ;-)