Riddle me this (4 Viewers)


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Kaiser Franco ] ++
Right. I think the answer is Poborsky. While we're waiting for Denco to confirm, here's another to keep you busy :

Faithfulness has not been my forte : both Milanese clubs have benefited from my services, as have their Turinese counterparts.
Although my last name appeals to peace of mind, you shouldn’t trust my cute head : it used to make the opposition restless.
These days I advise kids not to smoke, but please don't mention Argentina to me.
Who am I ?




Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
In my second year at Juve I decided Toros title fate, Firstly To their joy but ultimately I broke all Granata hearts, unfortunately to my own cost of being banned for life from playing football.

However, "justice" was served 2 years later and I made a successful career at Inter and went on to lift the world cup for my country.


May 11, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++
In my second year at Juve I decided Toros title fate, Firstly To their joy but ultimately I broke all Granata hearts, unfortunately to my own cost of being banned for life from playing football.

However, "justice" was served 2 years later and I made a successful career at Inter and went on to lift the world cup for my country.
Sounds like a German player to me


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #30
    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    This is a thread in which I wanna have some fun with, its not really a question time , its more a riddle and lets see how good u guys are with football riddles.
    Anyone can put their riddles accross and lets see whose football and cryptic knowledge is up 2 scratch

    First riddle

    My actions made me a hero in Turin but a villain in Milan, I have played for 2 former European cup winners. I came to prominece in a major tournament in england . My chips were popular in england and other countries but frowned upon in Portugal.I am still plying my trade and you can catch me in my country with a banker's book
    Who am i?
    Hero in turin, villain in Milan, well that would be me scoring against Inter to help Juve to scudetto
    2 former Euro champs will be Manu and Benfica
    Chips popular in England, not so much in Portugal, well I did chip Baia to score against Portugal
    Banker's book will be cheque book as in Czech

    Yes its indeed Karel Porborsky
    Dec 27, 2003
    Hehe Aldo Serena indeed.
    Played for Torino, Juve, Inter and Milan among others.
    As "serene" as he might have been, his heading abilities were feared by all defenses.
    And he infamously missed the decisive penalty in the WC 1990 semi against Argentina.

    Now Paul's riddle is one of those that have the potential to make me lose sleep...


    Inferiority complex
    Nov 16, 2003
    I SUCK AT CREATING A RIDDLE..here is my sad attempt: (consider it a growing process):

    A name unlike most in his parts….he had ‘stints’ with both giants of Turin and Milan after many years with a rival. A nice array of cups including a CL, scudettis and a World Cup….


    approaching curve
    Oct 3, 2004
    Haha :D

    Lemme try:
    I have lived in Milano and Ive scored over 100 goals with two different teams and ive won the UEFA cup twice. I once came close to win one of the most prestigous tournaments in the world with people who are already legends but got beat by a so called 'gamefixer'-team in a gamefixer-country. And whenever Montella scores I feel like he's mocking me. :(

    Sorry for all the edits!!


    Chickenegro no funny
    Jan 14, 2005
    Why should he have been a hairdresser? And why would I even say that.

    But this player is also worthless, you got that part.


    Inferiority complex
    Nov 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by pecker ] ++
    Haha :D

    Lemme try:
    I have lived in Milano and Ive scored over 100 goals with two different teams and ive won the UEFA cup twice. I once came close to win one of the most prestigous tournaments in the world with people who are already legends but got beat by a so called 'gamefixer'-team in a gamefixer-country. And whenever Montella scores I feel like he's mocking me. :(

    Sorry for all the edits!!


    approaching curve
    Oct 3, 2004
    Not the one i was thinking about, can also mention that "I" used to live in Milano.

    EDIT: Oh saw I actually montioned that.

    Michael "I got fungus" Bürke

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