Reveal yourself! (1 Viewer)

Badass J Elkann

It's time to go!!
Feb 12, 2006
It is the Reveal Yourself​ thread afterall. And your stories are always incredible.
ok so yeah, this one time. At band camp...

ok scratch that

so ok bad luck with the ladies, well tbh the closest thing i had to luck with the ladies whilst abroad was the girl i posted a pic of whilst in my time in greece, or as someone here said 'shes the Greek Katie' eventhough she wasn't greek, so yeah she started making the moves trying to get friendly at first, unfortunately i made the fatal error of fancying her best mate instead, clearly i hadn't finished the book called 'The Game' which many of you guys may have heard of, in another words the male bible in how to pull girls. Yes and even in one of the pics i had posted there is a copy of that book in my left hand, whilst posing a pic with the 'Greek Katie'

so anyways straight to the story itself.

It was December 2007 and i was in Meribel - French alpes, having just started my 2nd season with the company i was working for out there - Mark Warner holidays, and with any seasonal job you begin to learn that all the girls and guys there are single, even if they have partners back home, making the new season a open playing field, unlike in Greece where i joined midway through. So anyways there were 2 cute brunettes i fancied, but i couldn't quite decide who i fancied more, so its a tradition in England to host a thing called 'secret santa' where by you spend a small ammount of money on a gift for the random person you picked out of a hat.

Out of this hat happened to be one of the girls i fancied, so it was fate right? unfortunately i had no money, i had lost my wallet in Zurich Airport a week before containing 160 euros and my debit card. So i improvised, i had told one of the girls in the same department as the girl i had to buy a gift for about my dilemma and that i fancied this girl and i asked her if she knew how to make roses out of paper napkins, so we spent one afternoon teaching me. In the end i made up 12 roses made of red paper napkins, i felt this wasn't enough, it was time to get out my creative side, and i thought if im to win her heart i have to do more, so i had written a 2 side of A4 poem, and signed my name at the bottom to make sure she knew it was from me (eventhough it is called secret santa and nobody is meant to know who bought your gift) i put the poem and the roses into a box, gift wrapped with a ribbon.

Came the evening of handing out the gifts, i had totally underestimated that the gifts were to be handed out during staff dinner and everyone would know what i had given as a gift, i felt embaressed, but at the same time anxious as to whether she would accept the present or not, i tried so hard to hide my face when she opened and read the poem, in the end she almost broke down in tears and thanked me. Unfortunately i had to work the evening shift, whilst everyone else went for a xmas night out, she finished up with some aussie guy who worked in the bar of the hotel, and the next morning i received messages from everyone else saying "im gutted for you".

The stupid thing was the girl didn't know i fancied her, despite the presents and had a 1 on 1 with me and said if i had known things would have been so different.

As for the other girl i fancied, well she ended up with some other guy who was totally wrong for her, and took her virginity.

so yeah thats bad luck and my story for today :)


Burn this club
Jan 17, 2011
I get that.

Scots seem to be popular in quite a lot of places.

Fuck knows why. We're a bunch of cunts, by and large.
In my case I don't think the nationality matters that much. It might be cause I look different from the guys they're used to seeing but even then my friends don't get the same attention I get from foreign girls. Hmm... maybe I'm just a hottie in European and American eyes.

Or maybe they think I'm a powerful drug warlord from Bolivia and they want to sleep with me.


Jul 11, 2006
- Date you lost your virginity: 17
- Live with parents or alone: Parents
- Tuz member you get along with the most: I get along with everyone. Mostly like talking to Cheese, swag, and Aush.
- Tuz member you dislike the most: Adriano
- (for girls) The male member you'd want to be if you were male:
- (for boys) The female member you'd want to be if you were female: Kate & Preet.
Maaaaah Nigga :heart:

The perfect Tuz male member would have:

- Woody's nose
- My eyebrows
- Rab's eyes
- Byrone's forehead
- Osman's anaconda
- Alen's boobs
- Matti's teeth
- Cumron's personality
- Jack's coolness
- Melo's hair style
- Sheik's goatee
- Bisco's generosity
- Ahmed's sense of humor
- Deneb's physique
- Aaron's hair color
- Andy's sex life
- Seven's nipples
- Kyle's Jew face
- Badass' activeness in sports
- Dru's pants
- Asif's charisma
- Lion's troll tactics
- Swag's swagger
- Cheese' biceps
- Aush's taste in music
- Lapa's drinking problem
- Burke's leadership skills
:lol: Fuck off


Jul 11, 2006
Name: Zakaria Elkhiyaoui
Nick: Cheese
Age: 23
Weight:69 kg
Height: 180 cm
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Dark brown
Nationality: Moroccan
City: Marrakech
Interests: Football. Played football professionaly till the age of 16, was damn good, player of a tournament in Montpellier, golden boots of many tournaments here in Morocco, stopped cause i had to chose whether to continue my studies or go for a professional carrer.
Music: everything bar Metal/rock and any french song
Started supporting Juve in: 95/96
Other teams I support: Moroccan/Italian National team,
Favorite players: Zizou, Alex.
Occupation: Just finished my studies, looking for a job
Dreaming of: Marrying a loyal girl, having many kids, leaving this country, watching juve play, going to Mekka, taking care of my parents when they are old, dying peacefully.


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
Name: James William Rae Gardner D'Amico MFA
Nationality: English mongrel
Nick: JuveJay, Jay
Age: 28
Weight: No idea whatsoever, I was 69kg last time I knew
Height: 175cm, 5'9". My mother is 4'11", fricking hobbit.
Eye color: Dark Brown
Interests: It's in my profile, can't be bothered to post it all, the list is extensive
Music: Metal, nu-metal, punk, 90's hip-hop, indie, reggae, classical, pan pipe music from central Bolivia
Supported Juve since: Birth, but the late 80's are my earliest memory
Other teams: Coventry City
Fav players: Alessandro Del Piero, John Charles, Gianluigi Buffon, Peter Ndlovu
Occupation: Chief design engineer and general dogsbody, Pirate
Religion: Wicca
Dreams: Owning my own tall ship
As a person: Sarcastic, addictive, dreamy, tempestuous, cantankerous. Fucked if I know, stupid question to ask from an insular perspective. You'd have to ask someone who knows me best.


Ѕenior Аdmin
Apr 2, 2007
Name: Zakaria Elkhiyaoui
And that's why you'll never marry Katie. You'll expect her to take your surname but she's not crazy to do it.

Katie Elkhiyallahballaallah. It just doesn't fit. Matti probably has a super cool surname. That's one more advantage for him.


Burn this club
Jan 17, 2011
Name: James William Rae Gardner D'Amico MFA
Nationality: English mongrel
Nick: JuveJay, Jay
Age: 28
Weight: No idea whatsoever, I was 69kg last time I knew
Height: 175cm, 5'9". My mother is 4'11", fricking hobbit.
Eye color: Dark Brown
Interests: It's in my profile, can't be bothered to post it all, the list is extensive
Music: Metal, nu-metal, punk, 90's hip-hop, indie, reggae, classical, pan pipe music from central Bolivia
Supported Juve since: Birth, but the late 80's are my earliest memory
Other teams: Coventry City
Fav players: Alessandro Del Piero, John Charles, Gianluigi Buffon, Peter Ndlovu
Occupation: Chief design engineer and general dogsbody, Pirate
Religion: Wicca
Dreams: Owning my own tall ship
As a person: Sarcastic, addictive, dreamy, tempestuous, cantankerous. Fucked if I know, stupid question to ask from an insular perspective. You'd have to ask someone who knows me best.
:lol: You're kidding.


Jul 11, 2006
And that's why you'll never marry Katie. You'll expect her to take your surname but she's not crazy to do it.

Katie Elkhiyallahballaallah. It just doesn't fit. Matti probably has a super cool surname. That's one more advantage for him.

How about Zakaria di francesco :p

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