Real Scandal Here... (11 Viewers)


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
intermerda only face to get a maximux penalty of a fine , if found guilty which wont happen.
So Moratti is going to have to cough up some change to pay for it.
Shame really

Badass J Elkann

It's time to go!!
Feb 12, 2006
The FIGC are set to launch an investigation after former referee Massimo De Santis accused Inter of tailing him in 2002.

The former official, who was handed a four-year ban because of his involvement in the Calciopoli scandal, also accused the Via Durini outfit of tapping his phone, after another scandal broke out in the past few days in Italy revealing hundreds of cases of phone interceptions by Telecom Italia.

“When I first learned about this operation by Massimo Moratti I was disgusted, even if I know that can be a strong word to use,” said De Santis in a television interview.

“I am paying for something that I didn’t do, I have always stated my innocence and to know today what was happening a few years ago really makes me sick.

“Why were they following me? I think they maybe wanted to blackmail me.”

It is reported that Inter decided to have De Santis followed by a private investigator after former referee Danilo Nucini informed the late Inter chief Giacinto Facchetti of suspicious relations between Luciano Moggi and De Santis.

The investigation however brought to no firm results and the file was closed seeing as “there were no anomalies in De Santis’ way of life.”

If the accusations prove to be true, Inter could risk a fine for violating the sporting code, but there would be no consequences for the team itself in terms of points deductions.

Inter owner Moratti reacted immediately, saying that his club has nothing to do with the interceptions despite Telecom Italia being one of its shareholders.

“He’s got some cheek to say this kind of things – Inter has no involvement in this issue,” said the oil tycoon to La Gazzetta dello Sport.

“I think De Santis’ words are very serious, he cannot ignore the damage he is causing us by making these statements.”

Coach Roberto Mancini backed up Moratti’s comments, stating: "He’s disgusted? Myself and many others have been disgusted for months and we shall be so for the rest of our lives.”

i wonder why? :disagree: :tdown:

ye im so sure u have, i bet u cudnt sleep at nite with ale's free kick beating ur shitty motherf*cking side, go f*ck urself, just stfu, stop living in self denial in a fantasy world, i f*cking hate u, i hate your system, i f*cking hate everything binter related, even f*cking nike wont even give u ur pathetic paper scudetto badges for ur binter shirts, guess wot u get when u buy this yrs juve maglia?



Z.Z T h e M a s t e r
May 25, 2004
telecom is a sharholder in morrati's club, the comity of direction is all interesti. there is a lot to investigate about here. Justice will be done


Junior Member
Feb 6, 2005
i cant beleive that happen that there were f calls been blocked and other made up
but i swear i said that on the 1st day even i remember that there were fakes for moggi and enzo i can still even remmember that name enzo right now

so shouldn't juve now appeal to the fisc to listen up to the blocked calls

these dirt bags i was sure why?

bergamo said 1000000 times he made such calls with every one
but it seemswhen offiicals here these sentence the tell
ah shut up i want to go home to eat my sweet dinner lets wrap up guys my pasta is just waiting 4 me

what the f* is that

and where is that heaven justice

giovanni cobolli should use this event as these b* used oggi calls

and our dumb lawyer who lost 3 times should use that blocked calls to

may be for god sake i wins any case he is in

i just want them kicked in world media just like they did to us

massimo mafiatti welcomes you to vegas... i mean FISG


Senior Member
May 14, 2006
i don't think inter get punished... be realistic money rules the world and moratti got a lot of it...
the investigation won't sniff something out
but next season we will back and kick inter's a*s.
this is for me satisfaction:D


Junior Member
Jul 23, 2006
All of this makes me so angry. It was so obvious even before this new news that Inter had a hand in all of this calciopoli bullshit. I watched Dominica Sportiva last night on RAI and not a mention of any of this. It was weird how everyone sat around and chatted about Milan, Inter, Fiorentina, Roma etc. but the one gaping blank spot in the whole night was that Juve was missing. It was sort of like the elephant in the room that no one wants to acknowledge but find that it is very hard to ignore. But Juve's presence was there hovering over everything that was happening in Serie A. It's so obvious that Serie A is missing something huge and important and exciting...and that is Juventus.

On another note...I'm reading The Dark Heart of Italy by Tobias Jones and he makes a statement that I found interesting...."In Italy, moreso than any other place, the innocent are those with the best lawyers."

And I'm currently reading the chapter on Calcio, where all the talk is of scandal, bribing refs, making backroom deals etc. And this was written a few years ago. Just shows the more things change the more they stay the same....especially in Italy.


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #275
    Domenica Sportiva and Controcampo's viewers have gone down Big Time!. :D


    Senior Member
    Dec 18, 2005
    If Inter are guilty, they will get off with a slap on the wrist.

    Most important though, if guilty, it prooves Inter has a very strong influence over Telecom Italia. Such an influence is the reason they were not on the calciogate taps!!!!!!!!!!


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #277
    Can you imagine the 1st day this news came out if it was Juve who tapped, followed and took pictures of referee Desantis illegaly? It would have been of the 1st page of La Gazzetta for sure. We knew about this news for a week and there was no mention of it till today. They talked about it in a small article saying Inter should only get a fine.

    If it was Juve, Serie D.

    We were brought down in B by assumptions. No refs were bought, they all got assolved....

    so I have the right to say that because Inter payed a guy ti illegaly do these things I mentionned before to:

    - know Roma and Juve transfer moves and strategies(they also tapped Capello)
    - know what Capello's intentions were so Inter could sign him.
    - check if De Santis was payed by other teams to help them.
    - use this to blackmail De Santis if they found something on him.


    also, they knew all about Calciopoli before evreyone.

    Mancini to Moggi months before the whole "scandal": "You have to talk to somebody soon for your action".

    also, ref designator saying he talked to every team like he did with Moggi. "Where are all the other calls?" DESTROYED?

    This is serious guys but it's not Juve so... :tdown:

    Rossi(ex-Inter member, ex-FIGC commish, new Telecom Prez) , Moratti(Inter owner, Telecom shareholder), Tronchetti(ex-Telecom Prez, Inter shareholder), Buora(Inter VP, Telecom board, Pirelli)


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
    could someone translate what that says? it is form

    De Santis e il regalo di Meani Il contenuto di un'intercettazione telefonica: l'arbitro chiede all'ex consulente del Milan una maglia autografata dai giocatori, i due irridono l'Inter commentando il derby di Champions De Santis torna al centro dell'attenzione. L'arbitro chiama in causa l'Inter a proposito dello scandalo Telecom. E intanto emerge un'altra intercettazione proveniente dalla Procura di Napoli. Una telefonata di circa 10 minuti tra l'ex addetto agli arbitri del Milan, Leonardo Meani, e l'arbitro Massimo De Santis, coinvolto in calciocaos. Fari puntati sul derby di Champions League Milan-Inter, valido per i quarti di finale dell'edizione 2004-2005 (andata il 6 aprile 2005, il ritorno il 12). Sono 10' di cazzeggio puro, da Bar Sport. Niente di rilevante nè per la giustizia sportiva nè, tantomeno, per quella ordinaria. Ma la testimonianza del rapporto di amicizia instaurato tra i due, che scherzano e si lanciano in gradassate e irridenti sfottò sull'Inter. Il tutto tra un "Massimone" e un "sei tra i primi arbitri d'Europa" di Meani a De Santis, che invece chiede all'ex consulente rossonero una maglia del Milan autografata (par di capire da tutti i giocatori). Infatti il Milan viene a giocare a Roma (De Santis è di Tivoli) così i due si accordano così: Meani lascerà la maglia al guardalinee Mitro, che poi la consegnerà a De Santis in occasione della prossima comune trasferta di Coppa. Robetta. Meani (da buon ristoratore) consiglia De Santis su dove mangiare nella trasferta domenicale ad Udine, si fa una panoramica a tutto tondo sui presunti migliori arbitri internazionali. La cordialità e l'educazione si intrecciano con l'ironia e la complicità. Forse sconveniente, dati i rispettivi ruoli. Di sicuro si è (purtroppo) ascoltato di peggio.


    Day Walker
    Jul 28, 2003
    mark77 said:
    Can you imagine the 1st day this news came out if it was Juve who tapped, followed and took pictures of referee Desantis illegaly? It would have been of the 1st page of La Gazzetta for sure. We knew about this news for a week and there was no mention of it till today. They talked about it in a small article saying Inter should only get a fine.

    If it was Juve, Serie D.

    We were brought down in B by assumptions. No refs were bought, they all got assolved....

    so I have the right to say that because Inter payed a guy ti illegaly do these things I mentionned before to:

    - know Roma and Juve transfer moves and strategies(they also tapped Capello)
    - know what Capello's intentions were so Inter could sign him.
    - check if De Santis was payed by other teams to help them.
    - use this to blackmail De Santis if they found something on him.


    also, they knew all about Calciopoli before evreyone.

    Mancini to Moggi months before the whole "scandal": "You have to talk to somebody soon for your action".

    also, ref designator saying he talked to every team like he did with Moggi. "Where are all the other calls?" DESTROYED?

    This is serious guys but it's not Juve so... :tdown:

    Rossi(ex-Inter member, ex-FIGC commish, new Telecom Prez) , Moratti(Inter owner, Telecom shareholder), Tronchetti(ex-Telecom Prez, Inter shareholder), Buora(Inter VP, Telecom board, Pirelli)
    Gazzetta didnt even mention it in their Headlines, ffs.It took the other newspapers a whole week to mention it like you said.Even the websites, it took them that long to provide any information abt this.

    I hope things turn around and bite Moratti in the ass, him and his "clean"/idiot coach Mancini.

    Nobody cares, cuz this scandal is not branded with Black&white.Which is such a shame really, shows how things r in Italy.

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