Real Scandal Here... (10 Viewers)


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
Max said:
I just bought a Juventus jersey but I don't think it comes with a Scudetto patch. I wish it did, as I would wear it in protest, so when people say, "What the fuck are you doing with that on the jersey?" I can respond, "Perhaps you want to rip this off my shirt as well?" Of course if they did, I wouldn't appreciate it too much, as it would be $130 CAD down the drain.
really? mines did lol, asked my inter supporting friend if guido roosi will atke this away from me and give it to mancini


Hamilton saved my ass...
Nov 4, 2004
Once again credit to Lucho Gonzales from S24-7 forums....This whole post is his.


Se lo spionaggio di massa organizzato dalla premiata ditta Tavaroli & Cipriani ai danni di dipendenti, fornitori, rivenditori, gommisti, manager e “scalatori”, non poteva avere altro committente che la Telecom e la Pirelli di Tronchetti Provera, il dossieraggio su uomini politici, imprenditori, finanzieri, personaggi dello spettacolo, calciatori, giornalisti e magistrati, a chi poteva davvero interessare?

Certo, in questo gioco di specchi, dove s’intrecciano vicende di ogni tipo fino a confondere le acque, ci sono casi evidenti, come il dossier sull’arbitro De Santis o quello sul giocatore Bobo Vieri che vengono probabilmente commissionati dall’Inter, visto che la ricevuta di un pagamento intestata a “F.C. Internazionale Milano”, è stata ritrovata dagli inquirenti presso la sede inglese della Worldwide Consultant Security, una delle scatole vuote estere messe in piedi da Emanuele Cipriani per ricevere con discrezione il denaro dai suoi importanti clienti.
well we got:

1. The ref designator Pairetto saying: "I talked to everyone, not only Moggi. Where did the other phone calls go?"

2. Tronchetti Provera: Ex-President of Telecom, President of Pirelli Interista and best friend of Moratti.

3. Pirelli: The Inter main sponsor

4. Guido Rossi: Now new President of Telecom, Interista, ex-lawyer of Moratti and part of Inter cda for 4 years, boss of Figc when juve was relegated and scudetto was doanted to inter

5. 18 Telecom Managers arrested: For illegal wire taps, corruption and complicity with Sismi, Police and Carabinieri, in particular Tavaroli and Cipriani are friends of Tronchetti.

6. Milan Persecutor saying: We don't know who is the orderer of these illegal wire taps but they worked for the interest of Telecom and Pirelli

7. In the list name of the illegal wire taps we can see also the referee De Sanctis, Bobo Vieri, Franco Carraro, Fabio Capello...maybe Moratti was one of the orderers? Pobably yes cause the persecutors found a voucher titled "internazionale F.C"

8. If Cipriani and Tavaroli are corrupted and linked with corrupted Police and Carabinieri...we can suspect that they can also manipulate the legal wire taps? or hide some other taps not opportune?



I think we can start to discuss about who got the real power, who is the system, who is the mafia


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #185
    Still, the sports media don't seem to make the link between Inter and all this. :rolleyes:


    Hamilton saved my ass...
    Nov 4, 2004
    mark77 said:
    Still, the sports media don't seem to make the link between Inter and all this. :rolleyes:
    Well my friend and he's the guy who made this post told me that few small sports paper started to make the link today. They are now mainly concerned about the political part of it but he says its a matter of time and eventually it will get bigger and deeper. Its the main topic in Italy now. As he said and i quote ''we'r just getting started :cool: ''.


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #187
    We should accelerate the process and gather all the articles(all Italian) and the 8 points you stated and send them to channel4. :D I'm sure they'd make an interesting article about it.

    [email protected]


    Hamilton saved my ass...
    Nov 4, 2004
    I just went on the Inter forums to see if they are aware of this (i need a shower) and all i found was flaming and insulting threads toward juve. They were talking about Juve Remini and insulting our players, fans, management. I laughed these guys spend more time watching us and insulting us than supporting their team. Anyway prepare the article and start a thread (you are the lawyer remember ;)) and we will paste it and send it to that email.


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #189
    I don't have time, I'll let them do the job. They get paid for it. I'm sure Tuttosport will say something about it and channel4 will translate it and put it on their site.

    We should send them the organigram of Telecom(Tronchetti, Rossi, Moratti, other guy----->linked to Inter) if they don't mention anything + the articles.



    Hamilton saved my ass...
    Nov 4, 2004
    Here is the Email..what do you guys think? Credit to all who contribute it specialy Lucho Gonzales from Soccer24-7 and Mark77 from Juventuz..

    Send to : [email protected]

    Also try


    Se lo spionaggio di massa organizzato dalla premiata ditta Tavaroli & Cipriani ai danni di dipendenti, fornitori, rivenditori, gommisti, manager e “scalatori”, non poteva avere altro committente che la Telecom e la Pirelli di Tronchetti Provera, il dossieraggio su uomini politici, imprenditori, finanzieri, personaggi dello spettacolo, calciatori, giornalisti e magistrati, a chi poteva davvero interessare?

    Certo, in questo gioco di specchi, dove s’intrecciano vicende di ogni tipo fino a confondere le acque, ci sono casi evidenti, come il dossier sull’arbitro De Santis o quello sul giocatore Bobo Vieri che vengono probabilmente commissionati dall’Inter, visto che la ricevuta di un pagamento intestata a “F.C. Internazionale Milano”, è stata ritrovata dagli inquirenti presso la sede inglese della Worldwide Consultant Security, una delle scatole vuote estere messe in piedi da Emanuele Cipriani per ricevere con discrezione il denaro dai suoi importanti clienti.

    well we got:

    1. The ref designator Pairetto saying: "I talked to everyone, not only Moggi. Where did the other phone calls go?"

    2. Tronchetti Provera: Ex-President of Telecom, President of Pirelli Interista and best friend of Moratti.

    3. Pirelli: The Inter main sponsor

    4. Guido Rossi: Now new President of Telecom, Interista, ex-lawyer of Moratti and part of Inter cda for 4 years, boss of Figc when juve was relegated and scudetto was doanted to inter

    5. 18 Telecom Managers arrested: For illegal wire taps, corruption and complicity with Sismi, Police and Carabinieri, in particular Tavaroli and Cipriani are friends of Tronchetti.

    6. Milan Persecutor saying: We don't know who is the orderer of these illegal wire taps but they worked for the interest of Telecom and Pirelli

    7. In the list name of the illegal wire taps we can see also the referee De Sanctis, Bobo Vieri, Franco Carraro, Fabio Capello...maybe Moratti was one of the orderers? Pobably yes cause the persecutors found a voucher titled "internazionale F.C"

    8. If Cipriani and Tavaroli are corrupted and linked with corrupted Police and Carabinieri...we can suspect that they can also manipulate the legal wire taps? or hide some other taps not opportune?



    I think we can start to discuss about who got the real power, who is the system, who is the mafia

    More Details on the scandal:


    Who are Telecom Italia?

    Telecom Italia (The Company Who Got The Phone Calls For Moggi) new president is Guido Rossi the very man who sent Juventus to Serie B in the comical play they called Calciopoli. He took his position after replacing Tronchetti (Inter sponsor and one of Moratti (Inter Di Merda President) best friends.

    Now here is a little research about Telecom Italia seniors (thanks to Mark77 from Juventuz.Com)


    Marco Tronchetti Provera (1)

    Guido Rossi

    Vice Presidente
    Gilberto Benetton

    Amministratori Delegati
    Carlo Orazio Buora (1) ------>PIRELLI(Inter main sponsor)
    Riccardo Ruggiero (2)

    Paolo Baratta (indipendente) (3)
    John Robert Sotheby Boas (indipendente)
    Diana Bracco (indipendente)
    Francesco Denozza (indipendente) (4)
    Domenico De Sole (indipendente) (1) (4)
    Luigi Fausti (indipendente) (3)
    Guido Ferrarini (indipendente) (4)
    Jean Paul Fitoussi (indipendente)
    Enzo Grilli (indipendente)
    Vittorio Merloni (indipendente)
    Gianni Mion
    Massimo Moratti
    Marco Onado (indipendente) (1) (4)
    Renato Pagliaro
    Pasquale Pistorio (indipendente) (1) (3)
    Carlo Alessandro Puri Negri
    Luigi Roth (indipendente)

    (1) Membro del Comitato Strategie
    (2) Direttore Generale
    (3) Membro del Comitato per la remunerazione
    (4) Membro del Comitato per il controllo interno e per la corporate governance

    Segretario del Consiglio di Amministrazione
    Francesco Chiappetta

    Now lets go a while back during the invistigation and let us remember what Pairetto (ref designator) said: "I talked to everyone, not only Moggi Were did the other phone calls go?"
    Sep 28, 2002
    ZAF3000 said:
    I said it from day one.
    Those who thought we were guilty did not read whats happenning well...

    Incidents that contradict with what the scandal accused of with:
    1- This whole scandal broke away from the media --> we ar supposed to have controlled the media and replies to favour us.
    2- We cheat in curtial moments --> the scandal came out few days before the decisive match last season.
    3- We fixed matches --> they are yet to present a clear evidence of match fixing.
    4- Moggi is supposed to be GOD and he controls everything and he has everyone on his payrole --> Berlusconi is/was the priminister of Italy, Moratti is one of the richest people in the world. Agnelli's are not giving juve full back up support.
    5- Inter say that we always cheat because of controvesial penatly given not given to them in 98 --> We lost the Super Cup because the Ref thought Inter's goal was not offside and Trezeguets goal was offside (should've been 1-0 for Juve).
    6- They say Juve are awarded more penalties than other teams --> We were the least awarded penalties last season if I am not mistaken.
    7- It is said that Moggi fixed matches with the ref director --> the ref director says that he is wondering where the other phone calls with other team's management went away.
    8- They used less than 40 phone calls against moggi in a trial andthey are not allowing his lawyer to use the 99,960+ other phone calls to acquit him.
    9- Not a single phone call was about the 05-06 season yet the only scudetto that was taken from us and given to a team was this one and was givento inter. They did find away to give the 04-05 scudetto to Inter so it was taken from us and was put on hold or deleted till they fix a rule to give it to either Inter or Milan.
    10- They say the reason Juve got the worse punishment is because Juve did the most --> And Milan clearly fixed a game with udinese but they did not include that clear phone call in the trial.
    11- They say Juve fixed matches with refs --> yet all refs involved in the matches were acquitted.
    12- They say Juve fixed matches --> yet they did not provide a single video tape of such match, although that was requested by our lawyer.
    13- All teams in trial were put that they voided same aritcle --> yet the only one in serie be with heavy points deduction is Juve.
    14- They say the Juve voided an additional article --> yet any one in 1st year law school or just interested in law will tell you there is absolute no ground to what they are claiming.
    15- They say that Juve are the centre of the Calciopoli --> yet they do not have a single evidence to prove such a thing, let alone it goes against logic.
    16 - Again they say Juve controls the media --> but the two most famous news papers are registered under Berlusconi and in Roma.
    17- They say that Juve are favoured politically and through the media --> Yet when our doping trial broke away everyone was calling Juve the dopped lady although there were no proofs. And after Juve got acquitted it was mentioned in a small article in these news papers, let alone they till call Juve the doped lady. Plus Juve were the only team in the trial although some investigations states that Milan were using ilegal drugs.
    18- Moggi controls the media --> yet the media viewed a video of cannavaro taking medical with his face apparent but Crespo's and Veron's faces were masked. And was played weeks before the crusial Juve V Milan at sansero in 04-05.
    19- Moggi controls the calcio --> ibra received a 3 match ban just to miss the Milan game where others who did more received either 1 or 2.

    And the list is so long.. I am hungry will go have dinner and if I am not tired will state some more facts.


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #192
    Nice, very nice. You could take out Inter Di Merda to make it more "professional" and highlite Massimo Moratti's name in Telecom's board. :D



    Hamilton saved my ass...
    Nov 4, 2004
    I just posted on Inter Di Merda forum and sent it to a friend who write for goal. when i come back i will send to skysports al jazeera and tribalfootball (they will love it).


    Junior Member
    Jul 23, 2006
    Don't know what sismi is but carabinieri are law enforcement that fall somewhere between the regular police and the military in Italy. Maybe like police of the State instead of local police? Not sure exactly what their duties consist of.


    Senior Member
    Sep 6, 2002
    Originally Posted by ZAF3000
    I said it from day one.
    Those who thought we were guilty did not read whats happenning well...

    Incidents that contradict with what the scandal accused of with:
    1- This whole scandal broke away from the media --> we ar supposed to have controlled the media and replies to favour us.
    2- We cheat in curtial moments --> the scandal came out few days before the decisive match last season.
    3- We fixed matches --> they are yet to present a clear evidence of match fixing.
    4- Moggi is supposed to be GOD and he controls everything and he has everyone on his payrole --> Berlusconi is/was the priminister of Italy, Moratti is one of the richest people in the world. Agnelli's are not giving juve full back up support.
    5- Inter say that we always cheat because of controvesial penatly given not given to them in 98 --> We lost the Super Cup because the Ref thought Inter's goal was not offside and Trezeguets goal was offside (should've been 1-0 for Juve).
    6- They say Juve are awarded more penalties than other teams --> We were the least awarded penalties last season if I am not mistaken.
    7- It is said that Moggi fixed matches with the ref director --> the ref director says that he is wondering where the other phone calls with other team's management went away.
    8- They used less than 40 phone calls against moggi in a trial andthey are not allowing his lawyer to use the 99,960+ other phone calls to acquit him.
    9- Not a single phone call was about the 05-06 season yet the only scudetto that was taken from us and given to a team was this one and was givento inter. They did find away to give the 04-05 scudetto to Inter so it was taken from us and was put on hold or deleted till they fix a rule to give it to either Inter or Milan.
    10- They say the reason Juve got the worse punishment is because Juve did the most --> And Milan clearly fixed a game with udinese but they did not include that clear phone call in the trial.
    11- They say Juve fixed matches with refs --> yet all refs involved in the matches were acquitted.
    12- They say Juve fixed matches --> yet they did not provide a single video tape of such match, although that was requested by our lawyer.
    13- All teams in trial were put that they voided same aritcle --> yet the only one in serie be with heavy points deduction is Juve.
    14- They say the Juve voided an additional article --> yet any one in 1st year law school or just interested in law will tell you there is absolute no ground to what they are claiming.
    15- They say that Juve are the centre of the Calciopoli --> yet they do not have a single evidence to prove such a thing, let alone it goes against logic.
    16 - Again they say Juve controls the media --> but the two most famous news papers are registered under Berlusconi and in Roma.
    17- They say that Juve are favoured politically and through the media --> Yet when our doping trial broke away everyone was calling Juve the dopped lady although there were no proofs. And after Juve got acquitted it was mentioned in a small article in these news papers, let alone they till call Juve the doped lady. Plus Juve were the only team in the trial although some investigations states that Milan were using ilegal drugs.
    18- Moggi controls the media --> yet the media viewed a video of cannavaro taking medical with his face apparent but Crespo's and Veron's faces were masked. And was played weeks before the crusial Juve V Milan at sansero in 04-05.
    19- Moggi controls the calcio --> ibra received a 3 match ban just to miss the Milan game where others who did more received either 1 or 2.

    And the list is so long.. I am hungry will go have dinner and if I am not tired will state some more facts.

    great!!! thats the truth!


    Day Walker
    Jul 28, 2003
    but the transfer master is not bettega but its moggi
    i know but that was last season and he has an eye for talent and ofcourse knows how to negotiate.

    good work Mark & juventinho

    @Fli-u seem to dislike the assumptions that ZAF provided ,care to elaborate ?

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