Read this everyone! (2 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Apr 15, 2005
i dont exactly agree with the author's attitude towards trezeguet and viera.but i dont know,i think he could have SOME right to be pissed off at zidane and thuram.
zidane,despite being the great player that he obviously is,has never really thanked juventus the way he has thanked madrid.i could be wrong,but ive always felt that zidane does not consider juventus to be a grat part of his career.

thuram on the other hand DID dissapoint me.for a player who was played even when he was out of form,and even when he should have been sold because of his age,is acting cold towards juventus imo.there's certain way to 'leave' a club imo.thuram seems have developed a certain 'they got relegated?fuck them!im movin on.i cant remain too fucking good!" trait as far as im concerned.he doesnt seem to be mentioning any sort affection towards the club,or i have missed what he said.

dont get me wrong,the article goes way overboard,and is way harsher than it actually should have been,but i DO see a reason to be annoyed with thuram and zidane. a practiing muslim,and i have been called a terrorist,but it doesnt really piss me off enough for me to headbutt the person or want to harm him physically.zidane's self defense as part as the 'being called a terrorist' bit is lame imo.

Buy on
Sep 1, 2002
"Oh, what about all those Italian fly-by-nights -can't trust them- they'll soon be going like rats from a sinking ship!"
I of cause am quoting something I over heard in a cafe, whilst drinking my espresso this morning.
Is that all right by you moderators?


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
giovanotti said:
I would like to see Del piero saying that kind of stuff if Italy played badly....he would never say such a stupid think,and the first and only palyer which consoled Thuram (while other Italians were celebrating) was Del Piero.

I agree with Maresca,I'm very dissapointed,really.
and now Thuram wants to leave..
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