Ramadan Kareem!! (11 Viewers)

Aug 1, 2003
buka puasa food is, aah, the food that u have when u break ur fast. in malaysia ppl sell LOADS of food during ramadhan.

yes majed, i dont understand any of arabic (heh) i studied japanese and i find it a lot easier than arabic, its hard for me to understand the fi'il, saraf and harf stuff.

is it true that during ramdhan satan is chained?

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Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
honestly? ramadhan is the only month im aware of what im doing. such a holy month.....

hey, those who live in arab, where do u ppl perform ur tarawikh prayers ?
in a mousque like regular prayers. well, usually people go to the biggest mousques not just the little ones near home.


Great Explenation Ali. :thumb:

i couldn't have found a better one myself. ( i really looked :angel: ..sorry Vit :embarass: )


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
Gray - I never knew you were such a Christian; always thought you were being sarcastic with those images and quotes.

Ok a question for the you Muslims cos I don't know your religion that much so I'm curious about some things:

Why are you so happy about this period when all you do is pray and are deprived from food, sex and all that is fun? :confused:

This is an honest and serious question cos my mind finds it hard to imagine someone going through all that.
Aug 1, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++

Why are you so happy about this period when all you do is pray and are deprived from food, sex and all that is fun? :confused:

i dont know bout other ppl, but this would be my answer :

ramdhan is a month where a muslim's ultimate goal is to get closer to god. without the worldly distractions- eg food sex etc, one will find it a lot easier to pray, read the quran etc more often. once u do this, u feel more serene, at peace and content. at least i do :D

anyhow to make it simple- why i find ramdhan the best moment in every year is because the pleasure of serving god is much greater than just eating delicious food and having good sex :eek: sounds unbelievable, i know, but its true for me. its the serenity of ramadhan that makes it all so beautiful


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
Gray - I never knew you were such a Christian; always thought you were being sarcastic with those images and quotes.
For real? Why would I bother making a mockery of those images and quotes if i didn't care much for them?

Hrmm I dunno if i should take that as a compliment ;) Glenn, from my previous post, what exactly changed your perception?

++ [ originally posted by DaJuve ] ++
Got something from a website ...
Thanks for the info DaJuve

"The good that is acquired through the fast can be destroyed by five things -

greed or covetousness

Wow, that's gotta take some discipline. How does one turn their mind from greed in any aspect of their lives? Maybe fasting is supposed to turn your dependence to God instead of food, but how can someone not experience greed when they see or smell delicious food during a fast? It doesn't even have to be food, there's so many things in the world that bring out greed within people.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by DaJuve ] ++

Thanks gray :touched:
;) It's dangerous to eat too much in one go after a long period of fasting, because your body's not used to taking so much in. So take it easy after each fasting period, and don't have a big pig-out, like I did after the first time i did a long-term fast :stress::yuck:

Fasting is the 4th Pillar of Islam - This is an except from another site.
What are the other pillars of Islam?


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
Gray from the exact quotes you mentioned. Tell me more about why you are so devoted etc. Personally I really find it difficult to see or meet christians who are real christians nowadays. Cos of the old and obsolete ideas the church has it will never attract young people. However the pope is amazing, he deserved the nobel for peace. Gives his heart out to everyone; I can't help but admiring such a person, irrespective of what religion he might be.

So you follow all the commandments etc?


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
Gray from the exact quotes you mentioned. Tell me more about why you are so devoted etc. Personally I really find it difficult to see or meet christians who are real christians nowadays. Cos of the old and obsolete ideas the church has it will never attract young people.
I guess that's different from church to church, because we've found that there's no point sticking to old traditions and all that. Our church is pretty casual and laid-back, and the messages all apply to contemporary contexts. Here's some links to recent messages, many people are surprised when they hear them, because most people expect to hear in a dull, monotonous voice "thou shalt not..."


I beg u, have a quick listen, even just to hear one of the most gifted speakers i've ever met.

++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
So you follow all the commandments etc?
Well of course I try, but nobody's perfect. That's the great thing, though. I know I'm forgiven for all my shortcomings, and the natural reaction to knowing that your slate has been wiped clean is worship and service to the God that saved you.

More so than the Ten Commandments, "you shall not..." i think it's great to just follow the 'great' commandments:

Matthew 22:36-39

"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'

Most people think that Christianity is about following rules, like "you shall not..." but I'm in it for a relationship with the God who saved me :thumb:


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
Saved you from what?

Btw I always confuse it...am I catholic or christian? :LOL: I really can't remember. So what's different from your religion to mine since they sound the same but obivously yours is a bit different? And where you this devoted from when yo uwere young or did you have an incident which made you believe more?

I actually have a story regarding my faith. I think it was in 97 or 98. Me and two mates went to this retreat for the weekend; it was for young people called 'Come and See' with masses, religious activities and healing mass.

My mates and I actually went there cos we heard that lots of girls go to these things so we umm err did not really go for the purest of reasons.

Anyway on the the third day we had this healing mass. Basically we were divided into groups of around 8 - 10 people and each group had it's group leader. The group Leader would put his hand on the forehead of people one at a time, praying and then without him knowing he would start talking in a different language he did not know. Some people were fainting and I was laughing at them cos I thought it was just them being brainwashed or having this conception into their head so the fainting was something they made happen.

When my turn came, I was taking the piss but as soon as he put his hand over my forehead and I closed my eyes as he asked me to do, I saw a light, then I heard him speak in a strange language and finally when I opened my eyes I found myself lying on the ground as I had lost conscious for about 30 seconds. I remember when this happened I couldn't control myself and started crying. But it wasn't crying of pain but a sort of joy cos I felt inside myself free.

My friends were astonished when I told them and the next day they remarked how I turned into a lamb in my character as I ws nicer and more quiet.

To this day I have no idea what happened, but whatever it was, it freaked me out and changed me. Though nowadays I`m back to my old ways so maybe I need another enlightment ;)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Thanks for sharing that Glenn :)

++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
Saved you from what?
Eternal pain and suffering.

Romans 6:23

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Btw I always confuse it...am I catholic or christian? :LOL: I really can't remember. So what's different from your religion to mine since they sound the same but obivously yours is a bit different?
Why is mine a bit different? It's a grey area, really. I define a Christian as someone who follows Christ, and AFAIK Catholics do that, so I don't really understand the distinction between Catholics and 'Christians'. I'm a Protestant btw.

And where you this devoted from when yo uwere young or did you have an incident which made you believe more?
I've been going to church since I was young, but it was obviously just to meet my friends. I knew the bible stories and all that, but I didn't really give my life to Christ or take any of it really seriously until i was in about year 8 or 9.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
Any particular incident that made you give your life to Christ?

As I said before, it's really tough being religious nowadays so you have all my respect and admiration at something I'll never be able to do, though I wish I could cos sometimes (actually not just sometimes) when things are going wrong you do need the comfort of knowing there is someone out there.

What did you make out of my story? I know it's kinda hard to believe but it's true, and I`m not brainwashed or anything, far from it. I never thought it could happen to me....maybe it was some message?


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
Any particular incident that made you give your life to Christ?
Not really, just a realisation that I was crap at leading my life, and that there was someone who knew me better than myself :)

As I said before, it's really tough being religious nowadays so you have all my respect and admiration at something I'll never be able to do
It's not really something I struggle with. I don't think "Oh man, if only I weren't a Christian, I could do this :stress:" It just comes naturally to want what's best for God.

What did you make out of my story? I know it's kinda hard to believe but it's true, and I`m not brainwashed or anything, far from it. I never thought it could happen to me....maybe it was some message?
Maybe you should ask God :D I don't think you were brainwashed, but God showed you that He has power in this world, and that He's not just sitting there after sending the Bible. You seem to have been humbled by the experience, which is what God wants for all of us, and if your character did change to be more gentle etc, then maybe the incident had the desired effect.

Don't think of it "maybe i need another miraculous experience to be more aware of God", because it's not like that. It's not like a vaccination where you get boosters every few years. These things don't happen very often, and I understand that you were freaked out by the whole experience, but I'm glad you know it was from God, and that you're not trying to explain it by saying "i didn't get much sleep or food that day, so that's probably why".


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
Yeah I can't give it such an explanation cos I know what I felt and it was the weirdest thing in the world.

Hey I'm not as humble now, I'm back to my old self after these years :D I haven't confessed in eyars! It must be 5 years since my last confession so I'm a sinful person right now ;)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++

Hey I'm not as humble now, I'm back to my old self after these years :D I haven't confessed in eyars! It must be 5 years since my last confession so I'm a sinful person right now ;)
Okay, I don't mean to rip on Catholicism or anything, but I don't see why people should go and confess to a human their sins, in order to be forgiven.

IMO all you need to do is repent with your heart that you've sinned, and accept that Christ died to forgive your sins.

I've never been to confession in my life, but I'm forgiven :)

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