Quebec vs Vancouver (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
I would like to get some personal views on these two places. More precisely, Montreal vs Vancouver.

Where do you think is a nicer place to live? Better night life? Better atmosphere.

I ask someone who's from Toronto. They told me people from Quebec, the French-Canadians, are kind of stuck up. You know, feel they're better than everyone. How true is that?

Buy on
Jan 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by K10 ] ++
I would like to get some personal views on these two places. More precisely, Montreal vs Vancouver.

Where do you think is a nicer place to live? Better night life? Better atmosphere.

I ask someone who's from Toronto. They told me people from Quebec, the French-Canadians, are kind of stuck up. You know, feel they're better than everyone. How true is that?

Montreal is a good city. heard good words about it. lots of hoes downtown


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by Don Bes ] ++

    Montreal is a good city. heard good words about it. lots of hoes downtown
    Vancouver is ranked the third nicest city in the world I believe. The top two are from Switzerland, Zurich and I can't remember the other.

    From what I hear, Vancouver and Quebec are very much like Europe. Mediterranean kind of.

    Bes, there're hoes everywhere.
    Jan 7, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by K10 ] ++

    Vancouver is ranked the third nicest city in the world I believe. The top two are from Switzerland, Zurich and I can't remember the other.

    From what I hear, Vancouver and Quebec are very much like Europe. Mediterranean kind of.

    Bes, there're hoes everywhere.

    i have had a lot of my friends come surprised from the amount of hoes in there, esspecially compared to Toronto


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by Don Bes ] ++

    bring cash
    For hoes or is it generally expensive?

    The reason I am enquiring about these places is that I have applied to Universities there.


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by Elnur_E65 ] ++

    After the State of New York?

    It's a one day thing anyways, I ain't gonna spend that much money.
    Be sure to tell me how the place is when you come back.


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by Elnur_E65 ] ++

    Would you like a written report with pictures and stuff? :D
    Yes, include video footage too :D


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by K10 ] ++
    I would like to get some personal views on these two places. More precisely, Montreal vs Vancouver.

    Where do you think is a nicer place to live? Better night life? Better atmosphere.

    I ask someone who's from Toronto. They told me people from Quebec, the French-Canadians, are kind of stuck up. You know, feel they're better than everyone. How true is that?

    Absolutely, without a doubt, no questions asked.

    Montreal, Montreal, Montreal.

    My absolute favorite city in the world. A club/bar on every block, Cuban Cigars- a -plenty, Gorgeous women who wear cutoff tee's in -2 degree weather, great clothes and food at great prices. A very european style city, and they also have a fantastic Casino. Club Supersexe on St. Catherines is also a fantastic strip club as well.

    I am in love with that city.


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
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    Thank you so much Sergio.

    Your opinions may very well be my deciding factor on which university I go to.


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by Sergio ] ++


    Absolutely, without a doubt, no questions asked.

    Montreal, Montreal, Montreal.

    My absolute favorite city in the world. A club/bar on every block, Cuban Cigars- a -plenty, Gorgeous women who wear cutoff tee's in -2 degree weather, great clothes and food at great prices. A very european style city, and they also have a fantastic Casino. Club Supersexe on St. Catherines is also a fantastic strip club as well.

    I am in love with that city.
    The European style I like very much. I am so hoping I get accepted.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by K10 ] ++
    Thank you so much Sergio.

    Your opinions may very well be my deciding factor on which university I go to.
    Anytime, Bro.

    I adore that city.

    McGill University is the most popular college in Montreal.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    Just one thing, K10. When you go to a restaurant and order the steak, don't ask them where they got it from. I'm not sure even they know where they get it:D

    There's a place right across from the Molson Centre that has great steaks.


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by Sergio ] ++
    Just one thing, K10. When you go to a restaurant and order the steak, don't ask them where they got it from. I'm not sure even they know where they get it:D

    There's a place right across from the Molson Centre that has great steaks.
    You're getting me all excited and I haven't even been accepted yet :D

    And I'm not fussy about food so I don't normally ask where they get it from, I just ask for more :D


    The Grimreaper
    Jul 12, 2002
    I just looooove Montreal!!!

    I went there in my last visit to Canada, last week, and Montreal its great, the nigth life is awsome!!! the people are very nice and great, I went to St Joseph church (reeeeaaaalllly huge!!!), to Notre Dame Church (awsome !!!! ), then we saw the Hotel de Ville, we went to the Hard Rock Cafe (great band playing there!), of course we went to see the Olympic Stadium...
    The thing that I love the most about Mopntreal its that you forget that you are in America, you feel that you are in France :cool:

    I haven't been in Vancouver, but to me Montreal rocks!!!


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Espectro ] ++
    I just looooove Montreal!!!

    I went there in my last visit to Canada, last week, and Montreal its great, the nigth life is awsome!!! the people are very nice and great, I went to St Joseph church (reeeeaaaalllly huge!!!), to Notre Dame Church (awsome !!!! ), then we saw the Hotel de Ville, we went to the Hard Rock Cafe (great band playing there!), of course we went to see the Olympic Stadium...
    The thing that I love the most about Mopntreal its that you forget that you are in America, you feel that you are in France :cool:

    I haven't been in Vancouver, but to me Montreal rocks!!!

    Ahh, memories:D

    March of 2001, 1 month before my wedding, we went up there to watch a hockey game and have a good time for a few days.

    We got into a HUGE brawl at the Hard Rock. Some drunken lout, unknown to me, started hitting on my sister, and when my brother-in-law confronted him, 3 of his friends came over to confront my brother in-law. Little did these poor saps know that we had his 3 brothers plus myself charging in from different parts of the club. We just started swinging. All hell broke loose near the bar on the right hand side of the club when you walk in, and it ended up on the dance floor for about 5 minutes before the bouncers broke it up. They sent up upstairs to chill out for the rest of the night, but didn't kick us out.

    Do they still have the KISS Memorabilia when you look up over the main entrance door?


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #20
    ++ [ originally posted by Espectro ] ++
    I just looooove Montreal!!!

    I went there in my last visit to Canada, last week, and Montreal its great, the nigth life is awsome!!! the people are very nice and great, I went to St Joseph church (reeeeaaaalllly huge!!!), to Notre Dame Church (awsome !!!! ), then we saw the Hotel de Ville, we went to the Hard Rock Cafe (great band playing there!), of course we went to see the Olympic Stadium...
    The thing that I love the most about Mopntreal its that you forget that you are in America, you feel that you are in France :cool:

    I haven't been in Vancouver, but to me Montreal rocks!!!
    You won't believe how excited yall have gotton me about going to Univerisity in Montral. :D

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