Put forward your nominations for future moderators (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Right, since Erik, Nina and Stuart are no longer moderators and dpforever hasnt been around in ages, it seems Martin will have to find some new moderators, especially as only Torkel and Tom are around.

So, who do you propose?

Personaly, I think Gray is the best candidate. He's always around (and I mean always, he has probably read every post in every thread in the entire forum... twice!!! He has 14000 posts For Christ's sake :stress: ), he's pretty objective, isnt in a conflict with anyone and is overall a good contribution to the forum. And he's a man of God, so JC would probably be on our side :D

Next in line, IMO, would be Majed, altho I havent seen him in a while. I hope he hasnt left too. He's also fair, objective, and tries to keep clear from insults and potential conflicts. All in all, a nice guy, fit for the position.

Third, and last, I think it should be Desmond. He's always struck me as a calm and composed guy with a lot of football knowledge, a guy thats friendly to everyone and that tries to see a given situation objectivly, and from all angles.

Your views?

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Senior Member
Aug 10, 2003
I say: MAJED, He is a nice person, I think he is fair and objective and I think He doesn't like the big troubles, I mean, he is not a conflicting person so I think He can be the next moderator

and I think Gray deserves that too...


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
I would have chosen Zlatan. But he started the thread :D

Seriously though. Zlatan would be pretty good.

Majed?? Bah, Majed never stops bagging on me.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
And why is Stu's title "Juventuz Addict"??

OMG I just noticed I am a Juventuz addict too

wtf happened here?


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
Erik said he was leaving after the Euros i believe. Not sure why. Probably bored. Aint exactly that exciting around here :D


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
++ [ originally posted by River ] ++
Erik said he was leaving after the Euros i believe. Not sure why. Probably bored. Aint exactly that exciting around here :D
Everyone is leaving :broken:


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
Not really. Just Erik and Vicki. Everyone else has said they will be back or havent said they are leaving.

I think.

Im supposed to leave after the Euro. What the hell am i gonna do now to kill time? :down:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
If only mikhail was around more often, I think he'd be a great moderator. I agree with Majed too, and Zlatan, if only you weren't so argumentative I think you'd be a good mod


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
++ [ originally posted by River ] ++
Not really. Just Erik and Vicki. Everyone else has said they will be back or havent said they are leaving.

I think.

Im supposed to leave after the Euro. What the hell am i gonna do now to kill time? :down:
Sergio left too...

Why are you leaving after the Euro?


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
Oh i didnt know Sergio.

Well i didnt say im leaving. Its not like a plan or something. its just without Euro threads to post in what else is there?:)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
btw River, if you're interested in scamming the scammer, I posted a site dedicated entirely to the subject before, with some hilarious results. Check it out for some tips ;)

A lot of people just mess around with the guys because their English isn't 100%, so they use company names like Plunder and Flee Inc. :D

One of the funnier ones I saw was someone claiming that they were Dr. Gillian Anderson, and they posted all these pictures of Agent Scully, then went on to say "For the money matters, you may want to contact my brother Neo. Mr Anderson is The One who can help you" :LOL:


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
cool ill check that out :) I plan to push it as far as i can go. And for everyone else who tries to scam me i will make them sorry.

But what i really want is to show the person the thing online, complete with photo of him and see the reaction.

Its just an experiment really :D


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
And i think there should be a non-juve fan moderator to represent the non-juve fans here. IncuboRossonero anyone? :D


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by River ] ++
And i think there should be a non-juve fan moderator to represent the non-juve fans here. IncuboRossonero anyone? :D
Cheh, good luck with that :)


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
Mikail deserves to be mod,just if he were around more often.but i've always thought that Graham is the most suitable candidate for moderator.
Zlatan would fit rather well too.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
I hope Martin can find someone really mean. All of the past mods were waaaay too nice. You people need a strict disciplinarian :D

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