Pre season Begins!!! (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Nov 15, 2003
Amichevole: 7-0

Nella prima uscita stagionale, l’amichevole di Voghera, la Juventus batte la squadra di casa per 7-0. La goleada è firmata da Ibrahimovic, autore di una tripletta, Nedved, Mutu, Zalayeta e Trezeguet.
Fabio Capello impiega gran parte della rosa a sua disposizione. Solo l’infaticabile Nedved gioca 75’, poi sostituito da Olivera che rientrerà per il finale, mentre gli altri bianconeri si alternano tra un tempo e l’altro.
Ad inizio partita Capello manda in campo la difesa a quattro con Pessotto e Zambrotta esterni, Tudor e Thuram centrali. A centrocampo esordisce Giannichedda a fianco di Tacchinardi, poi Olivera e Nedved, in attacco Ibrahimovic e Mutu. Nella ripresa il tecnico bianconero passa alla difesa a tre con Birindelli, il neo juventino Kovac e Cannavaro. A centrocampo entrano Camoranesi, Blasi e Spagnoli, il ragazzo inviato dal reality show “Campioni” che sicuramente questa sera corona un sogno personale. In attacco Del Piero, Zalayeta e Trezeguet. Una curiosità sulla terna arbitrale: uno degli assistenti del signor Massa è una donna, Cristina Cappellin della sezione di Imperia
Per tutti i novanta minuti si gioca praticamente a senso unico, sette gol e tante occasioni per i campioni d’Italia che ricevono i meritati applausi dal pubblico presente, divertito e felice di rivedere all’opera i propri beniamini.

Reti: 11’, 37’ e 39’ pt Ibrahimovic, 28’ pt Nedved, 32’pt Mutu, 10’st Zalayeta, 15’st Trezeguet
AC VOGHERA: Aliotta, Ramic, Finelli Orocini, Rottoli, Martignon, Massaro, Aquino, Pagano, Luison, Daddi. All. Giacomotti. A disposizione: Buscicchio, Bolletta, Ribaldi, Colombi, Merlo, Grossi, Marchesi, Perani, Di Gennaro, Bariani, Buonincontro, Picchi, Fagioli, Panucci, Moroni
JUVENTUS (1° tempo): Buffon, Pessotto, Tudor, Thuram, Zambrotta, Olivera, Giannichedda, Tacchinardi, Nedved, Mutu, Ibrahimovic.
JUVENTUS (2° tempo): Chimenti, Birindelli, Kovac, Cannavaro, Camoranesi, Spagnoli, Blasi, Nedved (30’st Olivera), Del Piero, Zalayeta, Trezeguet. All. Capello
ARBITRO: Davide Massa di Imperia

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ADP Timers

Senior Member
Feb 4, 2004
you guys, you guys, you guys

i went to the voghera game, boy was it amazing.

not only did i get to see 22 players play, including a chimenti and bonnefoi, but i ended up getting fabio capello and fabio cannavaros signature after.

i was seated in the tribuna verde almost right behind the bench, and got some awesome pictures.

seeing del piero warm up, and then play alongside nedved, trez, and zalayeta brought a tear to my eye. he had both assists on the 2 second half goals.

ibra looked damn impressive in the first half. sure he got the hat trick, but they were all well composed goals, and lot of skill involved. nedveds goal was a bomb from the corner of the box, while mutu had some composure on his.

blasi, wow, this guy is insane. just goes like 110% into every ****ing tackle, whre the ball is, hes funny. lot of fouls though.
oliveira almost had an own goal, as he kicked it high into the air, like 35 yards right into the net, with chimenti off the line a bit. chimenti did amazing tho, to trap the ball with his back and foot to the ball, and then keep it out of hte goal.

so ya, 7-0 is a great result. sure its voghera, but the team looked solid to me. seeing big old tudor in the back was something, alongside cannavaro, and kovac did well as well. i was impressed by gianchichedda, and eagerly await more great soccer from this team. they definately have champions written all over them again, especially now with vieira, who i cant wait to see partnereed up in the midfield with emerson.

and if ur wondering about why i didnt get del pieros signature, lets jsut say, it was a long story. i want to think i virtually did, as much as i htink about it, i get upset, so then i just feel, what is an autograph anyways, seeing them play live, having them be a yard in frnt of u, seperated by a fence, or a barricade like the last time, is what its all about. no one else can take that away from you, its not something physical, or material that you can show someone. sure its a picture, but its more than that, its the experience that gets you to that point.

thurs night,it was about hte fabio's, not the del, at least signature wise. i tried guys, i tried. long and funny story.

when i get back to california, and can post pics, i will. there all soo good.

basically i had fabios sign my ticket, and for del, i wanted him to sign my jersey. i threw it over fence, it got stuck right on top, i tried to get it down. this guy helps me, and then thinks its his since he got it for me. i fight with him over it for a bit, as del walks along. later catch up to him again, throw it once more, gets stuck. this time i had no other chance, and he was gone, but i was able to get some pics of him here, and it makes for a good story, thats why i say i virtualy got it, as i pretty much should have, just god prevented me from doing it so, it wasnt about that on thurs i guess.

My excitement for this coming season is tremendous.
NOT TO MENTION; HOW SEXY ARE THOSE NEW JERSEYS!!!!!!!!!! I saw the classic on THurs, and wow. cant wait to buy those.

ADP Timers

Senior Member
Feb 4, 2004
HAHAH, Im in that picture.
The one right here

If you look at the fans, and follow the first row, you can see some guy with 2 dark objects like right below his seat, almost right over the juve bench. thats me.

i have my dark jeans on with black new juve shirt, a black juve bag, and a dark green backpack.

HAHA, proof that i was there, like i posted about in the other thread. such a good game to go to.

and i got the fabio signatures, capello and cannavaro, the azzurri captain


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
We beat Pavia 5-1...

I tried watching the damn game on the computer, but it stopped every 5 freakin' seconds :fero:

More info to follow...................


The Guv'nor
Jun 12, 2005
++ [ originally posted by Vinman ] ++
We beat Pavia 5-1...

I tried watching the damn game on the computer, but it stopped every 5 freakin' seconds :fero:

More info to follow...................
How did u manage to watch the game on your computer? what website is it on?

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