Post That Picture 3.0 (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by baggio ] ++

Flight Sim has always been my favourite computer game. The Cesenas must be fun to maneouver. However, do you intend to get your CPL? And yea, taking off is easy. :D But ive almost never landed my plane, in flight sim. The 747s that is. :down:

Helicopters would be fun K.
I am not sure if I am going for my commercial for planes. I most likely would be for helicopters though. I like helicopters more and there are less helicopter pilots and more helicopter jobs where I want to work.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Elnur_E65 ] ++
Dude, Trinidad and Tobago looks totally awesome!

Do US spring breakers ever go there?
Nope. thank God. Trinidad and Tobago is one of the few unkown islands in the Caribbean if you know what I mean. And it's for the best. Tobago is beautiful, where Trinidad is lively.

Tobago isn't spoilt by tourist. Our economy doesn't depend on tourism like the other islands, we got alot of oil.

And don't get me wrong, Trindad has absolutey gorgeous places, some of the most gorgeous in the world, but thats the north west part of Trinidad where I live. There are alot of ghetto places also, where we tend to stay away from. I guess like anywhere in the world.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by fabiana ] ++

Venezuelan beaches are like that too remember TT and us share the same waters :D
Actually, not all the beaches in Trinidad are beautiful blue colours. You know why? Thanks to Venezuela :D

The south end of Trinidad that water is kinda shitty, THANKS TO VENEZUELA's Orinoco River :D

Thanks Fab :D


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
Unless you live in a ghetto :frown:
Hell no. The ghettos tend to be all blacks. Most of the non blacks live in a certain part, most of the blacks live in the other. Its quite divided.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Padovano ] ++
@Elnur - Thank goodness . . . I thought you were born with that shit face :rofl:

@K10 - I've been to Port of Spain. Thought it was cool. I would go back to Trinidad.
You probably been to the ghetto areas. Next time let me show you the nice areas :D

Elnur, you always seem the drunkest person in ur pictures :D


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia there are beaches just as beautiful as those....with the smooothest and softest sand... The only problem is that there is no water.

Mar 6, 2005
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia there are beaches just as beautiful as those....with the smooothest and softest sand... The only problem is that there is no water.

Same here.. but instead of sand, we have sand-like rocks.. :D

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