Pessotto Rushed To Hospital!!! Pessotto out of danger (12 Viewers)


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
ZAF3000 said:
Man they said from the 2nd floor (or was it first). So it is quite a fall. 15 m fall if not predicted can be so fatal.
It's not a building you jump off if you want to commit suicide.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
How did he fall on his back? Breaking a coccyx and pelivis suggest he fell backwards onto the car.

If he saw it coming he surel would have naturally tried to break his fall with his arms.

Thus he was probably sat on the window ledge.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Dominic said:
15 meters can, or rather should be more than enough...
If you're going to commit suicide you don't rely on "should be", you rely on "will be". He wouldn't have jumped from 15 metres, but from 50 metres. This makes absolutely no sense to me. I think he was either pushed or that it was an accident.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Dominic said:
I think you're underestimating the height of 15 metres. I agree though, that the whole thing 'stinks'.
Look, the fact Pessotto still lives only helps my theory, doesn't it? I refuse to believe that someone who wants to commit suicide would take such a chance. And why in that fashion anyway? Why at the Juventus headquarters? Why did he accept a job just a month ago? He has two children, what were his plans with them? No, this does not look like a suicide attempt at all. And if it is, it would have been a pretty dumb plan by Pessotto, which seems even more unlikely.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2002
La moglie: «Aveva paura di fallire nel nuovo ruolo» - di Redazione -

Marta Ottaviani

«Gianluca temeva di non sentirsi all'altezza del compito di team manager che la Juventus gli aveva offerto. Mi diceva che dal campo alla scrivania c'è troppa differenza». Reana Pessotto parla in serata, dopo una giornata terribile. È rimasta tutto il giorno in ospedale, angosciata e sofferente per la sorte del marito: «Come volete che stia, sono distrutta. Per fortuna adesso Gianluca sta un po' meglio».
La donna nega dissapori con il marito. Negli ultimi tempi ci sarebbe stata qualche discussione su come trascorrere un weekend a Laigueglia, in Liguria, insieme a un amico di famiglia, un parrucchiere torinese. Proprio ieri mattina, poco prima di gettarsi nel vuoto, Pessotto aveva disdetto nuovamente l'impegno: «Ho da fare per la Juventus», ha detto al telefono all'amico e alla moglie, che avrebbe insistito per fargli cambiare idea e poi avrebbe risposto un po' indispettita. Una discussione banale, difficile pensare che sia stata questa la causa scatenante della volontà suicida, anche se un carattere già reso fragile dalla depressione può ingiustificatamente ingigantire qualsiasi cosa. Con la bionda signora Reana, al pronto soccorso è rimasto a lungo un amico di vecchia data della famiglia Pessotto. All'ospedale è arrivata poi Valentina Zambrotta, moglie del difensore della nazionale. Quando sono arrivati Del Piero, Ferrara e Zambrotta c'è stato un lungo e commovente abbraccio con Reana, che ha confidato: «Sono ragazzi speciali, abbiamo pianto insieme».
Gianluca Pessotto e Reana sono sposati dal '95, hanno due figlie e vivono nel centro di Torino. Un coppia da molti definita fino ad oggi felice
Le parole della moglie di fatto smentiscono le prime voci, quelle sui possibili problemi di salute del calciatore. Insinuazioni che sono state bollate come «ridicole» dal medico della Juventus, Riccardo Agricola, e secondo le quali il giocatore bianconero sarebbe stato affetto da una grave malattia. Nessun problema di salute tangibile, quindi. Ma nell'animo di Pessotto, nascosto a tutti, la presenza del male oscuro della depressione. Stando a indiscrezioni trapelate dagli ambienti investigativi vicini alla Juventus, il giocatore era in cura da un medico e proprio ieri avrebbe avuto una visita di controllo. Il suo stato depressivo sarebbe legato a problemi personali.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2002
Here are some moving words from a friend of his:

Ha parlato anche un suo amico: `Ieri ci eravamo sentiti. Dovevamo andare a pranzo e doveva venire anche sua moglie. Era tranquillo, poi non so cosa sia successo. Gianluca e` cosi` sensibile e profondo, si e` trovato in mezzo a situazioni nuove che forse non sapeva come gestire. Lui vuole bene alla Juventus come fosse la sua vita` .


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
Juventus' Pessotto stable after 'suicide' fall

Juventus general manager Gianluca Pessotto has spent a stable night in hospital in Turin following a fall from a window at the club's headquarters.

Pessotto underwent a 90-minute operation on his pelvis overnight without any complications and is due to undergo further surgery on a fractured tibia and fibia.

Juventus club doctor Riccardo Agricola told Gazetta dello Sport: 'Gianluca is in a stable condition. It will be a long battle, but we are optimistic.'

His wife Reana Pessotto has already confirmed reports that her husband had been suffering from depression, adding to speculation that he tried to take his own life.



Dec 16, 2003
Doctors reveal Pessotto drama
Wednesday 28 June, 2006
Doctors treating Gianluca Pessotto in a Turin hospital have confirmed that he risked death during the night.

The Juventus team manager, who was rushed to hospital on Tuesday after falling from a window at the club’s headquarters, underwent another operation last night which almost cost him his life.

“Gianluca Pessotto risked dying last night, he was operated on at the limit,” stated professor Antonio Solini.

Police in Turin are investigating the possibility that Pessotto attempted suicide and his wife Reana has today confirmed that her husband has been struggling with depression.

Speaking with the La Repubblica newspaper, she denied claims that her husband was dealing with a serious illness connected with doping.

“There is no truth in that, absolutely none,” she is quoted as saying on “I want you to tell everybody that. Gianluca was simply stressed, depressed.

“It is also false that there were any problems between us. We had a discussion because we had just organised three days away at Laigueglia with the kids, but he had to work.

“I wanted Gianluca to take a break and I thought it would do him some good. We had already organised everything.

“He hadn’t had a holiday for a year and a half. He was struggling to sleep and wasn’t convinced he had made the right decision in retiring from the game.”

Reana also revealed that her husband was perhaps doubting that he could live up to what was expected after he was recently appointed as the club’s new team manager.

“He feared that he wasn’t up to it,” she added. “But he accepted, although having offers to play on, because of the love he has for Juventus and he thought he had to.”

When asked why yesterday’s traumatic events occurred, she replied: “It was a combination of things: tiredness, melancholy, sadness for what is happening to the club. Gianluca did the worse thing possible.”

Meanwhile, Luciano Moggi, the man at the centre of the Calciopoli debate which could have serious consequences for Juve, has visited Pessotto in hospital.

“I’m here to pray for Gianluca,” he said. “Has this got to do with the scandal? I don’t know.”

Doctors have added that Pessotto’s condition remains serious but stable.


Senior Member
Feb 14, 2005
I really doubt Pessotto would consider suicide.. It just showed how much people cared about him, his team mates leaving teh squad in germany to check on him, Moggi although in a terrible situation giving out press releases about him, Vialli crying on TV, Moratti's words ..etc

What a person..
Get well Luca.. We all love..


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
Seven said:
If you're going to commit suicide you don't rely on "should be", you rely on "will be". He wouldn't have jumped from 15 metres, but from 50 metres. This makes absolutely no sense to me. I think he was either pushed or that it was an accident.
According to your theory, why then would anyone push Il Professore off a at such a height? If it was indeed foul play why would anyone risk him surviving the fall?


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
I personally wouldn't eliminate the possibility of suicide. In the event of suffering depression it can affect the ability to think logically and thoroughly; that 15 may not be enough to kill a person thus may not be as much of a factor. At the moment (according to his wife at least) a suicide attempt does seem the most likely, or at least more than foul play as some suggest.

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