Peace guys (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2005
Lately things have not been good between my girlfriend and me and the cause of that is this forum. Apparantly she feels ive been neglecting her and that i spend more time on this forum then i do with her, she also insists that when im on here i faze off and barely listen to her. Probably because i argue so much and im concentrated. She doesnt seem to undurstand i play poker for a living and my computer is where i am for better part of my day, but thats another story and irrelevant in what im here to say.

She is very sad and many times she gets upset when i log on here because she knows ill be sitting for a couple of hours and ignore her, which i dont feel im doing. But apparently i do.

The whole thing escalted this week when she feeled that i was making this forum experience bigger then it already is with some plans i had made, she started crying and i had no idea she was so sensitive, or maybe that i had been neglecting her or whatever.

I tried just keep myself from logging on the past weeks but it seems i lack the willpower to do so, which i find odd because i dont concider myself the "willpower weak" kind of guy. Im going to have to ask the mods to permanantly ban my account. Zlatan you do the honors, i know you love that shit:D

One thing that makes the decison easy is that i log on here and argue and fight over the most stupid things with fellow Juventini, which many times leaves me frustrated so its just not worth having your girlfriend upset about it anymore.

But ive had a lot of good times here too and therefore i decided to make a little farewell dedication to all the poeple ive grown to like on this forum, and some thats just annoying but deserve a mention aswell.

The homies:)

Hambon-The boner, I like your style and your sense of humor dawg, youre the kind of guy i could kick it with and pick up girls with at the club. You always make me laugh, take all these fools money in the bookie section pimp:D Peace Bro.:)

JuveKosova, My partner in crime defending Zlatan from Zlatan haters. You also seem like the kind of guy that would be fun to party with, all those chicks asses youve had as your avatars suggest a horny nature, my kind of guy.:D Take care dawg:)

Gino Genesio, my weedsmoking brother, take it easy on the pipe from time to time as you cant smoke too much of that shit, i know its good shit but still. I love your unconditional support for Juventus and in my opinion you could teach allot of our forum members how to cheer for their team properly.Keep it up man.:)

Jeeks, I applaud the fact you have managed to stay objektive and fair when it comes to Zlatan when Del Piero is one of your favourite players. Thats not an easy thing to do on this forum. You seem like the kind of guy who values his best friends and would do anything he can to help them out. Thats quite rare in this selfish world of backstabbing and lying. Youre a good guy and i wish you and your bride to be all the best:) Take care mate.:)

HolyGrail, You are IMO the best poster on this whole forum, your matchreports always have fair ratings and you always seem to bring up things that make me go- huh i didnt know that but now that i think about it, yes you are right. A walking library of football knowledge. You are also a real friendly cool guy that treats everybody with respect. Congrats on little Juva, I wish you and your family health, money and nothing but goodtimes:)

The mod squad

Zlatan, my favourite mod, youre strict but fair and you have the balls to ban people when you know they fvcked up. You quite funny too. Respect

Swag, The most intellectual poster(together with Chxta) of the whole forum IMO, you have made some great posts and i always enjoy reading your stuff. One thing though, what is that post in the 4 more years thread all about? You thought i wasnt going to undurstand your post but would agree with it anyway so that i wouldnt look stupid?
I also feel you could take the heat of Zlatan and ban some people instead of him sometime, he takes too much shit for it you know. Respect

Mikhail, Youre not around so much and we havent talked but you seem to be a smart guy, Youve always been fair to me. Respect

Marty, You bought this place and have done a great job with it sofar, its much better now then it was before, but hey more games in the Arcade:) Respect

The players

Maresca ,I like your passion for Juve and i have a great deal of respect for you. Youre a good guy, take care mate

Don Bes, Youre funny dawg, you have some lines that make me go back to check them one more time just so i can chuckle again.:)

Enron, coolest liverpool fan i ever met on the web.

Chxta, Mr intellectual 2. I enjoy reading your Blog and i always read whenever something new comes up, we have the same taste in film and you seem like a cool guy, you have been ignoring me for the last month or so and i dont really know why, maybe i wrote something that pissed you off. Well anyways, tace care of your girl and peace out:)

Burke, Youre funny as hell and a nice guy, Youve somewhat been ignoring me too the last month or so but thats ok. Probably because ive had problems with one of your mates and you want to stay loyal to him. I respect that. Take care of your girl dawg:cool:


Where do i start, you and me have been cutting each others throats since i got here, which is strange because in many ways we seem to be quite alike, You give me a match when we are discussing, something i feel only a handful of people here do. We dont see eye to eye on many things regerding Juventus and your view of me is someone who is just here for Zlatan and doesnt give a shit about Juve. Well thats your opinion i guess and so be it. I respect your opinion though and many times you post good shit, but you need to chill out a little when you get too heated in a discussion because you come off as an ashole who is only interested in winning arguments sometimes.( I have that problem too). Im sure thats not the case. You would profit much more being just a little more respectful. Anyways goodluck with your studies. Peace playa.

Snoop, Bow-wow-wow, your mixtape was pretty good dawg:) We see eye to eye on many subjects and i like the way you raise hell on people wit arguments. You never back down an inch in a duscussion, i love that mentality. Peace dawg:)

Vinman, We had some tough times and got off at the wrong foot from the very beginning, mostly because i was new to this forum on the internet stuff and i broke some serious unwritten laws. But ive grown to like you, if i look past the nationalistic remarks youve said about Sweden i find you seem to be a good guy with a sense of humor, you also post some good shit in the match threads that ive never given you credit for. Youre one of the good cops, remeber that KID!!! :D Take care.:)

Cronios, youre one of the people that you can talk to and discuss with without shit getting out of had, Good posts:)

Black Mamba, With that many guys following you around you must be doing something right Peace

Dominic, I snapped at you a couple of weeks ago when you didnt really deserve it, youre a cool guy with very objektive and good posts most of the time Peace

Azzuri7, You and me are at the oposite side of the fence when it come to favorite players and we have fought many times over it. You got what you wished for, im gone, just so you know no hard feelings and i wish you good things. You are a ral loyal fan to Del Piero, i respect loyalty, just remeber to not let that loyalty for DP to turn to hate for other Juve players. Peace

and Seven

You are provakative, manipulative, disrespectful and without remorse. And i love it, Youre also very funny and a neccesary "evil" on this forum. Whether its all a part of your public persona or if its really you i do not know, but your cool to have around when youre not being a total ashole. Peace.

To all the ones i forgot, because im sure there are plenty, im just too tired to make my brain work right now. THx to you too, you all make this forum what it is.EDIT, Sir sebastian, A lacki, Esteban and more.

OK peace everyone and FORZA JUVENTUS!! This time we take the Scudetto and the CL.:agree:

OK Zlatan, do your shit...

Buy on


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Good luck with your girlfriend, dawg. You should reconsider if you can somehow find a way to limit your need for this distracting piece of worthless webspace.


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Hell NO!! you are not going can control your times man.Don't ever say such stupid things "I will never come back" :mad:

all of us had these kinds of problems,you will learn to live with those Idiots.All you need is a break for 1 week or 2,and fix it with your girl.then when you come back,you will ignore the Idiots and spend less time here.ok man?

you are a great member here,I understand your thoughts and I agree with most of them, but some Idiots don't know to respect others' opinions.come back later man ok?and ignore those comments "Didn't you say you will leave?".


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Well, i dont think the solution is to leave the forum,, or get banned XD
but yeah u need to try to log much less in the forum.After all, if u are a juventus fan by heart, leaving the forum is not an option lol!.

I was in ur same position, but it wasnt the forum, but an internet game... and well, i realiszed one day that it was really taking too much time from me, so i just leaved it... because after thinking a little about it, it really was useless for me.

Well, if we apply the same rule in this forum, in reality is useless to be a fan of juventus in economical terms, but at least the team is something real and it gives real satisfaction :)

So, before taking that drastical decition, i would suggest u to behave like a good guy and take good care of ur girl, but just take it easy with the forum... try to not log on fomr some days,,and then come around gradually... and it will make the trick.

Spend more time with her and dont get close to the "" link in ur "favorites" folder.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Oh, and by the way, I used to be addicted to this forum as well, however nowadays I am just too busy with school and other, certainly more important, things to actually continue caring what exactly goes on here. There will be a point where you will lose interest in such distractions and find the more important things in this life...who really cares what Zlatan, Snoop, or Rochembeck has to say...we're just mere words on a computer screen to be honest. But dont mind me...I have indulged in your favorite spice of life tonight.


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
RochemBeck said:
Oh, and by the way, I used to be addicted to this forum as well, however nowadays I am just too busy with school and other, certainly more important, things to actually continue caring what exactly goes on here. There will be a point where you will lose interest in such distractions and find the more important things in this life...who really cares what Zlatan, Snoop, or Rochembeck has to say...we're just mere words on a computer screen to be honest. But dont mind me...I have indulged in your favorite spice of life tonight.
why did you bring snoop to this?:D

I agree with what you said exactly.I know we "fight" like kids here everytime,but be sure I have nothing against you.and trust me ,I wasn't talking about you in my previous post.I know you act like Idiot sometimes (I do that also),but no hatred I have,you are even one of the guys I like here,remember my last dediaction thread? ;)


Sep 23, 2003
Wow. What a nice dedication, TonyM.

Best of luck to you. Scarily, I know of which you speak a little too well myself, I'm afraid. ;)

I'm recovering, but I'm still here, aren't I? :D


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2004
Sad news. I'll be sorry to see you go. Maybe you could find the discipline somehow of only coming to this forum, once or twice a week?

Impressive dedication, by the way.

In case you will leave; be well and goodbye.


Lion of the Desert
Apr 22, 2005

Tony Tony must fight your inner spirit to control the Yin & Yan of your life.....You are a true ninja, believe in your self Sinsi.

I feel ya bro, This forum is like friggin crack sometimes you just get so attached to it. But you gots to learn how to control it so that it doesnt get the better of you. I try to by logging in in the morning for about 20 min then in the afternoon for another 30 min then when i am done with everything later at night (slingin Yayo,Collecting the greens from the biatches.....the regular ya know) i kick it out here for another hour.......

THis forum is really great its my first forum i have ever joined and probably my last. The people here are really great. Everyone is like a different character. But at the end i feel that there all good people that i could someday kick it with (not all there some names i do not want to say,in order to protect their identity...hehe)

So tony. take a couple weeks off get your shit back together,think out your life and organize yo shit. If you feel you can make a comeback do it but with limits if not ....Peace be upon you my brotha you will be missed

anyways this has taken half my morning session so i gots to make my rounds.....holla at us aight ( i know you read this MUthaFvcka....hehe)



In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Shoryuken said:
Lately things have not been good between my girlfriend and me and the cause of that is this forum. Apparantly she feels ive been neglecting her and that i spend more time on this forum then i do with her, she also insists that when im on here i faze off and barely listen to her. Probably because i argue so much and im concentrated. She doesnt seem to undurstand i play poker for a living and my computer is where i am for better part of my day, but thats another story and irrelevant in what im here to say.

She is very sad and many times she gets upset when i log on here because she knows ill be sitting for a couple of hours and ignore her, which i dont feel im doing. But apparently i do.

The whole thing escalted this week when she feeled that i was making this forum experience bigger then it already is with some plans i had made, she started crying and i had no idea she was so sensitive, or maybe that i had been neglecting her or whatever.

I tried just keep myself from logging on the past weeks but it seems i lack the willpower to do so, which i find odd because i dont concider myself the "willpower weak" kind of guy. Im going to have to ask the mods to permanantly ban my account. Zlatan you do the honors, i know you love that shit:D

One thing that makes the decison easy is that i log on here and argue and fight over the most stupid things with fellow Juventini, which many times leaves me frustrated so its just not worth having your girlfriend upset about it anymore.

But ive had a lot of good times here too and therefore i decided to make a little farewell dedication to all the poeple ive grown to like on this forum, and some thats just annoying but deserve a mention aswell.

The homies:)

Hambon-The boner, I like your style and your sense of humor dawg, youre the kind of guy i could kick it with and pick up girls with at the club. You always make me laugh, take all these fools money in the bookie section pimp:D Peace Bro.:)

JuveKosova, My partner in crime defending Zlatan from Zlatan haters. You also seem like the kind of guy that would be fun to party with, all those chicks asses youve had as your avatars suggest a horny nature, my kind of guy.:D Take care dawg:)

Gino Genesio, my weedsmoking brother, take it easy on the pipe from time to time as you cant smoke too much of that shit, i know its good shit but still. I love your unconditional support for Juventus and in my opinion you could teach allot of our forum members how to cheer for their team properly.Keep it up man.:)

Jeeks, I applaud the fact you have managed to stay objektive and fair when it comes to Zlatan when Del Piero is one of your favourite players. Thats not an easy thing to do on this forum. You seem like the kind of guy who values his best friends and would do anything he can to help them out. Thats quite rare in this selfish world of backstabbing and lying. Youre a good guy and i wish you and your bride to be all the best:) Take care mate.:)

HolyGrail, You are IMO the best poster on this whole forum, your matchreports always have fair ratings and you always seem to bring up things that make me go- huh i didnt know that but now that i think about it, yes you are right. A walking library of football knowledge. You are also a real friendly cool guy that treats everybody with respect. Congrats on little Juva, I wish you and your family health, money and nothing but goodtimes:)

The mod squad

Zlatan, my favourite mod, youre strict but fair and you have the balls to ban people when you know they fvcked up. You quite funny too. Respect

Swag, The most intellectual poster(together with Chxta) of the whole forum IMO, you have made some great posts and i always enjoy reading your stuff. One thing though, what is that post in the 4 more years thread all about? You thought i wasnt going to undurstand your post but would agree with it anyway so that i wouldnt look stupid?
I also feel you could take the heat of Zlatan and ban some people instead of him sometime, he takes too much shit for it you know. Respect

Mikhail, Youre not around so much and we havent talked but you seem to be a smart guy, Youve always been fair to me. Respect

Marty, You bought this place and have done a great job with it sofar, its much better now then it was before, but hey more games in the Arcade:) Respect

The players

Maresca ,I like your passion for Juve and i have a great deal of respect for you. Youre a good guy, take care mate

Don Bes, Youre funny dawg, you have some lines that make me go back to check them one more time just so i can chuckle again.:)

Enron, coolest liverpool fan i ever met on the web.

Chxta, Mr intellectual 2. I enjoy reading your Blog and i always read whenever something new comes up, we have the same taste in film and you seem like a cool guy, you have been ignoring me for the last month or so and i dont really know why, maybe i wrote something that pissed you off. Well anyways, tace care of your girl and peace out:)

Burke, Youre funny as hell and a nice guy, Youve somewhat been ignoring me too the last month or so but thats ok. Probably because ive had problems with one of your mates and you want to stay loyal to him. I respect that. Take care of your girl dawg:cool:


Where do i start, you and me have been cutting each others throats since i got here, which is strange because in many ways we seem to be quite alike, You give me a match when we are discussing, something i feel only a handful of people here do. We dont see eye to eye on many things regerding Juventus and your view of me is someone who is just here for Zlatan and doesnt give a shit about Juve. Well thats your opinion i guess and so be it. I respect your opinion though and many times you post good shit, but you need to chill out a little when you get too heated in a discussion because you come off as an ashole who is only interested in winning arguments sometimes.( I have that problem too). Im sure thats not the case. You would profit much more being just a little more respectful. Anyways goodluck with your studies. Peace playa.

Snoop, Bow-wow-wow, your mixtape was pretty good dawg:) We see eye to eye on many subjects and i like the way you raise hell on people wit arguments. You never back down an inch in a duscussion, i love that mentality. Peace dawg:)

Vinman, We had some tough times and got off at the wrong foot from the very beginning, mostly because i was new to this forum on the internet stuff and i broke some serious unwritten laws. But ive grown to like you, if i look past the nationalistic remarks youve said about Sweden i find you seem to be a good guy with a sense of humor, you also post some good shit in the match threads that ive never given you credit for. Youre one of the good cops, remeber that KID!!! :D Take care.:)

Cronios, youre one of the people that you can talk to and discuss with without shit getting out of had, Good posts:)

Black Mamba, With that many guys following you around you must be doing something right Peace

Dominic, I snapped at you a couple of weeks ago when you didnt really deserve it, youre a cool guy with very objektive and good posts most of the time Peace

Azzuri7, You and me are at the oposite side of the fence when it come to favorite players and we have fought many times over it. You got what you wished for, im gone, just so you know no hard feelings and i wish you good things. You are a ral loyal fan to Del Piero, i respect loyalty, just remeber to not let that loyalty for DP to turn to hate for other Juve players. Peace

and Seven

You are provakative, manipulative, disrespectful and without remorse. And i love it, Youre also very funny and a neccesary "evil" on this forum. Whether its all a part of your public persona or if its really you i do not know, but your cool to have around when youre not being a total ashole. Peace.

To all the ones i forgot, because im sure there are plenty, im just too tired to make my brain work right now. THx to you too, you all make this forum what it is.EDIT, Sir sebastian, A lacki, Esteban and more.

OK peace everyone and FORZA JUVENTUS!! This time we take the Scudetto and the CL.:agree:

OK Zlatan, do your shit...
How come people always manage to build the climax up to me in their dedications. ".... and SEVEN"?

Anyway, thanks, but you play poker for a living? How does that work?


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Shoryuken said:
and Seven

You are provakative, manipulative, disrespectful and without remorse. And i love it, Youre also very funny and a neccesary "evil" on this forum. Whether its all a part of your public persona or if its really you i do not know, but your cool to have around when youre not being a total ashole. Peace.

I liked that part best :D.

Sad to see you go though.


Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
Nov 1, 2004
Shoryuken said:
Chxta, Mr intellectual 2. I enjoy reading your Blog and i always read whenever something new comes up, we have the same taste in film and you seem like a cool guy, you have been ignoring me for the last month or so and i dont really know why, maybe i wrote something that pissed you off. Well anyways, tace care of your girl and peace out:)
Not ignoring anyone my man, I have been in a bit of a bind. Stick with your girl man, she's real, we aren't. If my girl asked me to quit this place, I wouldn't think twice even though I love the place. Good luck with her.


Dec 16, 2003
Shoryuken said:
Azzuri7, You and me are at the oposite side of the fence when it come to favorite players and we have fought many times over it. You got what you wished for, im gone, just so you know no hard feelings and i wish you good things. You are a ral loyal fan to Del Piero, i respect loyalty, just remeber to not let that loyalty for DP to turn to hate for other Juve players. Peace


I hope you'll be reading this before you take your time to your gf...I have nothing against you not at all. I didn't get what I wanted, and I actually enjoy your posts, and would love If you remain here, though lately I don't know what happened with you, you started bashing me for no reason.

I wish you all the best and make sure you come back as soon as you can.

Send my regards to your gf.


Jun 7, 2004
That was very touching:touched: ,but u dont have to leave us at all u know,
think of it like a chalenge,
Juventuz can be very addictive and many times
i ve lost the sence of time staying with u ppl
and i had the same problem for a while with my gf,
(though she knows how to get my atention:eyebrows: ),
there are times i prefere to chat with u guys than with her...
next year i might leave Juventuz for similar reasons,(i hope not at all) i will explain my self then...

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