Paris attacks (13 Viewers)


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2014
I suppose it's more so the amount of play certain atrocities get in this world compared to others. Rwanda is one of the worst for the rest of the world really not giving a $#@!. Close to a million people butchered in 100 days. It rivals the holocaust in scale, but even when it happened, it received so very little attention, there was so little awareness of it.
There is a scientific theory that humans can relate (feel empathetic) to maximum 200 people. This is mostly because for the largest part of our existence as mammals we have lived in groups of 100-150 individuals, who know each other very well. This is why we are always looking to become part of some tribal thing and divide peoples to us and them.

What I meant to say is that perhaps it is normal to feel related to someone who is closer to you as culture and etc. Also the predominant media coverage in english is western and... I don't think it is some evil plan or something very bad and I agree that the Rwanda massacre deserved a lot more attention.


Sep 23, 2003
Didn't Orban say just yesterday that mass migration of refugees was a Left-wing political plot to fill Europe with more left leaning voters? :sergio:
I love it when someone makes people fleeing a war zone about their own political ambitions.

There is a scientific theory that humans can relate (feel empathetic) to maximum 200 people. This is mostly because for the largest part of our existence as mammals we have lived in groups of 100-150 individuals, who know each other very well. This is why we are always looking to become part of some tribal thing and divide peoples to us and them.
The ol' Dunbar's number.

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad prays for peace in the world

The World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad has categorically condemned the terrorist attacks that have taken place in France this week and prayed for peace in the world.

Speaking, during his weekly Friday Sermon, delivered from the Baitul Futuh Mosque in London, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said that the attacks had nothing to do with the true teachings of Islam. His Holiness said that the perpetrators and anyone found to be involved should be punished in accordance with the law.Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“The perpetrators of this brutal attack may seek to justify their acts in the name of Islam and its Holy Founder (peace be upon him) but their acts have no relation whatsoever to the true teachings of Islam. Nowhere does Islam permit taking the law into one’s own hands or to injure or murder anyone. Yet these so-called Muslims and Muslim groups still do not abstain from such cruelties and atrocities.”

His Holiness said that he hoped that this attack would not lead to the religion of Islam being unjustly targeted or attacked as such a reaction could increase the divide between Muslims and non-Muslims living in Europe and the rest of the Western world. His Holiness called on all parties to show patience and restraint in an effort to unite society.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said it was the responsibility of Ahmadi Muslims to spread Islam’s true teachings throughout the world and to pray for peace.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“Today, it is the task of the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to pray for peace and to pray that all parties desist from every form of cruelty or injustice.”

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said that Ahmadi Muslims should particularly engage themselves in offering Durood – invoking salutations upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad concluded by praying:

“May Allah the Almighty free the world from all forms of disorder and may this current state of conflict transform into a state of peace and harmony.”

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Midnight Marauder
Jul 13, 2013
ISIS needs the west to hate Islam and Muslims since it supports their narrative of a war between civilisations.

Their foundation is based upon selling this narrative to "ignorant" muslims.
Iirc, the original plan for the 9/11 attacks hoped for the west to respond brutally to muslims in general, leading to a general muslim uprising against the west. I can't find the source right now, but I think it was either a high-ranking Al Qaeda member or leaked documents that came out a few years ago.

Now Al Qaeda is not ISIS, but I do believe that their strategists aren't too unhappy about further confrontation and distrust between muslims & non-muslims in general.

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Btw @Ford Prefect @Post Ironic @Maddy @Osman concerning the topic of the sanity/insanity of those commiting such horribly acts in general, I can highly recommand you the movie "The radical evil" by Stephan Ruzowitzky. It concerns itself primarily with German soldiers in the German occupied territories during WW II, and deals with exactly those questions discussed here. I don't know if there's a version with English subs available, but if you find one, watch it. One of the most interesting documentaries I've ever seen.

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
Iirc, the original plan for the 9/11 attacks hoped for the west to respond brutally to muslims in general, leading to a general muslim uprising against the west. I can't find the source right now, but I think it was either a high-ranking Al Qaeda member or leaked documents that came out a few years ago.

Now Al Qaeda is not ISIS, but I do believe that their strategists aren't too unhappy about further confrontation and distrust between muslims & non-muslims in general.

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Btw @Ford Prefect @Post Ironic @Maddy @Osman concerning the topic of the sanity/insanity of those commiting such horribly acts in general, I can highly recommand you the movie "The radical evil" by Stephan Ruzowitzky. It concerns itself primarily with German soldiers in the German occupied territories during WW II, and deals with exactly those questions discussed here. I don't know if there's a version with English subs available, but if you find one, watch it. One of the most interesting documentaries I've ever seen.
Thanks. I'll definitely check it out. The concept reminds me of Hannah Arendt's "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil."


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
And there you go. Common sense, folks. Common sense.

thats bad.

...infowars though :sergio:
Infowars always cites their sources within the body of their articles. You might disagree with their ideals, but they cover real issues.

It's on the Guardian website too, amongst others..

Conversely, they have also positively identified one of the attackers as a French National.

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Poland has declared it will no longer participate in the EU refugee program.
Good news for the Polish people.

Why not? If they can find the hijackers' passports at the scene of 9/11...
:lol: True, but the hijackers disintegrated on impact at 300+ mph and 5000 gallons of jet fuel in the cargo bay. The coward who blew himself up probably didn't make a very effective bomb, thank goodness.

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