Osama Bin Laden is dead! (2 Viewers)


Sep 23, 2003
Obi-Wan Kenobi Is Dead, Vader Says

CORUSCANT — Obi-Wan Kenobi, the mastermind of some of the most devastating attacks on the Galactic Empire and the most hunted man in the galaxy, was killed in a firefight with Imperial forces near Alderaan, Darth Vader announced on Sunday.

In a late-night appearance in the East Room of the Imperial Palace, Lord Vader declared that “justice has been done” as he disclosed that agents of the Imperial Army and stormtroopers of the 501st Legion had finally cornered Kenobi, one of the leaders of the Jedi rebellion, who had eluded the Empire for nearly two decades. Imperial officials said Kenobi resisted and was cut down by Lord Vader's own lightsaber. He was later dumped out of an airlock.

The news touched off an extraordinary outpouring of emotion as crowds gathered in the Senate District and outside the Imperial Palace, waving imperial flags, cheering, shouting, laughing and chanting, “Hail to the Emperor! Hail Lord Vader!” In the alien protection zone, crowds sang “The Ten Thousand Year Empire.” Throughout the Sah'c district, airspeeder drivers honked horns deep into the night.

“For over two decades, Kenobi has been the Jedi rebellion’s leader and symbol,” the Lord of the Sith said in a statement broadcast across the galaxy via HoloNet. “The death of Kenobi marks the most significant achievement to date in our empire’s effort to defeat the rebel alliance. But his death does not mark the end of our effort. There’s no doubt that the rebellion will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must and we will remain vigilant at home and abroad.”

Obi-Wan Kenobi ’s demise is a defining moment in the stormtrooper-led fight against terrorism, a symbolic stroke affirming the relentlessness of the pursuit of those who turned against the Empire at the end of the Clone Wars. What remains to be seen, however, is whether it galvanizes Kenobi’s followers by turning him into a martyr or serves as a turning of the page in the war against the Rebel Alliance and gives further impetus to Emperor Palpatine to step up Stormtrooper recruitment.

In an earlier statement issued to the press, Kenobi boasted that striking him down could make him "more powerful than you could possibly imagine."

How much his death will affect the rebel alliance itself remains unclear. For years, as they failed to find him, Imperial leaders have said that he was more symbolically important than operationally significant because he was on the run and hindered in any meaningful leadership role. Yet he remained the most potent face of terrorism in the Empire, and some of those who played down his role in recent years nonetheless celebrated his death.

Given Kenobi’s status among radicals, the Imperial Galactic government braced for possible retaliation. A Grand Moff of the Imperial Starfleet said late Sunday that military bases in the core worlds and around the galaxy were ordered to a higher state of readiness. The Imperial Security Bureau issued a galactic travel warning, urging citizens in volatile areas “to limit their travel outside of their local star systems and avoid mass gatherings and demonstrations.”

The strike could deepen tensions within the Outer Rim, which has periodically bristled at Imperial counterterrorism efforts even as Kenobi evidently found safe refuge it its territories for nearly two decades. Since taking over as Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy, Lord Vader has ordered significantly more strikes on suspected terrorist targets in the Outer Rim, stirring public anger there and leading to increased criminal activity.

When the end came for Kenobi, he was found not in the remote uncharted areas of Wild Space and the Unknown Regions, where he has long been presumed to be sheltered, but in a massive compound about an hour’s drive west from the Tatooine capital of Bestine. He had been living under the alias "Ben" Kenobi for some time.

The compound, only about 50 miles from the base of operations for the Imperial Storm Squadron, is at the end of a narrow dirt road and is roughly eight times larger than other homes in the area, which were largely occupied by Tusken Raiders. When Imperial operatives converged on the planet on Saturday, following up on recent intelligence, two local moisture farmers “resisted the assault force” and were killed in the middle of an intense gun battle, a senior Stormtrooper said, but details were still sketchy early Monday morning.

A representative of the Imperial Starfleet said that military and intelligence officials first learned last summer that a “high-value target” was hiding somewhere on the desert world and began working on a plan for going in to get him. Beginning in March, Lord Vader worked closely with a series of several different Admirals serving onboard the Death Star to go over plans for the operation, and on Friday morning gave the final order for members of the 501st Legion (known commonly as "Vader's Fist") to strike.

Kenobi and a group of his followers were eventually captured while fleeing the system, and taken aboard the Death Star, which was in the midst of surveying the recent environmental disaster on Alderaan. Darth Vader called it a “targeted operation,” although officials said four tie fighters were lost because of "mechanical failures" and had to be destroyed to keep them from falling into hostile hands.

In addition to Kenobi, two men and one wookiee were killed, one believed to be his young apprentice and the other two his couriers, according to an admiral who briefed reporters under Imperial ground rules forbidding further identification. A woman was killed when she was used as a shield by a male combatant, the Admiral said. Two droids were also reported missing.

“No Stormtroopers were seriously harmed,” Lord Vader said. “They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, I defeated my former master and took custody of his body.” Jedi tradition requires burial within 24 hours, but by doing it in deep space, Imperial authorities presumably were trying to avoid creating a shrine for his followers.

Lord Vader has denied requests to present photographs of the body, describing them as "too gruesome" for the general public.


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
if it was truly, which i don't believe, Osama Bin laden, as close to as possible taking responsibility for the twin towers attack...its a massive move away from what i believe...but if i do make that jump, i still find his stance...somewhat judicial and understandable. I argue with americans and austrralians overflowing with american propoganda, daily, weekly...and even if i believe that Osama was responsible for 9/11, which I do not, but will react accordingly to if i did believe such a conclusion...still...after the factual and widspread trauma the US government have caused, to their neighbours, to foreign lands, then Osama seems more of a true General, a man determined to put his own life on the line to react...yes...to RE-FUCKING-ACT...to the very obvious, nothing to do with far fetched conspiracy theories, acts of the american government, NOT PEOPLE AS A WHOLE, of the last 4 or 5 decades. Its not hard to see Osama, if he was indeed responsible for 9/11, as...a revolutionary hero.

It doesn't take an adventurous, deep intellect to see the extreme, and constantly brutal horrors the US government has directly brought upon, the palestine, afghanistan, iraq, nicaragua, argentina, chile, haiti, panama, cuba, honduras, mexico, el salavador, palestine...its a VERY simple to understand line of 'you beat people down enough, for so long, and at some point, some of them are bound to fight back'.

I am not saying in any way that the US people deserved the carnage of 9/11...but i am definitely saying, that its high time, that some of the many peoples viciously, brutally crunched by the americans, reacted in the same vein...

and its ridiculous, a sign of lack of knowledge of your own government, to puff out your chests, and say 'he killed so many innocents!'...for what the fuck do you think the american government has done, for many decades, and will continue to do, until they are stopped???? I am taking no moral high ground, for the english are the past masters of pouring carnage onto other nations...yes, we are still at such things, but more careful than to make it as obvious as the america govenment. Which leades onto...such questions as...'does it not bother any americans on this forum, that they have senators, elected officials, campaigning for the assassination of Chavez??????'...perhaps not, but my only conclusion from such matters, is that a staggerinbgly huge % of the US populace are spoon fed fucking morons...perfect...for those in charge...but for me...a conclusion that makes me shamed at been human.

respond with facts, with factually rooted passion...not solely as a know-all spastic covered with a max keiser avatar...


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Suicide attacks in Pakistan kill 80; Taliban claim bin Laden revenge
By Reza Sayah and Stan Grant, CNN
May 13, 2011 10:15 a.m. EDT

Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility Friday for suicide attacks on a military training facility in the nation's northwest, saying they were in retaliation for the killing of terror leader Osama bin Laden.
The twin suicide bombings killed at least 80 people, nearly all of them military recruits who had just completed their training, said Bashir Ahmad Bilour, a senior provincial minister. About 140 others were injured.
"Pakistani and the U.S. forces should be ready for more attacks," said Ihsan Ullah Ihsan, a spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban, who accused the Pakistani military of telling the United States where bin Laden was.
"Osama was our great leader and the killers of Osama will have to pay its price," he said.

The back to back explosions took place shortly after scores of recruits left the Shabqadar Fort, a training facility in the district of Charsadda, said Jahan Zeb Khan, a senior police officer.
The blood-soaked ground outside the training facility was littered with burned vehicles and broken glass.
The recruits had just completed a nine month training program.
The district of Charsadda borders Mohmand Agency, one of seven districts in Pakistan's tribal region along the Afghan border.
Police suspect Friday's attacks were in retaliation for ongoing military operations targeting militants in Mohmand.
Mohmand is believed to be a hideout for Taliban fighters and al Qaeda-linked militants fleeing last year's military operation in the district of South Waziristan and ongoing U.S. drone strikes in North Waziristan.
The Pakistani army has carried out numerous ground and air operations in Mohmand but they haven't been able to stamp out the militants.
Last December, around 150 militants ambushed six security checkpoints in Mohmand, killing 11 Pakistani soldiers, officials told CNN.
Earlier in December, a twin suicide attack targeting a government building in Mohmand killed at least 40 people.

CNN's Samson Desta and journalist Nasir Habib contributed to this report.


Sep 23, 2003
We need dummy drone militants so these retards can simply blow themselves up with impunity and take care of the problem at the source. :(


Sep 23, 2003
Man, that is some f"ed up logic. These guys are blowing up the very people who are being grilled over for giving bin Laden cover. We can only presume they are revenge attacks for their failure to protect him with that logic.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
respond with facts, with factually rooted passion...not solely as a know-all spastic covered with a max keiser avatar...
I don't generally disagree with much of what you've written up there. The whole terrorism thing is a complete sham that's only used for political propaganda and an excuse to take the rights of American citizens. But I'm simply not a fan of you and your limited ability to communicate efficiently in the English language.


★ ★ ★
Aug 8, 2006
I figured it out

The terrorists are hiding in Pakistan to solely attack the citizens of Pakistan. The Pakistani government has no knowledge of the terrorists and their activities until they strike.


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2009
ISLAMABAD, May 14 (Xinhua) -- A blast on a passenger bus killed at least seven persons in Pakistan's eastern Punjab province Saturday evening, police and local media said.

Around 20 passengers were also injured in the blast near the city of Kharian, some 35 km from Gujrat, a main city in the region. Kharian has the world's second largest army base, built during the British colonial era.

Express TV reported that three women and a child were among the dead. Police said that around 50 passengers were on board when the blast took place.

Local TV channels reported that it was a suicide blast. But police did not confirm the suicide attack. Eyewitnesses said that the bomb was kept at the back seat of the bus.

Motives behind the blast were unclear as civilians were targeted in the attack. No group has claimed responsibility for the blast.

Residents started rescue operation and shifting the injured people to nearby hospitals. Reports said that the bus caught fire which also spreaded to the nearby wheat crops.

It is the second blast in Pakistan within two days.

Twin suicide attacks killed over 80 security personnel in Pakistan's northwest on Friday. Taliban had claimed responsibility for the bombings which they said that was revenge of the death of al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden. Over 100 security men and civilians were also injured in the attacks.

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