One Player(S) (2 Viewers)

Jan 7, 2004
1. there any player that you would absolutely take away from Juve?

2. there any player that you would absolutely keep at Juve?

3. there any player that you would absolutely bring at Juve?

4. there any player that you would absolutely not bring at Juve?

(about question 4 i want u to narrow it down to "good" players that other teams want. for example TOTTI. i mean if u' want him in Turin u r not a real Juve fan.

please just clearly explain your reasons. its just more fun that way

Buy on


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
1. there any player that you would absolutely take away from Juve?

Antonio Chimenti. The man looks like a drunk and/or a bum. Unshaven, lousy ball control and even worse reflexes. Which mastermand decided to go to the old people's home and offer HIM a contract?

2. there any player that you would absolutely keep at Juve?

Enzo Maresca. There's constant talk about him leaving when I think he's the ULTIMATE replacement for Edgar Davids. Add to that the facts that he's young, ambitious, learning and eager and you have a combination no team on earth should ever give up on!

3. there any player that you would absolutely bring at Juve?

Rafael van der Vaart. Partly because I'm Dutch but also because we need a replacement for Nedved soon. Maresca & Van der Vaart on the midfield would be a killer combination imo. The best young defensive and attacking midfielders around at this very moment.

Van der Vaart is a double pointer, really. We would gain from his presence and other teams would have a serious problem if they had set their sights on him and didn't get him.

4. there any player that you would absolutely not bring at Juve?

Patrick Kluivert. Hooking up at recent rumours, I have to stress out here that I think it would be near to a disaster if we acquired him and (for example) got rid of Trezeguet. Not that I am a fan of the latter but I am of the strong opinion that we need a killer striker, not just a forward. Ruud van Nistelrooy, Raúl, Ibrahimovic and (to dig into our past) Inzaghi are the type of striker we could use.


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
1. there any player that you would absolutely take away from Juve?

Chimenti, why? coz I think we need a better backup foe Buffon, Chimenti sometimes makes very stupid mistakes...

2. there any player that you would absolutely keep at Juve?

I'll go with Matto on this, Maresca, coz I see him carring our future nad I really hate that every paper link him with all transfers...

3. there any player that you would absolutely bring at Juve?

Aimar, I like to see him takin Nedved's role when hes done, he is soooo entertaining to watch, great player who has probe that can carry the responsability of been the leader of a team.

4. there any player that you would absolutely not bring at Juve?

Again, I agree with Matto, Kluivert, I don't like the guy, in my opinion he is overrated, he miss alot, and also complain alot...
In this categoty I would like to include Cassano... coz he's a great player but his becoming the next Totti (actitude I mean)...


Dec 16, 2003
1.Zalayeta : i don't hate him , but we can get better

2.Micco : i Luv this guy , he runs soo fast..he got fantastic future

3.puyol : he's like a Rock ..

4.Ronaldo : screw him and screw Madrid


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
1: Conte: before i get slated, yes he is a champion, but imo he is jus not sharp enough for the game at his age, and he isnt playing like baggio in terms of age deffiance. He was a class player but now he is too, old...i reckon backroom job such as couach or scout would be good for him.

2:There are a few, enzo, neddy, micco, Dp(when on form), zambro...but for his unboudted has to be gigi.

3: Totti(only his skills)...but then we couldnt play one player id have to take from any team ...hmmm Henry back please...this guy can terify defenders like no other, out skill them and out pace them, plus he has a great shot...his only weakness, he cant header. Genius of a player.

4: Kluivert: Why cos he is a big tall guy, who plays in a deep lying forward role. U look to him to be ur big point man, but he sits too deep, and isnt that clinical a finisher...swapping for trez will nulify our attack even more, at least trez is a threat for the defender, Kluivert sits deep despite being not too quick... he would be pointless in my opinion.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
1. there any player that you would absolutely take away from Juve?
Iuliano. I never want to see him play for us. Seriously.

2. there any player that you would absolutely keep at Juve?
Miccoli and Maresca. IMO they both have a great future ahead of them. Must keep them at the club.

3. there any player that you would absolutely bring at Juve?
Kaka, The man has got some serious skills, and IMO has potential to be the best in the world.

4. there any player that you would absolutely not bring at Juve?
Kluivert. Enough said.
Lawnchair Bes
Jan 7, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #8
    i never new juve fans hated kluvert so much. Here in canada sadly there is little soccer that i can watch so i cant say much about him.
    Lawnchair Bes
    Jan 7, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #10
    ++ [ originally posted by John #10 ] ++
    1: Conte: before i get slated, yes he is a champion, but imo he is jus not sharp enough for the game at his age, and he isnt playing like baggio in terms of age deffiance. He was a class player but now he is too, old...i reckon backroom job such as couach or scout would be good for him.

    Conte is not somebody to get rid of. he should be at an age when he knows when to leave it to the younger generations. Remeber he has been one of the better guys for juventus lately.
    I m for the backroom job too


    Senior Member
    Aug 26, 2003
    1. there any player that you would absolutely take away from Juve?

    Chimenti - What a waste. Mirante should get a chance instead. Chimenti's positioning is so amatuer. Good thing we hardly see him.

    2. there any player that you would absolutely keep at Juve?

    Maresca, Miccoli and Buffon. Those 3 will beccome the core of our team in the next few years. Maresca is skillful ! Whenever hes given the chance, he impresses. That volley he scored vs Olympiakos is such a hard sill to master and hes only 21. Zambrotta calls him the next Zidane and rightly so.

    3. there any player that you would absolutely bring at Juve?

    Rosicky - Hes only 23 and has so much experience at every level.

    4. there any player that you would absolutely not bring at Juve?

    Kluivert . Two Words - Has Been.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    1. there any player that you would absolutely take away from Juve?

    Salas - I used to like him when he was at the peak of his career. Apart from freeing up a non-EU spot, i think the guy still has a chance to play some good football and score goals. Just not at Juve

    2. there any player that you would absolutely keep at Juve?

    Zambrotta and Buffon - irreplaceable. For Nedved, we can get Rosicky, Aimar or whoever. There's plenty of quality forwards out there, and we've shown that even legends can be replaced to a certain extent (Davids with Appiah). Not these two though. Buffon gives a sense of security that very few other keepers can, and Zambro's one of the few authentic wingbacks in the game. He runs 100 miles every match and is awesome at tackling, dribbling and crossing. Plus he doesn't get stupid yellow cards all the time.

    3. there any player that you would absolutely bring at Juve?

    Rosicky and Aimar- Both young, awesome and with plenty of experience. Two of the very few players i'd trust to fill Nedved's boots.

    4. there any player that you would absolutely not bring at Juve?

    Cassano. He's shown that he's a very talented player, but I can't stand that attitude, and neither can Juve.[/QUOTE]


    Senior Member
    Nov 15, 2003
    1. there any player that you would absolutely take away from Juve?
    None. All the players are doing very well at Juve.

    2. there any player that you would absolutely keep at Juve?
    Nedved,Del Piero,Trezeguet,Buffon.They are the ones making the

    3. there any player that you would absolutely bring at Juve?
    Mexes,Rosicky.They are good and young.

    gigi's twin

    Senior Member
    Mar 5, 2003
    I would keep all the players, I like them very much. But if I had to choose, I would say Juve would do well without Zalayeta and Oliveira!
    To bring someone? I'm not sure about it, but it would be a great defender for sure!
    Aug 1, 2003
    1. there any player that you would absolutely take away from Juve?

    marcelo zalayeta. I think he has potential (somehow) and I feel it is best he leaves the club, for the club's and his own interests.

    2. there any player that you would absolutely keep at Juve?

    quite a number. buffon, zambrotta, del piero, trez (out of personal affection) maresca and miccoli.

    3. there any player that you would absolutely bring at Juve?

    philippe mexes. i know the name will bore some of the reader's eyes to death, but its true. and out of personal affection (again) I would personally love to see maxwell in Juventus. I have been a fan of him for quite sometime now.

    4. there any player that you would absolutely not bring at Juve?

    ahn jung hwan. on a more serious note, .. *thinking* MARTIN KEOWN! I'd rather die than see him in Juve. thank god it'll never happen anyway.

    btw, why does everyone hate kluivert so much?

    Dj Juve

    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    1. there any player that you would absolutely take away from Juve?

    no it's not DP. I'll get ride of Chimenti too (or Salas if he's still in juve :undecide: )

    2. there any player that you would absolutely keep at Juve?
    Buffon. Lose him and we lose our cornerstone. Especially while we have Chimenti as our replacement :wallbang:

    3. there any player that you would absolutely bring at Juve?
    I wanna say me, but looking at the current team look, i'll bring a defender. My top (reasonable) pick would be Van Buyten.

    4. there any player that you would absolutely not bring at Juve?
    Robots :scared:


    Senior Member
    Nov 10, 2003
    1. there any player that you would absolutely take away from Juve?

    David Trezeguet

    2. there any player that you would absolutely keep at Juve?

    Filippo that he's gone, nothing much I can do bout it:down:
    Gianluigi Buffon
    Antonio Conte

    3. there any player that you would absolutely bring at Juve?

    Filippo Inzaghi...I want to see he wearing juve proudly Bianconeri again
    Fernando Cavenaghi

    4. there any player that you would absolutely not bring at Juve?

    Ruud Van Nistelrooy, Fabien Barthez
    Lawnchair Bes
    Jan 7, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #18
    ++ [ originally posted by Sidz-Inzaghi ] ++

    4. there any player that you would absolutely not bring at Juve?

    Ruud Van Nistelrooy, Fabien Barthez
    y dont u like RVN ?

    Seriously Inzaghi at his best was not half the scorer RVN is.


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
    1)Iuliano....better not to tell ya why i think that! ;)

    2)buffon and nedved....alex of caurse,di vaio,miccoli,enzo and 1 last but surtainly in the top,trezeguet! :D

    3)RVN-even though i can't stand him,aimar

    4)castillo-what was that shit that he signed for juve??i could NEVER see him play for my juve!!

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    1. there any player that you would absolutely take away from Juve?

    Nedved, just so the team learns to cope without him.

    2. there any player that you would absolutely keep at Juve?

    Buffon. As long as we have him we can go by with shitty defending and risky purchases

    3. there any player that you would absolutely bring at Juve?

    One man. Paramatti. To teach our critics a thing or two about bad defending

    4. there any player that you would absolutely not bring at Juve?

    Francesco Totti. He'd upset the team and the fans a bit.

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