Official: Kapo a bianconero (4 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
Nah but if you look at his face he looks more like a lion then a frog. He doesnt count.

The Streets, Im not .....I think your fit and girl you know it. Thats some bullshit right there. Yeah I mightve of bumped into him on the streets though ..on the streets get it.(gets blanked by everyone)

heard of Dizzie Rascal, I know him not well though but hes went school with one of my friends in East london.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
"sure, its OK to have children sleep in the same bed with you. Everyone thinks of it as being sexual, but its not"

Sure it isn't, you pasty freak.


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
lol. MCPIERO, do you like the streets?:)

I think me and andre would like to know, and the SL slang is...cushdy. One of the few SL slang words i know, living in germany.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
Serge im getting worried, first u give a mj quote to me, then to MC....u aint a closet mj fan are you??? :dazed:


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
++ [ originally posted by MCPIERO ] ++
One! Blackmint brethren you got one shady name blood. Your black and you jack $. Im just having fun.

Then there was Thuram man Im high:dielaugh::dielaugh: Excuse my dumbness......FREAKSHOW(says to himself in britney spears accent)

Ok i think I should be leaving or in SL slang, Jetting, breezin, dustin:dielaugh:
Drugs are bad

just drink alcohol at least its legal


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by John #10 ] ++
Serge im getting worried, first u give a mj quote to me, then to MC....u aint a closet mj fan are you??? :dazed:
No, John, I'm a big fan of MJ, the musician.

MJ the human being is a despicable cretin who deserves to have his salad tossed in general population for the rest of his life.

But I digress


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
in the end, of course they are, but it really depends on ur outlook in life IMO. being drunk is just as good.:)

Kapo, you inspire us to talk about drugs:D


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by blackmint ] ++
lol. MCPIERO, do you like the streets?:)

Blackmint, It's OK if you vibe with this girl, but just don't mug yourself :D

Actually, Ian is a huge fan of The Streets as well, and their new album is great.


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
blackmint sorry Im not a fan of the streets! His slang is a more of a cockney lingo. Ive heard hes getting good reviews from the states and europe. SL lingo if you want to hear it hardcore and what you totally wont understand anything check for Dizzie Rascal, a young rapper also from here. Hes alreay got a good fan base in England and building in the states.

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