Official: Kapo a bianconero (4 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Kapo lands at Juventus
Wednesday 26 May, 2004

Olivier Kapo has arrived in Turin after completing his move from Auxerre to Italian giants Juventus.

The Frenchman has been signed on a free transfer and he is getting to know his new footballing home.

"It was a great feeling to enter such an important world as this," said the 24-year-old after visiting the Centro Sisport training facility.

"I spoke with Ciro Ferrara and Enzo Maresca, plus a few youngsters, and it is a similar environment to the one at Auxerre.

"There seems to be a family feel here even if I’m well aware that this is one of the biggest clubs in the world."

The wide midfielder, who isn’t included in France’s Euro 2004 squad, has signed a four-year contract at the Stadio Delle Alpi.

"I can’t wait for the new season to start," he added. "What is my first objective? To learn Italian and then we’ll see."

Channel 4

Ecco Kapo!
26 05 2004

(La Presse)
Due giorni a Torino per iniziare ad assaporare il clima del suo nuovo club. Olivier Kapo è arrivato in città martedì, ha incontrato la dirigenza per definire gli ultimi dettagli del suo accordo, poi si è recato al centro Sisport dove ha conosciuto parte dei suoi nuovi compagni, nazionali esclusi. “Mi ha fatto un effetto particolare – racconta il francese – Ho parlato con Ferrara e Maresca, con alcuni degli altri ragazzi, mi è parso un ambiente per certi versi simile a quello dell’Auxerre, ovvero molto familiare, anche se qui è tutto amplificato, non dimentichiamo che la Juventus è una delle squadra più importanti al mondo”. Il giorno successivo Kapo ha avuto modo di girare un po’ la città per capire dove indirizzarsi alla ricerca della casa che lo ospiterà a partire da quest’estate quando si ritroverà con il gruppo: “Non vedo l’ora che l’avventura abbia inizio, nel frattempo cercherò di studiare un po’ di italiano”.


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Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
We havent had a frenchy since Zidane right:undecide:

Nah, Welcome Kapo:cool: Not seen him play but hes gotta be the bees knees, the dogs shit, the cows milk, the girls tit, you know what im sayin:D


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by MCPIERO ] ++
    We havent had a frenchy since Zidane right:undecide:

    ++ [ originally posted by MCPIERO ] ++
    Nah, Welcome Kapo:cool: Not seen him play but hes gotta be the bees knees, the dogs shit, the cows milk, the girls tit, you know what im sayin:D

    I have no idea what you're saying.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by MCPIERO ] ++

    Nah, Welcome Kapo:cool: Not seen him play but hes gotta be the bees knees, the dogs shit, the cows milk, the girls tit, you know what im sayin:D
    Hey, I didn't know that Vanilla Ice was a Juventino.


    Senior Member
    Jul 23, 2002
    Trezeguet(how did I forget):D

    Hey, I didn't know that Vanilla Ice was a Juventino
    Well then you better recognize
    Vanilla Ice is a Juventino you better check the word and inform your mother sucka. Hee Hee SHAMOAN MUTAHF...

    Zlatan your not supposed to. Only if you were Z from around the way with the 0.5 fade cut...


    Senior Member
    Jul 23, 2002
    One! Blackmint brethren you got one shady name blood. Your black and you jack $. Im just having fun.

    Then there was Thuram man Im high:dielaugh::dielaugh: Excuse my dumbness......FREAKSHOW(says to himself in britney spears accent)

    Ok i think I should be leaving or in SL slang, Jetting, breezin, dustin:dielaugh:

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