Not only Juve involved in wiretaps scandal (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Oct 1, 2004

« E' all to place, I give an other to you giocatore»

The interceptions between the team manager friulano Toffolini and Meani:
« Us you have helped a casino, sennò… »

Up Marek Jankulovski, passed Czech centrocampista l´ year slid to the Milan. …
Paschal Salvione

One historical game. For two reasons: first because the Udinese was played for before turns the qualification to the preliminary matters of Champions League, second because it was before the time that in an Italian stage was played without barriers between the spalti and the land of game. Udinese-Milan, last day of championship 2004-2005. E' Sunday 29 May, four days before the square of Carl Ancelotti has lost most incredible the ends of Champions League that are remembered. Ahead of three nets, Shevchenko and companions have been made to rimontare and to strike to the rigors from the Liverpool making also to jump the already organized mega-festivity from Berlusconi in lussuosissimo a hotel of Istanbul. The rossoneri, those 29 May to the Friuli, do not have more nothing to ask the championship inasmuch as the Juve already has gained the badge previous Sunday. From the other side, instead, to the square of Spalletti it serves the last effort in order to center the quarter place. The friulani have earned a competitive edge on the Samp, directed concurrent, one week before: a goal of Iaquinta is served to tear a precious par to Cagliari just while the blucerchiati ones fell to Marassi against the Inter pushed from Adrian. In order to go in Champions the square of the Sink they must win or to pareggiare and to lose and to hope that the Samp makes the same one Bologna.

In the week that precedes Udinese-Milan, second surveyings carried out from the magistrates, « affina one complicità» between the two societies that « it throws more than a doubt on the sport correctness of the partita» and that ago to increase the suspiciones of « combine».

In the dark of all they are is Spalletti, than three days before it is preoccupatissimo and Ancelotti that still does not succeed to forget the incubus about Gerrard. Then the technical friulano extension clearly not to trust itself the Milan: « E' outside place to attend rossonera the square deconcentrata, is sure that it will have left vera».

The complicity, in effects, evidences alone in the telephone calls between the usual Leonardo Meani, the attache' to the rossoneri wills, and one new entry: Lorenzo Toffolini, friulano team manager. The contacts begin the saturday previous to the game, when Meani calls Toffolini in order to put it to the current of the convocazioni to rossonere and the one which will be probably the formation sent in field from Ancelotti. Sheva explains that (muscular problems) and Maldini (ginocchio ko) has not been does not call to you from the technician and that Rui Costa lacks also that is disqualified. In reality they remain to Milanello also Cafu (allergic shape for which they are medicinal demands prohibits to you), Costacurta (wryneck), Tomasson (adducent resentment to left) and the Stam for muscular problems. « At all you will play with the three tips? » , it asks to it preoccupied Toffolini. Meani answers with a tone that seems ironico: « We come down incazzati black and we make the culo you… I haul you you must earn the Champions League» . The retort of Toffolini is tutt'alto that soft, indeed, second the enquirers, demonstrate the combine: « But it goes to cagare stronzo of merda… if you make culo us I crack you the legs bastard…. but it goes to cagare! E' already all to place from i, I give one other player to you from the » . With Meani that closes the conversation with a laconico « sì» .

In field to the Friuli the game ends however 1-1, with goal of Of Michele in opening of resumption and balancing much accidental one of Serginho that, to five minuteren from the term, tries a cross from the left that it is transformed instead in a gas-bag what a joke the Handanovic porter. The point, however, enough the same one to the Udinese in order to land in Champions inasmuch as at the same time the Samp comes blocked on the 0-0 to Bologna. To Udine it is great festivity, the evening after the Toffolini game calls of new Meani: « Then I must ringraziare to you… » . « Eh… six content? » , the rossonero leader answers it. « Us you have helped a casino from - Toffolini says - sennò we had it in the culo… you have seen they (laughs here, ndr) you have seen they how many balls goal have sbagliato» (referring to the Samp that has mistaken many goals to Bologna). According to the enquirers this phrase « it eliminates whichever doubt on the fact that the game has been object of one planning between the two società».

But there is an other passage on which making clarity. Remembered those « I give an other to you giocatore» saying from Toffolini to Meani the saturday before the game. Because « a altro»? Because already it has gone: she is Marek Jankulovski. Its transfer from the Udinese to the Milan comes made official from Sink just the successive day to Udinese-Milan. One historical game, the problem now is that the reasons from two are become to you three. About the last one, that most ugly one, of it next tuesday in Power of attorney will be spoken

Translation of the article posted by AlexThegreat

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Senior Member
Feb 14, 2005
- vOnAm - said:
I've always said leading up to the scandal that its impossible that moggi is "the head hancho" of the scandals....

I really think he just out played the competition...

thats why i spent some time off of this forum, coz lotta guys just showed too much disgust for Moggi and Juventus without really thinking it deep through or waiting for the investigations to comence further...

I guess, having alot of corruptions in my country makes me able to see better what actually is goin on...:D
I've always stressed this point.. It is just unrealistic to beleive that Mr. Moggi is the head of the problem and that he owns everyone. He might have made mistakes and had some dirts but to put it all on him is just wrong.
I am glad that Berlusconi is now under heavy investigations this does not mean that we are on the clear, not at all. This is something we have to wait and see.


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
there r strong reports that milan fixed the udinese gain the CL spot last season, Gallianni dissmissed it....they r coming under heavy fire, guess that things will be different. Even though i still think we would get the heaviest blow and milan would walk free.

As ZAF said it cant be just moggi, and i think that milan have more power than he does so thats why we r the ones who r going to get penalised.Sadly


Junior Member
Feb 22, 2005
Galliani dismisses fix reports
Friday 2 June, 2006, Football Italia (Channel 4)

Milan Vice-President Adriano Galliani has dismissed suggestions that Milan’s draw with Udinese at the end of the 2004-05 season was fixed.

Reports in Italy suggest that there was a telephone conversation between Leonardo Meani, Milan referee liaison, and an Udinese official before the game, which ended in a 1-1 draw.

It is alleged that the two clubs intended to draw the game to gift Udinese a Champions League spot.

“I know nothing of the call that they talk about,” Galliani defiantly stated.

“It is obviously evident and clear even to a child that this has originated from Turin. They want to involve Milan so that their position, which everyone knows about, does not look so bad.

“They’re looking to make it seem that the Juventus system and the Milan system are the same thing.

It is not true at all – there is only the Juve system and everyone else has been affected and damaged by it.”

In a final statement loaded with irony, the Lega Calcio chief suggested that journalists should look at the club’s trophy cabinet before making such claims.

“I read the papers this morning and they made me laugh,” he added.

“I thought in the last 10 years we have done well in the Champions League and that we are always at the top of the European ranking, but we have only won the Scudetto twice.

“If it is true we are involved in all this then obviously our way of going about it is all wrong.”


Senior Member
May 10, 2006
sateeh said:
there r strong reports that milan fixed the udinese gain the CL spot last season, Gallianni dissmissed it....they r coming under heavy fire, guess that things will be different. Even though i still think we would get the heaviest blow and milan would walk free.

As ZAF said it cant be just moggi, and i think that milan have more power than he does so thats why we r the ones who r going to get penalised.Sadly
won't happen I hope:cry:

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