No offence !! (4 Viewers)


Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
Jan 12, 2002
What kind of an animal are you?

Jan 01 - 09 Dog

Jan 10 - 24 Mouse

Jan 25 - 31 Lion

Feb 01 - 05 Cat

Feb 06 - 14 Dove

Feb 15 - 21 Turtle

Feb 22 - 28 Panther

Mar 01 - 12 Monkey

Mar 13 - 15 Lion

Mar 16 - 23 Mouse

Mar 24 - 31 Cat

Apr 01 - 03 Dog

Apr 04 - 14 Panther

Apr 15 - 26 Mouse

Apr 27 - 30 Turtle

May 01 - 13 Monkey

May 14 - 21 Dove

May 22 - 31 Lion

Jun 01 - 03 Mouse

Jun 04 - 14 Turtle

Jun 15 - 20 Dog

Jun 21 -24 Monkey

June 25 - 30 Cat

July 01 - 09 Mouse

Jul 10 - 15 Dog

Jul 16 - 26 Dove

July27 - 31 Cats

Aug 01 - 15 Monkey

Aug 16 - 25 Mouse

Aug 26 - 31 Turtle

Sep 01 - 14 Dove

Sep 15 - 27 Cat

Sep 28 - 30 Dog

Oct 01 - 15 Monkey

Oct 16 - 27 Turtle

Oct 28 - 31 Panther

Nov 01 - 16 Lion

Nov 17 -30 Cat

Dec 01 - 16 Dog

Dec 17 - 25 Monkey

Dec 26 - 31 Dove


Your Attractive and popular. You're nice and easy

Going and make friends with

Every one very easily. Your cool and smart and are

a leader.


You're very shy and cute. You are a follower and

Don't like to talk to people

You don't know. You're very careful about choosing

Your friends. You're really



You are attractive and hyper. You have a lot of

Friends and your really

Outgoing. You gossip a lot. Your funky and

"Unique" theres no one else like

You. You want attention and like to be a leader.


You are mysterious. You have lots of friends and

can be mean at times or

nice. You always have the latest gossip with you

and you are a leader.


Your very quiet and quick - witted. You are very

shy. Your cute and funny.

You have a little group of friends. You are not

"popular" but you are not a



You are a born leader. People look up to you. You

have lots of friends and

you are very attractive. Your nice and people

want to be your friend. You

make friends easily.


You are very nice and pretty. You treat others as

you would want to be

treated yourself. You have lots of friends and

never talk about anyone

behind their back. You are loyal.


Your very peaceful and nice. You fall in love

very easily and you are quiet

and calm. You are not very shy but you are not

outgoing. You are a leader

of your group of friends.

Buy on


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
A dog eh? And is that roughly correct?

But seriously; this thing doesn't contain any negative characteristics - how can it possibly be right?! ;)


Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
Jan 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #6
    The results matched with the characteristics of some of my friends .. I don't know if this is totally correct .. but at least it's fun to do ;)


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    It's fun to do indeed - I'll give you that :D

    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    Cat... eww. Though the description really fits, dunno what "follower" is.. :undecide:
    It means that you, like me apparently (rolleyes), are one of those people that don't take the initiative very quickly and rather have other people do that. You have the "I'll see how it goes and if it's all right, I might join in" attitude.


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    Quick-witted means you understand things.

    For example; If that description is right, you're never the person that has to ask for clarification because he/she doesn't understand the joke just told.


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
    Quick-witted means you understand things.

    For example; If that description is right, you're never the person that has to ask for clarification because he/she doesn't understand the joke just told.
    Thanks Erik :)

    And if that description is right - why people tell me al the time: I hope you understand that vit :undecide::D

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