Nicola Leggrotaglie (1 Viewer)


New Member
Dec 13, 2002
I don't post often, but I read a lot. Anyways

How awesome is this guy playing lately. He's gotta be one of the most solid central defenders in the league, and that'll put him at the top of the world as well. The only other central defender in the Serie A that is playing better than him is Nesta IMO, but Nesta's just a freak of nature like Nedved.

Not only is he a rock on D, but his offensive threat is amazing. A corner kick or free kick near the area, and you better watch out. There maybe no defender better in the league than him at these set piece ariel attacks. I'd put Materazzi up there with him though

Just wanna see how you guys think too, because this man is slowly becoming one of my favorite players.

Buy on
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Eop05 ] ++
I don't post often, but I read a lot. Anyways

How awesome is this guy playing lately. He's gotta be one of the most solid central defenders in the league, and that'll put him at the top of the world as well. The only other central defender in the Serie A that is playing better than him is Nesta IMO, but Nesta's just a freak of nature like Nedved.

Not only is he a rock on D, but his offensive threat is amazing. A corner kick or free kick near the area, and you better watch out. There maybe no defender better in the league than him at these set piece ariel attacks. I'd put Materazzi up there with him though

Just wanna see how you guys think too, because this man is slowly becoming one of my favorite players.
Intersting that you should mention well has Matrix been playing lately? He's on the socresheet every week is seems, scoring from corners and shooting in free kicks like the old days.

But, on to the topic hand: Legro has indeed been very good, and I pleasantly surprised by it. When we bought him, I didn't think that he'd be able to handle it at Juve, but he's proved me wrong and for once, I'm hpapy about being wrong.


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2003
I always knew he would be an excellent buy for Juve. The guy reeks of class.

He is surefooted and gives a sense of calm at the back for Juve. Probably the best buy for Juve over the summer but thats debatable since Appiah has been so good as well.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
With the exception of Fresi, which I still can't figure out why he was purchased, Moggi hit the Jackpot with Appiah, Legro, and Miccoli.

Give him credit. He may not always go for the player everyone wants or the flavor-of-the-month, but he finds the right players who will succeed in this system.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Hey I remember u, u're the lucky bastard who met all the juve players!! :eek:

I thought u just came to boast and disappeared :)

I'm quite pleased with Nicola's quick integration into our team. He looked shaky at best at the beginning of the season, but he's looking much more solid and hopefully he'll keep improving :thumb:
Aug 27, 2003
yeah a great start for very pleased
he did a reat job in yesterdays match and a great head it was vs cheivo his former team...he was detmined to play his best in that match not only did he play superbly but he manged to score his first goal with juventus :D
amazin player he is!


Senior Member
Oct 28, 2002
with out a doubt legro was the most important buy this season!!! comparing him to appiah? well we are set in midfield and appiah is a plus to our midfield but our defense was struggling last year and legro is da man we needed!!! but don't u think we still need another young defender?


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2003
++ [ originally posted by KeNgO ] ++
but don't u think we still need another young defender?
IMO we do, somebody to partner legro....for a loooong time to come :D since montero, iuliano, ciro are getting older

legro is just class :thumb: .....i was surprised @how well he has adjusted himself to the team very early into the season.

he's very calm and compose in D. even the comentator during that modena match sed that "legrottaglie clears the ball with elegance and calmness...." :cool:

legro my man....! :thumb:
Aug 27, 2003
++ [ originally posted by KeNgO ] ++
but don't u think we still need another young defender?
i deff agree we do need more defenders while moggi right nowis conctrating on forwards while i think we need defnders like mexces is a good player, they want to get lucio but i disagree...hope moggi thinks twice before he busy another new forward that we def need a defnder!


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
that's a bit silly, and i believe that Moggi knows what we need at the moment, and that's defenders. Our attack has been the strong point in our game this season, our defence on the other hand has looked shaky at times


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
Leggrotaglie...very solid defender (this is my praise) but (this is my critique):

-Be wary of defenders who develop later in life. They have a short span in which they perform. Much like Materezzi.
-On some occasions he is too rough. Much like Materazzi.
-Much of his efficiency has to do with his size. Much like Materazzi. i.e. its not a question of great ball handling, defensive mindset or movement.

Today, Materazzi is a shadow of what he was.

Edited to satisfy GRAY!! ;)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
-Developed to late in life to be considered with the great ones. Much like Materezzi.
It doesn't really matter if he's not gonna be considered a 'great one' (which u seem to be very concerned about in general, btw :)). The point is, he's playing well for us and he should continue to do so, barring unforeseen circumstances.

++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
-Much of his efficiency has to do with his size. Much like Materazzi.
That's not really a criticism, it's more of an analysis. There's nothing wrong with a player's ability being attributed to their physical characteristics. It's like saying

"Robert Carlos' kicks aren't that strong. It's just because his thighs are 70cm in diameter"
Sep 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
By the way...Leggrotaglie was a consilation prize for not getting Cannavaro or Nesta the year before. Thats what your man Roberto Bettega said. Not really a nice comment for Nicola
well, legro will never be like those too. but he is good. he will be good enough for juve to have the record of least goals conceded.

besides, incubo, maldini and nesta are sometimes too rough. just like materazzi ;)

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