Nicola Leali (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
Really bad news, Bardi is on the same level as Leali at the moment and I think they will play Bari because he is a little bit older and more experienced. I hope Leali stay in the starting XI, but I think he hasn't too much chance.

Anyways, he isn't a world class talent imo. He is still young but he hasn't that exceptional thing that makes him world classs, more for sub-top clubs like Spurs, Arsenal, Fiorentina, Roma etc. But that is only my bet.
Forget WC, after first glance I thought he'll spend the rest of his career for lower table Serie A teams. If Bardi is gonna start over him, then he isn't even lower Serie A table good.


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
^And if he isn't injured, they were prolly just giving the other GKs some playing time at the end of the season because the team's fate was sealed.

He did well in 2nd half of the season. Different body language, different GK. Had that Neto/Marchetti serious/focused look and was more vocal.

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