Nick Against the World (218 Viewers)


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
Man, banning the N word in Cali would really affect you and your wigger friends over there
:lol2: it has nothing to do with wiggers

its probably the single most used word amongst the average northern california teens other than "hella"

no one means it in a racist or negative way, its just found its way into our vernacular along with the hyphy movement.



Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
Riiigh. The reason why you use it is because it's "cool" to use it. The reason why it's "cool" to use it is because all the "cool" black people use it.
Wrong. I use it because it's been entirely infused within my speech by the society around me. When you hear a word every 5 seconds, used in reference to you and all your friends, it's not unnatural to catch on.

It has fuck all to do with being "cool," it's actually typically used in a comedic sense.

And while on the topic, if black people can say "nigga" to me whenever they want, and that is socially acceptable, I'm going to say it myself as much as I want as well. So if anybody comes crying to me calling me a racist they can go fuck themselves until their double standard is realigned.

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
So it's "comedic" to you? lol

Tell me, do you use it when you're on the street around black people you don't know?

I'll tell you one thing, I go to a historic black school, if you use it here you'd get jumped :D You got to many shades of white to get away with it; maybe if you were a sandnigger like me you'd get away with it.


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
So it's "comedic" to you? lol

Tell me, do you use it when you're on the street around black people you don't know?

I'll tell you one thing, I go to a historic black school, if you use it here you'd get jumped :D You got to many shades of white to get away with it; maybe if you were a sandnigger like me you'd get away with it.
No, I don't use it around black people I don't know unless that's the atmosphere i'm in. I wouldn't say it to a teacher or someone like that either, nor do I go around shouting "FUCK" in public.

I would get shot if I went around yelling it in oakland as well, but I don't live there, do i? I live in a secluded white/asian suburb where that's the norm. It's actually used more outside that community, I just happen to spend time with both social groups.

I, of all people, certainly understand the distinction between the word "nigga" and "nigger". The latter, I don't use unless it's in a blatantly joking sense with my close friends. The former is really just a synonym for "dude" or "bro"

And yes, it is comedic. Just the same way white kids jump on the hoods of their cars and ghost ride down the street, it's entertaining to greet your friends with "what up mah nigga". It's just how modern nor-cal teen culture is

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
Oh, I see I dropped in on "Gang Bang Sebi" night.

@ Andy - I recall that Sebi has talked about the Sharks for the last 2 or 3 years come playoff time. Every time he scored tickets he let us know, and it was pretty often. Just admit that you are just pissed that they beat the Wings tonight.

@ Ze T - Have you ever heard Sebi speak any differently? No. That is just Seb. Now, have you made any progress in finding that white neighborhood I told you to look for?


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
Oh, I see I dropped in on "Gang Bang Sebi" night.

@ Andy - I recall that Sebi has talked about the Sharks for the last 2 or 3 years come playoff time. Every time he scored tickets he let us know, and it was pretty often. Just admit that you are just pissed that they beat the Wings tonight.

@ Ze T - Have you ever heard Sebi speak any differently? No. That is just Seb. Now, have you made any progress in finding that white neighborhood I told you to look for?
See, now this ***NIGGA*** has got my back :D

The funny part is, I'm actually one of the most articulate children around when it comes to academics:lol:


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
Me encantan sus palabras. Cuando la ultima rama ha caido, y la ultima lagrima de sangre ha derramado, alex del mexico vivira para siempre


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
Pado i hate to rain on your parade mate but white people own guns too. sure they may be less likely to shoot each other for "not showing enough respect" like the italians, or for "nigger calling me a nigger" like the black population, hell there are probably more mexicans shooting each other for "whacking my wifes ass like a piniata with his trouser burrito" but white people dangerous. they are more likely to flip out and shoot each other for copying their neighbours interior design.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
I simply cannot believe something like this seems to happen frequently... on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Perhaps you just attend an extremely dodgy university that tends to let in a lot of dubious individuals..

Here at Penn State we haven't had something like that happen on campus in about a decade.
Look, don't think of that as a good statistic, Andy. What I always found odd about is that it is most definitely harder to go to university in America than it is in Belgium, but an American university campus appears to be less safe. You'd expect a certain level of those students. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, I believe that a campus in America is more of a secluded area, while in Europe it's just part of the city.

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
Pado i hate to rain on your parade mate but white people own guns too. sure they may be less likely to shoot each other for "not showing enough respect" like the italians, or for "nigger calling me a nigger" like the black population, hell there are probably more mexicans shooting each other for "whacking my wifes ass like a piniata with his trouser burrito" but white people dangerous. they are more likely to flip out and shoot each other for copying their neighbours interior design.
lol, Trouser Burrito. I'm going to use that one.

True, but I was just looking at the fact that Ze T lives in a community that is predominantly black male teens, and he wonders why shots are fired. That would be like me wondering why there are so many gold chains and pinky rings in my community. :p

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
Pado, living with black people has its positives and negatives, just like there are living in a white neighborhood. Black people are some of the realest people you'll ever meet and get to know. They will friend you and have your back, but if they don't like you they won't fake it like a lot of white people do. The parties I've been to (just to keep company, not to drink :D) are bangin', none of that "let's get wasted and take pictures of ourselves" bullshit like my friends from high school did.

The negatives are that almost everyone has a ego the size of donkey kong; especially the guys from the DC, Baltimore, and New Jersey area. The guys from the south and the west coast are more laid back. So any time these ego's mix, there is bound to be a clash.

Anyway, I can't move from here, I have to live in the vicinity of the school. Besides, it's not like I live live here, I just go to school here. My parents house is back in Frederick, and Andy and Burke know all about that area. It's probably the best place to live in Maryland.


Sep 23, 2003
Nick says regards to Pado, Vinni, Sergio, Burke and Paul by the way
Well tell that ungrateful bastard "thanks for the mention." :faq2:

Actually, on a more serious note, I've heard Nick's been off with Nina -- of old time Juventuz fame -- recording a remix of her 1983 hit, which he's renamed "99 Piss Balloons".

Or maybe that was Nena with an 'e'... :confused:

You and I in a little toy shop
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got.
Piss in them behind the San Siro
Set them free from the secondo anello
'Til one by one, the interisti are yellow.
Floating in the winter sky.
99 piss balloons go fly...

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
Ze T - I love Black folk. I think you nailed it about the ego among young males though. Big egos and handguns don't mix, so be safe lil' bro.
Grazie :toast:

niggas be dealin with emotions like bitches
Word son :agree:

Well tell that ungrateful bastard "thanks for the mention." :faq2:
I 2nd that :faq2:

Actually, on a more serious note, I've heard Nick's been off with Nina -- of old time Juventuz fame -- recording a remix of her 1983 hit, which he's renamed "99 Piss Balloons".

Or maybe that was Nena with an 'e'... :confused:

You and I in a little toy shop
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got.
Piss in them behind the San Siro
Set them free from the secondo anello
'Til one by one, the interisti are yellow.
Floating in the winter sky.
99 piss balloons go fly...

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