Nick Against the World (238 Viewers)


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
Didn't I just say sucks when you get a job etc...... I'm at work. Also I've moved house about twice since then. Don't be so geek next time, it's not always logical. Also who are you?
wait, you dont remember me?and i thought we had something special:cry:

wait a minute...i thought all scouse women were on the game already?
Fuck off you absolute idiot. Who are you even?


Also I'm not scouse, knobhead.
nice, i am robert by the way. nice to meet you
now if i was acunt and a knobhead i really wouldnt need to leave the house now, would i? dont be so fuckin melodramatic eh

this could be the start of something beautiful.:eyebrows:

jeez thought you could take a joke, ok maybe the going on the game was a bit harsh but you brougt it up. though calling you scouse is the greal bug-bear i guess.
just a pity we never got the chance to clear the air


May 19, 2006
Here you go Boz, this is the guy:


Now me, for example, if I was going to have my internet life flushed down the toilet over 2 Million in vCash ala Andy, I would have blown it all on Cauldron Wench. Yeah baby, that one puts the starch in my sails, and NO! I'm not joking.
cant say i have seen that ad, any pics?now i am curious

hell yeah pado:thumbs:she is a hottie, as well as a sweetie:kiss:

LOL! I am so touched that should you guys ever steal fake money you would blow it on me. ;)

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