Nick Against the World (23 Viewers)


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
If I had a choice between watching a Juve game, and a Yankee game (I'm a Yankee fan) I would pick the soccer game

Baseball gets a little boring to watch- 162 games in a season, but I'll really pay attention during the playoffs (especially when the Yanks are in...which is almost always!!)

Buy on


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #6,084
    My Laptop (yes a MAC..I don't follow rules..I don't live by what the MASSES do or don't do...I use Macs...I like Broccoli and I hate friggin fat chicks...too bad)
    anyhow..My laptop is not yet was pretty banged up...the fecker did it on purpose..he saw me behind him catching up and threw it to the side to see if I would follow doing so he threw it in the street..(anyone been to Rome? Remember the cobblestone...its like the most uneven surface on earth.)
    Anyhow it opened up and its GUTS spilled out (the laptop)....the guy...
    well he was a poor crack cocaine junkie with brown teeth and dingy hair...thus explains the WHOOP ASS I delivered ... chunks of hair came off the sub-human..
    anyhow..most of my typing must came via an internet cafe these don't be alarmed..Incubo has not left the building...

    P.S. You guys still just know how to pump players up with Creatine and Roids...(Cannavaro anyone!)

    P.S.S. I've never really seen a 5'10 dwarf

    P.S.S.S. River is pretty cool..after all...

    P.S.S.S.S. Vinman related to BOOM BOOM MANCINI....too cool.

    Pado=too gay


    Senior Member
    Jun 15, 2004
    I know im cool.

    Did you get any PMs lately?

    Have you stopped kissing ass?

    Are you really a dwarf?

    Do you really think I believe you beat up a junkie?

    And will you stop with the supreme being posts?


    Senior Member
    Jun 15, 2004
    Actually I take it back. Im not cool at all. Im a burnt out coke head with self control problems and a long history of mental trauma. Who wants to be cool anyways?


    Senior Member
    Jun 15, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
    Did you really kick this guys ass? :rolleyes:
    Now are you just doing that because I called you an incubo offical asskissing member?

    Incubo has Andy ever verbally masturbated you before now?


    Senior Member
    Jul 11, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by River ] ++
    I know im cool.

    Did you get any PMs lately?

    Have you stopped kissing ass?

    Are you really a dwarf?

    Do you really think I believe you beat up a junkie?

    And will you stop with the supreme being posts?

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