News that makes you say WTF! (20 Viewers)


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2006
Well that's what happens when a religious freak gets appointed as the minister of environment. The guy is publicly quoting the Bible "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” and has a house full of hunting trophies.

They even changed the name of the Ministry from "Ministry of Environment Protection" to "Ministry of Environment".
But you can stop that !!! In Bulgaria we have the same crooks who want to pour concrete everywhere on the beaches and in the mountains, cut down the trees and generally destroy the nature but every time something on large scale is planned there are protest on the streets. After 2013 when tens of thousands protested against the government now every time there is a protest of several hundred for any reason and the current government changes course immediately. :lol: They start apologizing and blaming each other. This is how we saved several pristine beaches and mountains from destruction.


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Sep 23, 2003
You know, it wouldn't be one of the last primeval forests in Europe if other countries didn't log theirs huh.

But yeah, it's sad.
As in Brazil, it's a byproduct of a myopic economic system that places no value on commons with immense value.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011

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