News that makes you say WTF! (23 Viewers)


Sep 23, 2003

There's a Super PAC for that: Hall and Oates fans create anti-Romney Super PAC
A new thing that exists: Hall and Oates Fans For America, an anti-Romney Super PAC now registered with the Federal Election Committee.

Atlanta residents Williams Hansmann and Anthony Schuch, both fans of soft rock super duo Hall and Oates (Because of THIS, obviously), have created a Super PAC to raise money for anti-Romney parody videos--which you'll be able to catch on YouTube in the coming months.

So why Hall and Oates?

"Who isn't a Hall and Oates fan in America?" Hansmann explained to the Philadelphia Enquirer.

"All those other Super PACs have those ridiculously ambiguous names that any American would stand for if they didn't know what those PACs stand for," he added.
WTF, our own Kate Stratton is posting this on UPI? :wth:


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
GOP Anti-Porn Plank Added To Draft Platform By Republican Committee
The Huffington Post | By Nick Wing
Posted: 08/27/2012 2:15 pm Updated: 08/27/2012 2:40 pm

The GOP platform committee has included a plank in this year's draft document calling for "vigorous" enforcement of anti-pornography laws.

In a press release Monday from Morality in Media, a faith-based non-profit, President Patrick Trueman, a former anti-porn prosecutor, calls the current distribution of pornography "a violation of current federal law" and lauds Republicans for approving stricter new wording:

The new language replaces previous platform wording, which only opposed child pornography. It will now read, "Current laws on all forms of pornography and obscenity need to be vigorously enforced." Trueman noted that current federal obscenity laws not only prohibit distribution of hardcore pornography on the Internet but also on hotel/motel TV, on cable/satellite TV, and in retail shops.
In an interview with The Huffington Post's Jen Bendery, Trueman said youth access to pornography amounted to "a major, major problem," and even caused males in their twenties to develop "porn-induced sexual dysfunction."

"It's the Viagra problem for guys in their 20s," Trueman said. Young males are now spending "10 to 12 years looking at porn on the Internet and masturbating to it, so when they are getting married, they are dysfunctional sexually because their brain maps are changed. They enjoy what they've been doing for 10 to 12 years. Normal sex is not something that gets them excited."

The broader regulation, submitted by Family Research Council president and Louisiana RNC delegate Tony Perkins, also echoes GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney's position on the issue during his previous campaign for the White House.

"I wanna make sure that every new computer sold in this country after I'm president has installed on it a filter to block all pornography and that parents can click that filter to make sure their kids don't see that kinda stuff coming in on their computer," Romney said at a campaign stop in Iowa in 2007.

In February, Romney lent support to a similar effort in response to a Morality in Media questionnaire about cracking down on pornographers.

The Daily Caller reported earlier this year that Trueman, who served in the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations, had received an assurance from Romney’s campaign that the former Massachusetts governor would “vigorously” prosecute pornographers if elected president.


Sep 23, 2003
Oh gawd.... "The Meese Report: The Next Generation" :sergio:

If anyone remembers that bit of history of the 1980s:
basically a bunch of Feds in the name of protecting us from pornography basically got their jollies off by cataloging and classifying all the porn they could get their hands on. It was the biggest Senatorial Circle Jerk in my lifetime.
Apr 15, 2006
Women don't need mobile phones as they get distracted, says BSP MP Rajpal Saini

Muzaffarnagar: Muzaffarnagar: In his tirade against mobile phones, BSP leader Rajpal Saini stirred yet another mobile controversy and went a step too far by saying that women and children don't need mobiles. "There is no need to give phones to women and children. It distracts them and is useless. Why do women need phones? My mother, wife and sister never had mobile phones. They survived without one," said Saini.

The National Commission for Women (NCW) has called his comments distasteful. NCW CHairperson Mamata Sharma said, "What is the difference between boys and girls. On one hand we talk about women empowerment and on the other, such comments are made. We have made great advancements in technology. Why can't boys and girls benefit from it?"

SP leader Kamal Farooqi slammed Saini and said, "It is unfortunate that such a statement is coming from an MP. He doesn't understand how technology has revolutionised the whole thing and especially women folk. It is important that they stay in touch with their loved ones and close relations."

In a Taliban-type diktat, a Khap panchayat in Baghpat in July, 2012 had also banned love marriages and barred women below 40 years from going out for shopping and using mobile phones. Meanwhile, a Khap leader recently had asked youngsters to refrain from eating junk food like chowmein.

The bizarre statement was made by Jitender Chhataar who said that men experience hormonal imbalances when they eat chowmein, momos and then they commit rape. :lol: In a shocking reaction to the recent spate of rape cases in Haryana, Khap panchayat members earlier blamed girls for such incidents.

One Khap Panchyat member gave a bizarre solution and suggested that the marriageable age for girls should be reduced to 16 years. When asked why rapes are occuring at this scale in Haryana, Sube Singh said that movies and television are to be blamed for rapes. "I believe this is happening because our youth are being badly influenced by cinema and television. I think that girls should be married at the age of 16, so that they have their husbands for their sexual needs, and they don't need to go elsewhere. This way rapes will not occur," commented Singh. :shocked:


Oct 28, 2010
We're not going to the root of the problem here. The obvious solution is to just ban them from driving. Obviously cell phones should be banned too because then they'll get distracted inside the kitchen and burn dinner

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