Newcastle After Di Vaio (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Nov 15, 2003
01/17/2004. According to the Italian press Marco Di Vaio could move to England and Newcastle could be his destination.
The Italian striker is not happy at Juventus because the manager has made it clear that he is a second choice and the player would like to join a club that can offer him a place in the starting line up.


Buy on


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2003
sell him while somebody still wants him (altho i hate to see him go :down:)......get kuranyi or zlatan or whoever that's been linked to us


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
I saw the same rumor on and they are they are the ones that said that we offered Di Vaio and ZAMBROTTA to Barcelona. Don't believe anything that's said on the net and newspapers. Moggi always buys somebody that's not mentionned.

If Di Vaio is not happy, sell him to Chelsea and take as much $$$ as you can.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Since the beggining of this season i knew that this thing would happen.... both miccoli and divaio leaving the squad.........



Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I'll be v. annoyed if Miccoli and/or Di Vaio leave because they didn't get enough playing time... especially with the way Del Piero's been playing of late. These two boys have huge potential and are just waiting to score goals. Di Vaio wasn't made for the EPL. Just like Mutu and so many others aren't.

It'd be a disgrace.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Stupid rumour. Just the other day Di Vaio said that he was happy at Juve and that he understands why he's second choice and that DP and Trez are champs. Soccerage are making this up imo.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by -Fantasista- ] ++
Stupid rumour. Just the other day Di Vaio said that he was happy at Juve and that he understands why he's second choice and that DP and Trez are champs. Soccerage are making this up imo.
course they are.everything on that crappy website is made up;)


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
Why don't you just buy the club, Z?
I'm saving up man. If I ever have the money Abramovich has you believe me I will buy Juventus :cool: ;)

++ [ originally posted by Paranoia ] ++

and let the rest of the world laugh their asses off?
Maybe at the buyer. Tell me: who is worth more to Juventus in the long run, a 30 year old Del Piero or a 24 year old Miccoli?


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by -Z- ] ++

Maybe at the buyer. Tell me: who is worth more to Juventus in the long run, a 30 year old Del Piero or a 24 year old Miccoli?
In the long run? Miccoli for sure, but DP still has alot to offer right now.

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