New stadium (2 Viewers)



Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #61
    I would really like to see a picture how the stadium is going to look like. Juve should really buy a great stadium for the future. I think they want to spend 100mio on the stadium. that is enough money to build a great football stadium. ithe stadium in amsterdam cost about 90mio and is a very nice stadium. i really hope that the fans will be as near to the field as in england.

    Buy on


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #63
    I have been to the delle alpi last year and I think that a problem of the delle alpi ist that there is nothing around the stadium. it is far away from the downtown, there are no shops, reataurants and other things around the stadium. Fans can only come there, watch the game and go home. I think that much more people will come if there are shops, cinemas, restaurants, a juve-museum and a juve-fanshop around the stadium.
    People could come earlier, go shopping, eat something and visit the museum. The fans would stay much longer at the delle alpi and spend their money there. I have been to the nou camp a few years ago. there are restaurants around the stadium, a barca-museum and a huge fanshop. the fans come hours before the game starts and spend their time there.

    I really think that more fans will come to the new stadium. now the delle alpi is just not a good football stadium and i think that the fans will really enjoy watching games in the new stadium which will be much more comfortable. Ito my mind 45.000 to 50.000 seats would be great.

    The Arif

    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
    IIRC there is a cafe called CAFFE BLACK&WHITE where juventus fans go after juventus' games.

    in which part is that, i don;t know :confused:

    but they must really think building some restaurants at the delle alpi.


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #65
    yes, they just have to make the area around the delle alpi more interesting and offer the fans more. a lot of fans just do not go to the delle alpi because it is hard to get there, there is nothing around and the delle alpi looks rather unfriendly nad cold.


    Senior Member
    Feb 13, 2004
    BTW, Phillip00, I notice you only visiting the forums for the 'New Stadium' thread.
    Why not reply in any other threads?

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