New stadium (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
facts are facts, juve dont pack out their stadium simply because in turin, the majority of people support torino and hate juve. Those packed games at the delle alpi against inter, milan and maybe a CL team in finals isnt enough reason for the stadium to still boast a 55000 plus capacity. I'd personally rather have the stadium pretty much full every week and have great atmosphere for the players and fans. Those big games against inter and milan shuold see the fans get their tickets nice and early, if not, stiff shit, they miss out.

i remember reading that the field will actually move from inside the stadium to the training facility outside. is this true?

And if they bring the seats forward and remove the track, does that mean the people will not have shelter or will they extend the roof somehow? I would like it to be like Ajax's stadium, i think thats a nice stadium.

Buy on


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++

This is gonna sound like a really way out idea.... Have you ever thought of looking at juves official website, where there is plenty of info... even nice little pictures of how it will look for you
Really??? :wth:


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
++ [ originally posted by kurvengeflüster ] ++
imo it's normaly that they reduce seats....why having 55.000 seats and it's only sold out in 2-3 games???? btw when was the Delle Alpi sold out last time?? that's wasting of money and resources...btw it's not very attractive to sponsors to see juve on TV playing in front of empty blocks - least common denominator is money.
Probably vs Real Madrid last season.


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2002
++ [ originally posted by -Z- ] ++
I love what they did to some stadiums in Germany. The Alianz Arena is cool :cool:
But the Allianz Arena isn't finished :D...

I like that less spectators will be in the new stadium, because I hate too see the situation at the moment... Only in top matches are more spectators. So the atmosphere will be great there.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
I dunno i just wish our seating capacity wud be more than 40k. I udnerstad the arena will have an intimaditng effect on visinting teams because of its compactness and the crowd's proximity to the game, but stilll its Juve. The capacity shud be like 75 k atleast imo.


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2004
All of us should move to Turin and raise the average attendance at Juve games so the directors raise the capacity


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #34
    I really hope that they build a great stadium for the fans. The delle alpi looks nice but its not a good stadium for watching football. I hope the stadium will have place for at least 45.000 fans. I know that the average attendance at the moment is between 35.000 and 40.000 but i think that the main reason for the poor attendance is the delle alpi. I know taht the officials at Juve want to have a full stadium with no empty seats but i think that the problem is the delle alpi. The first rows are always empty because the view is so bad from there. In a new stadium the first rows would be the best one and I think nobody would care if a vew seats in the back are empty against smaller opponents. Much more people will come if Juve has a nice football stadium without a running track and with all the shops and cinemas around. To my mind a lot of people will come to the new stadium which do not come to the delle alpi. Look at germany: Most clubs have much more spectators after rebuilding their stadium like Schalke or Hamburg.

    Juve should really build a stadium for the future. I think that 50.000 seats would be great.

    I really can"t understand why it is so hard to find hard facts about the stadium if they really want to start rebuilding the delle alpi in summer. please post links and new information if you find something.

    ps: does anybody know if the new underground the city is building will go to the stadium in a vew years???


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    Again.. if you look through the finance reports on (on the juventus buisness website) there is plenty of info about the stadium


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #37
    I was in turin last april and watched Juve-Roma and turin was building a new underground at the moment. they are doing a lot of things for the olympic winter games in 2006.


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #39
    Thank you!!! A really good page with al lot of interesting information about the stadium and the fans.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    i think that the rduction of the capacity is ok,,,after all..we rarely see 55000 fans in delle alpi.

    and it will look much beter with the stadium packe dof people.

    it will force the fans to buy their tickets earllier if they want to see the game...

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