Nedved is Ballon d'Or winner (3 Viewers)


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003

Unfortunately...we have to live with the fact that many journalists absolutely loath our style and in turn this loathing trickles down to the players. No justification in Baresi or Maldini not winning it in 1994. They whipped Hristo's team(s) twice. When they gave it to Roby it was like pulling teeth for them. Nobody can convince me that Nedved was more crucial than Buffon. You like his style, your awed by his play..fine but don't let your vision be blurred. Paolo was wise enough to know that his time to win it had come and he was denied not because he was not the best player but for other reasons. His comments let it beknown that when they didn't give it to Baresi he really didn't care anymore who got it because it was not indicative of what it claims to be. Ferrara made the same statement saying his good friend (Paolo) "should win it" but "they probably won't give it to him." Our fellow countryman Gianluigi is learning the lesson Gaetano, Paolo and Franco learned....the vowel at the end of your name is an unsurpassable hurdle/obstacle.
Cheers to the Golden Europeans: Paolo and Gianluigi. Jeers for the Spanish, English and French journalists and their spewing of the anti-football theory.

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Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
I don't really think that the "discrimination" is about nationality but about roles.
Golden Ball and all the awards are prizes who are usually winned by spectacular players so fowards or playmaker... that's why Baresi and Maldini never winned it.
Also Roberto Carlos 4 example deserved it last year but Ronaldo winned.


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
I agree that it WAS about this point I think its just the excuse. I'm also not yelling 'discrimination' in the real sense of the word. I think its a point they want to stick to regarding Italian football. In turn it leads to proving their point by any means necessary. i.e. Some feel they would rather vote for someone else rather than the most deserving player.


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Incubo... awarding Nedved they choosed a player from serie A before players of Premier and Liga like Henry and ZZ, so they awarded Italian football.

I also think that Maldini and Baresi deserved the Golden Ball and that Baggio deserved to win it at list one more time but I think it didn't happen 4 bad luck and coincidences not that is cause Italian football has bad consideration...

4 Buffon will be a difficolt "goal" cause he is a goalkeeper but of course I hope that he will be next winner :)

About Nedved I think that nobody can say nothing... maybe there are around other players good and classfuul like him and even more but in the last sesason he really rocked!!!


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
Mate: if they gave it to Henry or Zizou over NEDVED in a year when three italian teams make the final four..then its obvious its a total crack of shite. Did they have a choice. I'm sure some people were not happy with the list they had to choose from but in the end they are journalists. Not giving to someone in Serie A would have been the final straw. But not giving it to an Italian in 10 years..I'm sure it makes some people smile.


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Of course they could not give it to tham cause Pavel deserved it :)

But still I cannot say that there is something unfair or vs Italy. Some years maybe winned somebody who didn't clearely deserved to, but this not happened this year.

IMO Maldini and Baresi (who truly deserved a personal award) never won it cause when they rocked and Milan was winning everything they had the "bad luck" to have in the same team a more spectacular player like Van Basten, Gullit or Weah who got all those satisfations instead of them. Baggio deserved his second Golden Ball in 1994 instead of Stoichkov cause he did better and schowed his superiority in the match vs Bulgaria but he was very unluky cause he arrived second 4 just few votes and cause while Stoickov was the only famos player 4 eastern country, "italian supporters" shared their votes also with Maldini who infact arrived third.
4 the rest, onestly I don't remember any Italian player who can really recriminate on Golden Ball and to be very onest Paolo Rossi 4 example is one of the player who won it more 4 luck and beeing "the right man at the right moment" instead of cause he really deserved it.
And remeber that there are also many not-Italian players who may win and never did like R.Carlos, Raul and others so that's why I don't think that somebody have some problems with Italy...

About Buffon it's just a role thing... 4 goalkeepers is hard to win the Golden Ball, if I'm not wrong it never happened... but I am the first who hope that he will make it.


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2003
her's Pavel coments...

Pavel Nedved is happy to have won the GOlden Ball Award. This is exclusive comment for

"To be honest, I didn't believe I was the winner, anyway I'm quite happy to have this trophy in my hands. I never thought to win this, I was concentrated on winning for my own team. If it would be for me I would bring here all my mates, I'm not the stronger, I'm not a star and it's hard for a man from the East like me to succeed. It was 41 years that a czeck player was the winner of the Golden Ball. I'm keep on walking on my road, trying everyday to improve".


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
I dont believe Pavel deserved it. Not this season anyways. His previous seasons were much better and he deserved it back then.
Btw the award is 4 2003 so include most of last season ;)


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
Henry 2nd again:down:,but let me tell you guys something you wont like but in the same time cant deny.

Henry:in the FIFA award he was 2nd,in the french magazine award Henry was 2nd.
Nedved:in the FIFA award he was 4th,in the french magazine award he was 1st.

count both prizes together and see who is better.;)


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Here we go:

This is from Totti on 'Net Radio' last night:

Francesco Totti still hasn't digested the fact that Nedved won the award. "I don' tthink Nedved deserved to win the Pallon D'or. It should have gone to someone else, someone more entertaining. I did not win, but I won't let it get me down. It will make me work more."

Fukkin Classic.

No class at all. I expected more from him than that, but I guess I was wearing my azzure colored glasses again.


Junior Member
Jul 15, 2002
Whether a player that's awarded is from Italy or not has nothing to say about Italian football, it is whether he plays in Italy and if i remember correctly Zidane also won it when he played for Juve.

I don't remember a keeper ever winning this award and i don't really see it happening in the future. this has nothing to do with Buffon being Italian or not, outside Buffon (and he is a goalkeeper) i don't even know what you guys are complaining about because there is no Italian player who deserved to win the award this year, but i can tell you if next year Totti plays the way he has been playing and he has an amazing Euro 2004 campaign then you will see him win it.

So PLEASE DON'T SPOIL NEDVED's PARTY BY COMPLAINING ABOUT ITALIANS NOT WINNING IT because this is about Nedved and for us it is about Juventus and i don't think only Italians in Juve should win this award.
Aug 1, 2003
The Juventus people celebrates Pavel
22 12 2003
A lot of congratulations for Pavel Nedved and his Golden Ball. Roberto Bettega, Antonio Giraudo, Luciano Moggi and Marcello Lippi express all their happiness.

Roberto Bettega: "This Golden Ball is the crown over a wonderful Juventus season and Pavel has been the most shinning jewel".

Antonio Giraudo: "We are all proud of Nedved. This is the right prize for a guy that has always been a symbol of responsability and fairness. A champions inside and outside the football pitch".

Luciano Moggi: "We are very proud for this wonderful persona success of our Pavel Nedved. This is a great achievement for this fantastic 2003 of Juventus”.

Marcello Lippi: "Nedved has deserved this Golden Ball for all he did this year. Only few players did like he did. He won Scudetto and SuperCup and helped the team to get the Champions League final".
Aug 1, 2003
congrats pavel. i expected maldini to get 2nd, but henry got it :rolleyes:

and i agree with italian footballers being discriminated against. almost everyone hates italian football. how they're capable of hating such good football i do not know.

oh, and totti sucks. why should he win it? roma sunk low last season.

and im very upset pippo inzaghi didnt get the recognition i believe he deserved :D

btw, just now eurosport highlighted nedved's career at club & international level.. he was ever so humble to mention his juve teammates :touched:


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2003
++ [ originally posted by fred weasley ] ++
Henry 2nd again:down:,but let me tell you guys something you wont like but in the same time cant deny.

Henry:in the FIFA award he was 2nd,in the french magazine award Henry was 2nd.
Nedved:in the FIFA award he was 4th,in the french magazine award he was 1st.

count both prizes together and see who is better.;)
oh for gods sake....stop with henry 2nd again. c'mon, henry is YOUNG.... i repeat...henry is YOUNG, he has another 10 years to win both awards. i can be sure he'll win it next year :D but pavel is 31, nearing the end of his career. let's all just cheer for him kay?

and totti can go f&^ck himself..!! :fero:


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by eringi ] ++
Whether a player that's awarded is from Italy or not has nothing to say about Italian football, it is whether he plays in Italy and if i remember correctly Zidane also won it when he played for Juve.

I don't remember a keeper ever winning this award and i don't really see it happening in the future. this has nothing to do with Buffon being Italian or not, outside Buffon (and he is a goalkeeper) i don't even know what you guys are complaining about because there is no Italian player who deserved to win the award this year, but i can tell you if next year Totti plays the way he has been playing and he has an amazing Euro 2004 campaign then you will see him win it.

So PLEASE DON'T SPOIL NEDVED's PARTY BY COMPLAINING ABOUT ITALIANS NOT WINNING IT because this is about Nedved and for us it is about Juventus and i don't think only Italians in Juve should win this award.
You don' t think Maldini should have won it?

Apparently a lot more people than you thought so. And this has nothing to do with players from Italian teams not winning it, it has more to do with Italians not winning it. Whether you want to believe it or not, there is a bias. No Juve fan here is complaining about Neddy winning it. We are all estatic for him. This has nothing to do with him.

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